(Apps accepted. Just continue the story :D)
Gorian, governor of Ouli, stood at his tower. It was beautiful this time of Spring, and the soft blossoms rippled through the air. Snipes danced and cooed each other with their mating song. He stared down. Ouli was prospering, with the ancient strangers and merchants keeping the economy alive as more and more people began a happier life.
Ouli, the small town, stood on the outer circle of the Almirian Ring. Neighboring towns such as Rickin'op and Furin cornered the circle and kept the wicked forces at bay. Infernal creatures, hostile beasts and gremlins did not even dared to attack the Ring. Even mysterious King Tinkinzar, who just succeeded his father's gremlin throne, was cautious not to disturb the Holy Order of Almire. It was always up to the outer towns to keep the forces at bay and to establish negotiations.
In the middle of the Ring lies the Firestorm Citadel, there the great ruler Vanaduke reigns, making sure law and order is dealt. It was only to his most recent proclamation the economy been so good. Contact has been made between Moorcraft Manor, the undead hotel and trade has quickened. Gorian stared for a long while, until he grew tired of the sight. He began his long descent down the stairs and went to his study room. He was the military manager of the Legion, due to his long years of experience of defending.
The Legion consisted of huge armies of Holy Crusaders and great Dreadnaughts that struck fear into any army. Even though Almire had a massive and powerful army, it suffered a vast weakness. It did not have upcoming technology. Compared to the ice fiendish city of Amu-Sol, Almire lacked magical power. Compared with the gremlins of the Crimson Order, Almire lacked incredible technology. Almire only exceeded the power of the Jelly Kingdom and the Emberlight Rebels.
The Emberlight Rebels were just made, inhabiting Emberlight town itself. Emberlight was originally a gremlin base for weapons and technological development, but some gremlin rebels took it over and decided they shall not follow the rule of their King. Lord Vanaduke himself assumed that they will not last long against the Order, but he doesn't care. Gorian sniffed.
He thought it was really selfish of Vanaduke to not care for the rebels. Even though they are an opposing force, even gremlin outcasts should not die. This was exactly why Gorian decided to take matter into his own hands. By secretly using his army and taking his status as his advantage, he could probably use the Legion just a little bit and.... Nah, what a thought! How could he possibly do that?! Vanaduke would never approve! Nor would any of the other governors and great generals.... Plus, so many people reminded him that they should not meddle with the affairs of another nation....
He then dimmed his torch and thought for a long while. Perhaps....
The perfect plan came to his head.
(Continue from here!)
The Fall of Almire (apps) {Fan Fic} [Needs to continue story]
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 19:15

Love it, and I'm hoping for more. You might find that, while it is different, my fan-fic shares some common grounds (Mainly, that it's in the time of almire's fall). I'll just leave a link below... Also, remind me to make an app at some point. =)