øøø BUYING SHOCK HIGH Wolver/Dusker/Ash Tail/Skolver Cap! øøø

your b/o is 75k if im not wrong , but could u wait till this saturday? (2 days from now)
(but there is a chance i might be able to get online tomorrow

I'll hold onto it for you until Saturday

Im sort of wondering
is the tails tails still avaliable?
if so i would like to reserve it
the price can be negiotable

um i was never selling a tails tails...

Added buyout/current offer to grand solstice ring

Hi there Hades. Very interested in the gran faust. Can you go 13k ce? Mail me in game. IGN: Demete

Hey Hades, I have a Sealed Sword ASI VH for sale. If you're interested, add me in game and we'll discuss the price :)

Awesome! I am very interested :D I'll message you when I log on later today
Hello there :) I would like to buy the asi VH FF from you :) if you can message me in game that would be great! :D
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