Interesting. App accepted!
Fantasy Battles RP

I don't mind if Lance comes in the direction of Aisha
Side note, I have an idea for much later on but it's a tower and every floor you enter requires you to fight a boss. Sometimes, you need to fight more then 1 though making it much harder. If you want, I could supply the bosses. Also, this place is invisible to people who can't use darkness so you need Aisha to enter the boss rush tower.

Isnt that just the basis of almost every dungeon crawl?
Or the idea of SAO in its entirety?

I am only waiting for your character to post Edolas...
Huh, very quiet today...

My character is in a convoy of caravans, healing up, not really near anyone at all.
Not sure why you'd be waiting on me.

((Aisha has come across your character, that's why Robo is waiting on you))
Lance was wandering the forest as always looking for something to fight when suddenly, he smelled vegetable soup, all that looking for a fight has made him hungry, so he quietly snuck over to where the smell is coming from.

I more then likely should have put the app up here. But ya, I did not want to use too much space as it was. So mah. Apps up.

I think she could be deeper than just loving fire;
Perhaps she was tempted by a terrible liar
And lost a poor loved one to die by a flame!
Long ever since, she was never the same.

True, it would be nice and would have a deeper meaning. But in the interest of topics, I could shift it from a lover (Because she is a woman got to have backstory like dis [can't have a crazy woman ._.]), to a family member. I don't know, she seems more to me at least, to be some one who does not care about those kinds of ties. And there are people who truly do think like this.
They don't care about others whole lot. Even a villain has some one he/she cares for. Its a human emotion to carry and it helps and enders us. However as I stated, there are those who truly don't care. Backed this up that in most cases of Pyromaniacs being female, they would rather have no lovers, families, or in rare cases, have tried to kill there own families just to fuel there habit.
I am not saying you have a bad idea, she could be deeper I will work on it if need be. But for what I see of her, getting too deep, trying to add something she does not need or even care about, is just dead detail. (Unneeded Detail for simple terms.) :/

Blaine woke from an extended nap, and noticed that the caravan he had been resting in was moving at a slow and steady pace. He lurched upward, and flinched as he hit his bandaged arm on a crate. Wincing, he pulled his arm down onto his lap, making sure it wouldn't impact any other obstacles. On closer inspection, the bandges seemed to be getting quite old and tinged, making him wonder how long he had been out. Reaching into his satchel, he found a sparse few supplies remaining to re-treat his arm. Getting to work, he removed the old to reveal an improved arm. Some burn wounds remained, and some of the flesh had yet to patch and repair, but it was better than what looked like a zombie like before. Using up the rest of his supplies, he put the near-empty box back into his satchel. Blaine propped himself up with his robotic arm, and looked down the length of the caravan to the front.
Netting was strewn across packed crates, which seemed to house various cargo. Food, Metals, Military supplies. It was all there. Blaine hoped to find the medical stores however. There may even be better things than field medic grade items, depending on where the caravan was going. There was an odd aroma coming from very close by however. It seemed to resemble the smell of...soup? Blaine peered carfeully into the next caravan and saw someone making repairs on some kind of staff, while a pot of soup was being kept on a boil, and bowls of served soup were steaming away. There were hardly any bionic implants or anything, but how on isoran was a Human able to park a Caravan so close to a Morai city without being killed? Blaine cleared his throat, announcing himself over leaning on a crate with his robotic arm.
" you come here often?".

