Read the intro, the knights haven't left their home planet yet so they can't be on the spiral world and some characters already dual wield...
Fantasy Battles RP

((OOC: This is a bit of extension of the original post since Pipipipipi hasn't been posting yet...))
Lina started to look around the forest and couldn't remember how to get back. As she was trying to think, another morai bandit knocked her down and started to hit her. She started to cry and screamed but as soon as she did, the bandit threw her into a tree and pulled out a blade and slowly walked foward to kill her...

The rate of this going (Which is 2-4 posts a day...) this will be going to the graveyard...

So to recap... I am waiting on Pipipipipi. Deadly is waiting for someone to talk to him and Creeper is waiting for Sandwich...
Also, if it continues like this, like Creeper said, it would be graveyarded...

I didn't notice. :P
"Well, those humans are worse than cockroaches; no matter how many you kill, you always see more on the next hill. I'm starting to wonder if they clone themselves, since they're practically everywhere. Believe me, I've tried in the past to wipe out cities. Lava. Avalanches. Robots. But it never worked, because there were just too many of them! But if we work together, perhaps we can get a better plan going."

When Syrus heard the word "Robots", he said "Wait, if you used robots, there is a possibility that one of them was created by those humans who directed them to safety when you didn't notice." Syrus tried to find a robotic suit but was missing and said "Well, seems like someone robbed me from my robot suit. I don't think a Morai would do that but who knows."
Syrus then said "I think you might have figured this out by now but I am a "little" bit crazy..." He looks at his sword which had a dent in it and then said "So, where should we plan this idea but if you try and betray me, I can kill you very quickly."

((Sorry, I got school :P))
Lance then heard a screaming noise, which probally meant someone was in trouble and there was something he could kill, so he rushed towards where the sound is coming from, to see a woman being attacked by a Morai bandit which he then unloaded several bullets into (The Morai, not Lina)

Lina hears something in the distance which sounded like gun shots which seemed to hurt the Morai and seemed to get it's attention. Lina saw a bandage which didn't roll much and she slowly tried to bandage her cuts but it wasn't doing much good. Lina was able to stand back up and stabbed the Morai where the heart would be with one of her shortened blades.
Lina looked in the direction where the gunshots came from and saw someone and said "Thanks for saving me." Lina felt a sharp pain which made her fall onto the ground again. She then put the blade away and said "I don't know why all the Morai bandits are after me and do you know anywhere safe I could go?"

Leon was being followed. He could feel his instincts screaming at him to run, but run he did not. No, he was safe.
He was safe in the massive crowds that had congregated in front of the Order's HQ, a stadium turned fortress that was the essential capital of the resistance against his kind.
Not that it was of any significant use this time. He was definitely being tailed by two Morai, two younger blooded people about the age of 14. From the look of it, siblings or lovers or very, very god partners. In sync they walked, each step as muffled as a corpse under sixty feet of loam. But Leon could still hear it. He could still hear it.
He was more seasoned than they were, after all. Had they sent someone at nineteen years of age to apprehend Leon, he may have very well have been fooled by the crowds himself. But they weren't even a year beneath him, mere children sent to apprehend an elder with more experience under his belt than most. After all, fighting another elder was a task almost unheard off, save for Leon himself when he had slain the smarter Frederick.
The Power Suit guards were watching all three, he could tell. Even without his enhanced vision active, he could see their usually pivoting heads pinpointing to three different spots in the crowd.
So he would be found out. Hm...if there was a way to claim your allegiance without killing anybody....
Serenia was quite the place to be in as a Morai.

As Liam was walking back to spiralHQ to end his guard duty. he notices that some other knights are watching three people in particular.
"Whats so suspicious about those three?" The other knight: well it looks as if those two people right there (the 2 morai) are tailing that person over there (pointing at leon). And this is were it gets weird the power armor that all three are wearing is not registert spiral knights power armor, its home made.
At this point Liam knows what has to be done, all three of them could be morai. he slowly walks up to the two who were following and calmly says: You two. come with me inside spiralHQ, Thats an order.

OOC : How do you want this battle to play out? Through a die roll, or through a coin flip?

i think so he specifically said that they were 14 years old just like your morai brothers. so yes i think we have a match :P

(OOC so how is this gonna work with a a coin flip or a dice roll? and do we get a third person to do it so that there little to no chance that someone is being dishonest?)

Well... I can't do anything for reasons...
Lina is waiting for Pipipipipi's character
I am not the only one though because Creeper is waiting on Sandwich...

