Hello there, everyone. I'm sure that if you've just stumbled upon this you will no doubt have some questions to ask. This thread is the place for you to post them all. Well... maybe not all of them but do post questions. I shall start by answering a few questions that I think are likely to come up.
Q: What is the Spiral Knights radio play?
A: The Spiral Knights radio play is an audio dramatisation of the Spiral Knights mission campaign.
Q: Who are the people behind the creation of the radio play?
A: The concept of a radio play was created by GFJmember, who originally intended to work on a project with Latisan-Sklay. Many ideas were bounced around but not much was made in the way of progress. Eventually, GFJmember mentioned the project to me and offered to let me revive the project. Latisan is now in charge of all of the editing while I am responsible for scripting and ideas.
Q: How long have you been working on the project for?
A: This iteration of the radio play has been in the works since August.
Q: When can I expect to see the first episode?
A: We currently have several episodes already planned or completely scripted. However, we cannot actually create these episodes until we have the necessary voice actors for the job.
Q: How can I help?
A: If you have any ideas, we will be more than happy to take them into consideration. If you think that you can help with voices or know someone that can, please do not hesitate to let us know. Spreading the word by letting other people know about the radio play is a big help and we really appreciate it.
Q: Are there any requirements for voice acting?
A: You are obviously going to need a microphone of some description. We are not too concerned about microphone quality. Our only real request is that your voice is audible.
Q: Who can I be?
A: We intend to have a few main characters, who will appear in almost every episode. If that's too much work for you, we will also have some semi-recurring and one-off characters. The list of characters can be found in the post below. Please contact me if you are interested in voicing.
Q: How can I contact you guys?
A: To contact me you can send an in-game message to me (Sir-Greenlink). You can also add me on Steam (GreenLink93) or Skype (also GreenLink93). Feel free to approach me if you see me. I may or may not bite you so please proceed with caution...
Thank you for taking the time to read through these questions. I hope to hear from you soon.
Stuff you should check out
Struggling to wait for an episode? Here's some other things that you should probably go check out in the meantime:
The Arsenal Podcast - The Arsenal Podcast is hosted by Latisan-Sklay (this show's editor) as well as his friends Zangrious and Lord-Hood. If you want to listen to people talk about Spiral Knights (and other stuff) then this is probably for you. You can join the live recording of the show every Sunday. Be wary of shenanigans. http://www.sklayelite.com/arsenal
Spiral Knights Anime - Targeting a similar audience, a friend of mine (Serjinxable/Solotron) has been hard at work on an animation series. Using nothing but Spiral Spy, he tells an interesting story that is certainly worth checking out. http://www.youtube.com/serjinxable
Here is a list of characters within the radio play as well as a few notes and some lines for you to practice. This thread will be updated whenever a position is filled:
Main cast (names courtesy of Tevokkia) Each of the characters can be of either gender
Filatov - The sword user and paladin. They're the leader of the crew, aware of their strengths but know their limits. (position filled by Tevokkia)
Kemen - A hybrid (uses different weapon types). They knew Filatov before the crash. Sometimes they can be rather arrogant and brash, often wanting to run on their own abilities. More capable than Filatov. They have a rivalry comparable to the likes of Ash and Gary (Pokemon series). (position filled by Magnum-Frost)
Rin - The gunner. They the more distant one of the group. Others are often seen as liabilities to them. They have a fear of greavers. (position filled by
Tanis - The bomber. Mad. Insane. Enough said.
'I decided to have a look at it myself but this is one astounding piece of technology that I just can’t understand. I’d love to be able to reverse engineer this little baby.'
'When do we get to the action? I just wanna explode some stuff.'
'Oh hey there. The name’s Tanis. I’m a technician you see! I solve problems you see. Not problems like “What is beauty?” because that would fall within your purview of philosophy. I solve practical problems. Like “How am I going to get rid of a big rock in the middle of the road?” The answer: Use explosives! KABLOOEY!'
Semi-recurring characters
Rhendon - A knight that helps others find their way to the rescue camp. Similar in character to Filatov but more relaxed and less jovial. (position filled by Magnum-Frost)
Kora - Intel at Spiral HQ. Informs knights and sets various missions for them. Can be a little scatterbrained at times. (position filled by Haayleey)
Captain Ozlo - This man tried to remain formal but is easily excited. He will sometimes make important announcements. (position filled by Magnum-Frost)
Lieutenant Feron - An organised knight responsible for many of the plans of the Spiral Order. (position filled by Sol-Ether)
Other characters (the personalities of these characters are entirely open to interpretation)
Squad Leader Greta (rescue camp)
'Welcome to the Rescue Camp, knights. I am Squad Leader Greta and it is a pleasure to meet you. Please, make yourself feel at home. Well.. at least, that is what I would say if we actually had power.'
Schemer Razwog (Gremlin) (position filled by Thinslayer)
Biotech Morlin
Biotech Hahn
Chief Geo Knight Wegner
More voice roles are likely to pop up during the future but these are all that we will probably need for the next few episodes.
Feel free to discuss the characters below.