I think the boss rush tower is an exclusive for a team with Aisha since she has some darkness and the tower is invisible to anyone without it.
This is a rough idea for the bosses and arenas while I am waiting.
Floor 1/Tier 1: Herobrine and spirit of Lord Vanaduke (I know what you are thinking, he is an cradle exclusive but this spirit could be from him just dying in Cradle.) Arena is a round circle with lava around it, when the bosses die, the bridge comes down so they can advanced to the next floor.
Floor 2/Tier 2: Clone's of Dr Loop's robots. Arena is the Roarmulus Twins place in Cradle except no barriers.
Floor 3/Tier 3: Primal. The arena is similar to the Royal Jelly's lair except without the barricades or the jelly.
Floor 4/Tier 4/Shadow Clones: The arena is a darkened room with the clones having the advantage.
Floor 5/Tier5/Pinnacle: Shadow Master (Final Boss of the tower) A circle arena that occasionally has lightning coming down.
Also, Everyone floor, a boss drops a dark crystal which gives Aisha a new skill or improves her stats.
Anyways, for bosses, the bosses will have personality, fighting style and an appearance
Fighting style: He gets close to the heroes and punches them down before jumping onto them and launching a fireball onto the heroes head. If he gets hit 3 times in a row, if they try to hit them again, he will teleport behind them and punch them to the edge. Drops dark crystal that contains Teleport.
Personality: Silent, checks foes before attacking and intelligent.
Fighting style: Like the original Vanaduke but doesn't summon guards or drops fire or goes to his mask form.
Personality: Like the original Lord Vanaduke
Tier 2 bosses are the same as Dr Loops robots including a future version.
Dark Silver
Dark Mecha
Dark Metal
Fighting style: Dark Silver distracts the heroes with his speed because of it's bad attack. Dark Mecha attacks them by his claws or by curling in a spike ball and speeding towards them when distracted by Dark Silver and Dark Metal can attack them, similar to Dark Mecha when the heroes are distracted by Dark Mecha or distract them himself and can copy heroes moves. Dark Metal drops Dark Crystal containing increased speed.
Personality: Silver is a bit bland and isn't smart, Mecha is aggressive and Metal is smart and plans attacks.
Tier 3 is the previous owner of the tower but got taken over by the new boss.
Primal's appearance
Fighting style: Because of his size, he will try to crush his foes but if he misses, he will try and slash at them. After he is half defeated, he will activate his signature move "Dark Time Roar" which is very hard to avoid and hits everyone on the floor. Drops Dark Crystal containing defense and helps the heroes take back the tower so it doesn't happen again.
Personality: Aggressive, wants revenge on the boss who defeated him, crazy from darkness and becomes smart when he gets purified.
Tier 4 is a clone floor similar to Tier 2. As a side note, these clones are me, Edolas, Pipipipipi and Primal but this can be modified. It's only the current party + Primal after the 3rd floor.
Shadow clone Aisha's appearance
Shadow clone Blaine's appearance
Shadow clone Lance's appearance (Bottom right since I don't know how snip works)
Shadow clone Primal's appearance
Shadow clone Eve's appearance
Fighting style: The clones fight like their original counterparts except with increased attack. When the final shadow clone dies, they drop a dark crystal containing increased attack.
Personality: Like their original counterparts except slightly smarter.
Tier 5 boss is the new boss of the tower
Shadow Master "Malevolent" appearance's
Fighting style: He teleports around launching dark orbs, planting dark traps that trap heroes. He can absorb darkness when they are trapped which heals him. When he's about to die, he will shield himself in darkness making it impossible to kill him unless someone absorbs it all. When he dies, he drops Primal's crown and a final dark crystal which gives prevents Aisha from fainting with the darkness.
Personality: Smart, plans things ahead, patient, and waits for the heroes to move first.
((OOC: Remember, this is just an idea and if anyone is with Aisha when the boss/es die, they get fully healed. Modified it since Eve has joined now and I will try to do the first battle...))

Alright, I will take a moment to ajust the study. Nice find by the way. Still don't want her to have a lover...just not right.

Aisha poured the soup into the bowl and said to the human "This is actually my home, Morai's just think I am one of them." She gives a bowl of soup to the person. She then said "My name is Aisha and my life has been rough because of the Morai's. I got caught by them and was being tortured and when my parents tried to rescue me... will... they died."
She sat down on a chair and started to have her soup. Aisha then said to the human when she was ready "What's your name and how did you get here?" Aisha then thought she heard something and said to the human "Wait, give me a minute" Aisha then quickly looked outside to see another human. She then said to the other human "Get inside quickly, Morai's often walk by and you need to get to safety."
Aisha then took the person by the hand and pulled him inside the caravan safety before closing the door. She then said to both humans "Right, we should be safe now. Also, what's your name and would you like some soup?"
((OOC: The character outside is Pipipipipi's character))

Blaine nodded in thanks, and took the bowl from her. He brought it up to his mouth using his robotic arm, and took a couple of small sips before resting it down into a crate. He cleared his throat again, and introduced himself to the two.
"Name's Blaine. Im an Officer for the Spiral Order, sent here for a recon mission which went a bit foul. I hitched into this caravan to heal my wounds and patch myself up, hope it's alright".
Blaine couldn't trust them enough to tell them he was a Renegade just yet. He had no idea how honourable they were to the Spiral Order Command, and if they knew of his order for arrest. It wasn't all lies though. He was an officer before he was turned on by his own command. His mission to the city was Recon to find if there was anyone in the slums to help him find supplies, with enough scorn for the Morai to not care if he was human, just for some pay. That obviously went bad.
Blain picked up the soup on the side, and warmed his hands as he held it, keeping an eye on the two as he sipped.