We be this thing, you know? It's called a human. Besides, I was thinking of a way to combat Syrus's threat.
Eridan chuckled. This was going to be quite a whirlwind adventure.
Now all we need is a pet of some kind, and we're set for the novels.
"I don't think that'll be a problem, Syrus."
"However, should we battle, I must warn you..."
The crafty person held open a flap of his jacket, exposing a nasty assortment of acid, flash, and smoke bombs, to say nothing of mechanical contraptions that would hold anyone in place for no short amount of time.
"I don't fight fair. Now, come on, my plans are at my house. I've created too many to memorize. But first, I think you'll need a better weapon than that broken sword you have. Check your left pocket." Eridan winked. He had snuck a wickedly bladed foldable dagger in there undetected.

Eridan's items seemed dangerous but wouldn't be much of a problem unless he threw it at his tail (On his main body). As Syrus was following Eridan to his house, he checked his pocket and found a dagger. He looked at it and then his main sword. Syrus thought "It might be useful but I am used to range for my sword then daggers."
Syrus started to wonder something "Where did Leviathan go? I heard he might be sent with her brother but she would be useful to our plans." Syrus then put the dagger away and continued to look at his sword on the way there...

"Serenia is nearby," said Lance as he then pointed towards where Serenia is, "it should be safe there."

OOC: Did Ignie and Leviathan get accepted yet? I don't think they did.


I feel a bit bad having the story this developed without me writing app descriptions+backstory

I'm so sorry Vinnydime it was not my place to verify if you were hinting at someone else's characters.
i will delete the posts.

((OOC: Deleted the posts with those 2...))
Lina thanked the person and got back up but she felt dizzy and sick. As Lina was walking into the direction of the city, she fell on the ground and was then sick. She thought "Why is nothing going right for me..." She managed to get back up but fainted a minute later but if they had a good eye, they could see a hand just out of the forest...

Blaine had reached the Rock formation he had spotted one day earlier. It was clear to him that its natural beauty was astounding, and could outmatch any scene that he could recall from any tours. However, despite the splendour and amazement of the situation he found himself in, he noticed one key element to the area.
There was nothing there.
There were some rocks, some pools of water which he had filled Canteens with, and some spurts of dune grass. But this wall all that covered the area. With a look, devoid of any interest in the slightest, the renegade looked around from a high rock. A formation of lights could be seen on the horizon, resembling some sort of city. He began to contemplate the Pros & Cons of what he could gain from going to such a place.
"Alright, Pros...There'd be Food and Supplies. But then I haven't any currency. There could be allies...but then both sides, Isoran AND Morai commanders, both want my head for reasons I still cant understand. The Morai I guess, but my own guys, nope, beyond me. Maybe there could be other lone rangers...But in a city? Nah. And if it IS a Morai city, I'd stick out alot".
Blaine looked over to his robotic arm, as he opened and clenched his fist with robotic sounds eminating from around the limb.
"...I'd stick out a bit...".
He finally decided to get near to the city, but stay on the outskirts. Maybe he'd find some people who weren't fond of either side like himself? It was better than staying on his own perhaps. Talking to yourself couldn't be healthy, no matter how much you tried to justify it. He made one last check before descending down the rockface, and trekking toward the city.

Name: Eve
Physiology: 12, Female and has an orb on her head which if smashed, kills her instantly. (Similar to Syrus's tail)
Race: Morai
Role: Originally villain but now is undecided
Fighting style: Her two robotic floating orbs act like bombs but can be used as a shield and sword, rarely counters and uses strategy to attack.
Personality: Smart, can be kind, sometimes distant, rarely opens up to anyone, patient and rarely scared.
Biography: Eve was created by the smart Morai's sent to defeat the Humans however, after the 3rd city was destroyed. Eve started to malfunction and started to lose interest in killing Humans but this also affected her knowledge with Morai. When they where preparing to strike another city, the leader knocked her down so the other Morai's could kill her.
However, when her orb was almost shattered, she picked up 2 orbs and slapped the Morai's which made them retreat. Eve stumbled in the city until she got to the only safe part in the town, she slowly repaired her orb in her head and modified her own orbs so she could be better at fighting.
After a few years, she got used to the Morai's ambushes which tried to kill her. She always survived and just wondered around for something to do...
((OOC: I need to wait for Thin to validate this app so Edolas has something to do...))

The character looks sufficiently humanoid that she doesn't need to be robotic.

I modified it so it's just a Morai but I am not sure if it's been accepted yet...

OOC: there is still a fight to be had so i think it would be the easiest to do a coin flip.
If tails: i get gravely injured but the morai have to retreat since this is happening in front of SpiralHQ.
If heads: i manage to keep them down long enough for them to get captured by the other knights. (but not really wounded)
If this doesn't seem fair to you i would be happy to hear what you prepose.

Yeah, that sounds fair enough since Morai's are stronger then humans and there are 2 of them. Besides, it will allow my character more interaction since Eve is still being re-validated...

As Dr Loop was finishing building his Robot, he decided to send it on a quest to get some more remedy leaves since we where running low on remedy pills. Dr Loop activated the robot and told it to go to the nearby forest and bring back some remedy leaves.
After 5 minutes, Dr Loop collected everything he needed to create the pills with the exception of the leaves but he saw his robot coming back with a human... The robot put her down on a bed and Dr Loop was surprised and told the silver robot "Well, thanks for saving someone. Next goal is to collect those remedy leaves again." The robot leaves for the forest again as Dr Loop looked at the injured woman.
((OOC: This is a break section, Pipipipipi can see the silver robot collecting the leaves and can decide if he was a threat or not and this next part has dialogue from me and robo's character (Lina) since we discussed this in-game.))
Dr Loop did a full check and saw a really deep cut and sealed it up so it wouldn't hurt her anymore. Dr Loop bandaged the deeper cuts while cleaning up the smaller ones. Once he was done, he took out a health pill and slowly injected it in her so she would get better faster.
After a while, she started to wake up and said "W-w-where am I?" Dr Loop walked over and said "You are in Serenia City, this is where most of the humans are. My name is Dr Loop, as the name says, I am the doctor and what's your name?" The woman said "My name is Lina, I am a thief who steals from Morai's but I have been getting attacked by Morai Bandits which explains my bad condition from before."
Dr Loop said "You had a lot of cuts, some where really deep while others where light. It's just lucky my robot that I made found you because you wouldn't have survived much longer." Lina then said "I am thankful though and I should be safe here until I recover... right?" Dr Loop then said "This place is safe, even if Morai's come, they get ambushed by all the knights so don't worry but you should rest for a day at least." Lina then said "Thanks for the advice, I will just go to sleep."
((OOC 2: This is where Eve come in.))
As Eve was walking around through Morlok, a Morai bandit tried to ambush her but she easily countered him and made him retreat. She went to the city gates and thought she could she someone coming towards the city but... they didn't look like a Morai or a Morai creation. Eve didn't really mind but if it is a human, they are making a mistake coming here, not by me but the others especially if Syrus finds this out.
Eve left the city and walked by the person saying something quietly "I would turn back, if you advance any farther, you will most likely die." Eve then advanced farther past the city but stopped by a wall...
((OOC 3: The person Eve walked by was Edolas's character.))

Well this is not a story post (Never made an app xD). Just letting you all know I am quite alive and watching. Its interesting but...well ya I won't be rude, I hate being rude ._. Still I am enjoying some of the posts.

"There seems to be a robot colecting some stuff," Lance whispered, "I think I should follow it to see if it is a Morai robot or human." Lance then started stealthily following the silver robot.

OOC : I propose a six-degree outcome :
1 : Both Liam and my character are heavily injured. No profit out of this. The two Morai evade capture.
2 : Leon is injured; Liam is not. The two Morai evade capture.
3. : Neither are injured. The two Morai evade capture.
4 : One of the Morai is injured. They both evade capture.
5 : One of the Morai is injured and captured (can have equipment confiscated). The other escapes.
6 : One of the Morai is outright killed (can be looted for equipment, can be taken to Dr. Loop for some unconventional, unethical things). The other is heavily injured, and can be captured.

OOC: sounds like a good idea. now we just need someone to roll the dice.

After a few more minutes, the robot came back and placed a lot of remedy leaves on the table with the other ingredients. He checked the robot's condition and it seems to be a weak attacker (Proto gun on Vanaduke), bad resistance to attacks (Full proto armor in Vanaduke) but it's speed seemed to be extraordinarily fast.
Dr Loop started to make the pills and after a few minutes, created lots of remedy pills and started to make plans on making a more stable robot. The parts would be more rarer but be more effective.
A perfect 6 on the first try!
He could hear them now, dancing and weaving through the crowd, closer and closer they went towards Leon, closer to danger, closer to death.
As they were both ready, he was too.
And so was Liam.
Liam had now brandished his sword, a dangerously large sealed blade to those with and without Power Suits. Sealed away it was, now a relic that could lend itself to the user's desires...when the time was right.
And so as the proximity between all of them closed, Liam tried to give them one last chance to live :
"Mind coming with me to HQ?" he asked the two hooded figures.
They rejected his offer with a simultaneous straight kick to him. Quickly, Liam heaved up his giant blade to block the attack, and slid across the cobble streets for a few feet. Then they lowered their feet, and turned their attention towards him.
Looks like it would be a rough fight...if Leon hadn't taken the opportunity to slip on his cestuses and deliver a bone-breaking blow to one of the Morai's spines. That was confirmed as Liam heard through his audio channels a loud cacophony of snaps. A loud cry was heard from the injured Morai collapsed to his knees, causing the other to turn and scream out one heart-wrenching word :
The voice was no less coming from a girl.
As she cried this out, she was met with a square kick in the chest, which sent her flying away into the crowd. The other Morai, the one who broke his back, took advantage of the luxury of time to grab Leon by the cloak, and after a few seconds worth of wrestling, managed to throw down Leon to the floor. The Morai then hoisted himself on top of Leon, his fingers wrapped around his throat.
There would be much regret to take the life of another person, but that regret would come later. It could come later than as Liam swung, rending through the enemy Morai's ribcage and lung. It would come later as he heard the screams of his falling enemy. It would come later as the sister Morai screamed and pleaded no as she watched her brother die.
But guilt would come.
Leon shoved off the gravely injured Morai from him, and nodded in thanks to him. There wasn't anything to suggest this man was different from most humans, yet there he was, fighting alongside Liam against two Morai.
And Leon walked slowly over to the screaming Morai girl, and wrapped his fingers tight around her throat.
After slamming her head hard against the pavement, he let go. Silence were her cries now; but the crimson streams of life still ebbed out of a wound on the back of her head.
"...that's enough," Leon said to himself.
"...sir, it appears you're one of the Order's. Well, I thank you for helping me protect Isora. Is...was this young man your first Morai?"
As Leon asks this, he pulls down the dead Morai's hood. A young, fourteen year old boy, short haired brunette and blue eyed, and handsome for his age... was just a kid that the Morai was. The Morai lying here was a kid, a fourteen year old adolescent who had fought for his ideals.
And with the help of Leon, Liam had ended him.

"Yes... yes he was.
I always imagined the morai to be more..... you know "evil looking"
Liam now turns away from the dead morai towards leon.
"he are you alright? they seemed to be after you, but don't worry though when it comes to morai this the safest place to be."
Liam say's with a smile already forgotten that just before the fighting leon was a suspect as well.

Blaine was heading toward the city, assuring himself everything would go smoothly, even though he was sure that it woudn't. A small-ish figure appeared out of the city gates, and was heading in his direction. Blaine squinted while still slowly working forward. The figure was Morai, though seemed quite young considering.
He tensed up, expecting an incoming fight to the death, when all he met his way was advice he didnt ask for:
"I would turn back, if you advance any farther, you will most likely die."
Blaine froze in his awkward tensed up stance to double take on what had just happened. Had he seen a Morai, who had not even raised a finger to him, gave him friendly advice, and then walk away from him, not attacking him still?
"I must be seeing things...Dehydration, that must be it". Blaine took a few swigs from his canteen, and breathed a sigh of exasperation feeling quenched after doing so. He looked back toward a near-by wall, and saw the figure stood up against it. His expression took on that of suprise, after slowly turning away from the young Morai and headed into the slums outside of the main city.

As Syrus was following Eridan, he saw a figure that wasn't a Morai and said "Finally, a human to kill! It's been a long time I have killed one!" Syrus pulled out the dagger he got and tossed it towards the human hoping to hit him. He then started to run towards him preparing for battle...

Eve turned around and saw the human slowly advancing towards the city but was in the slums. Eve saw something that made her worried as she saw Syrus. Eve started to run back to the human while taking out her 2 orbs fixing them into a shield. As she got closer, she saw a dagger flying towards the human which made Eve pick up the pace.
Eve went in front of the human and pulled up her shield to deflect the dagger but the foe Syrus was still coming and she told the human "I did warn you, you shouldn't fight here unless you want to be ambushed by tons of Morai's." She quickly disassembled her orb shield into her 2 orbs again. She then quickly fused them together into a orb sword.
Eve then said to the human again "Run, I will delay Syrus."
((OOC: For battle:
Heads for me to win and Syrus runs back injured. However, Eve is now wanted by all the Morai's just like she was a human
Tails for Syrus to win leaving Eve close to death but Blaine rescues her. Also, I would do it myself but I am bad at making battles...))

OOC: I'll do the combat scene, if you like. Eridan doesn't exactly know the people yet, so if Syrus starts getting beaten up, he's just going to run back to his home. Safety first, if you're planning on genocide.
Eridan whipped around, a flash grenade in his right hand. He yelled to Syrus,
"Look out!"
Throwing the flash blast, he quickly drew out his prototype energy gun, taking aim at the two who Syrus was facing.

((OOC: Well, as long as you can show the results fairly for the battle results...))
As Eve was preparing for the fight, she heard someone saying to watch out and she jumped just in front of the human to absorb the grenade. When it exploded, it blinded her but the human from behind wouldn't have been affected.
First of all why don't you guys make in spiral knight, The the surface open world.Then make a charater that can hold two swords.