Aisha heard the person and said "It's fine, just heal up but try to avoid doing stuff that Morai's won't do otherwise there could be problems." Aisha walks over to her bed and pulled out a safe and turned it around to open it but it was stuck. Aisha sighed and tried to launch a fireball at it but the dark orb went instead and it opened the safe up.
However, once the dark orb hit the safe, some of the darkness started to swirl around her as she pulled out a map. Aisha looked and said "Looks like I have a long distance to go before I reach my location..." The map shows a tower and everything else past Morlok. Aisha then said "In fact, I might not even be alive just now if a certain Morai threw a darkness potion at me but it's my curse now..."
Aisha looked like she was going to cry but held it back but a teardrop managed to come back out.

((Ah derp, my post was deleted, I'm going to say what I said om the (())
the final boss moved up a tier and 4 changed to shadow clones of the party that only resist what the clone is of resists and damages with what the clone cloned weapon))
Lance decided to stay after a while of thinking.
"My name is Lance," he said

Aisha heard the other person's name and said "I will be leaving soon to go North, past Morlok to see what's happening around a tower." Aisha hands a bowl of vegetable soup to Lance and noticed saw something hiding under her bed. She prepared her fireball and launched it under the bed revealing a Morai.
It screamed in pain and it tried to throw it's sword but Aisha blocked it and it managed to launch another dark orb which killed the Morai. The darkness around Aisha was much more and it was thicker. She started to feel dizzy and accidentally fell onto the ground. Aisha then said "I am getting unlucky with these dark orbs, if one more appears, I will faint..."
Aisha stands back up and looked at the map again.

Well it happened...I went and looked up my problems and went to a doctor...I have Pyromania. I have a more controlled level of it...Go figure...

"Hey, why did you not let me attack him?" Lance said as he started eating the soup.

Aisha hears Lance complaining and she said "Look at it this way, by the time you got there, the Morai would have hurt me or Blaine or both of us. Besides, even if it didn't want to attack, if it escaped to Morlok and told the other Morai's, we would have been killed in a few minutes." Aisha put the map away before she started to stumble because of the darkness around her and fainted when she hit the ground...

Thin, I think it's time to graveyard this because no-one is posting on it...

people are still here, and I also got a shadow clone picture of Lance, let me go get it
He's the one in the bottom right of course
anouther app cuz reasons
Name: Yuga
Appearance: here
Physiology: 15
Race: Morai
Role: Villian
Fighting style: Preferes to be tricky, uses wands
Personality: Likes perfection and paintings, thinks knights are ugly
Biography: He was always good at painting and magic, he was so good at the 2 that he became able to morph into a painting on the wall using magic. He has always thought of knights as ugly smuges on the portrait of life, and wants to wipe out all the knights to get rid of the uglyness
sorry for the lack of stuff in the app

Aisha stood back up with the darkness gone and it seemed like they forgot about her. Aisha stood back up and said "I am going now, if you want to come, follow me. Aisha looked out of the window and saw no morai's nearby. She opened the door and once she was outside, she closed the door again. Aisha started to run north towards the tower.
After 10 minutes, Aisha reached the tower and opened up the door which revealed it to anyone behind her.

Lance was following Aisha, and then wondered where the tower suddenly came from
Lance went in to see a giant guy with a mace and a blocky guy. "Finally, something to kill," Lance thought as he engaged in combat with vana's spirit
Shall I roll the dice?
1: Vana and Herobrine beat everyone who retreat with no injurys
2: Vana and Herobrine beat everyone who retreat with minor injurys
3: Vana and Herobrine beat everyone who retreat with major injurys
4: Lance, Ashia, and anyone else following them beat Vana and Herobrine with major injurys, not that it matters
5: Lance, Ashia, and anyone else following them beat Vana and Herobrine with minor injurys
6: Lance, Ashia, and anyone else following them beat Vana and Herobrine without a scratch

I think Aisha should be harmed more then anyone else since the shadow master can appear and tell them to focus on her since she has darkness...
I rolled a 5 though.
Here's proof
Timestamp: 2013-12-15 09:35:52 UTC
Story section
Aisha saw Lance entering the tower and she entered as well. Aisha saw Lance preparing to fight what looked to be like a spirit. She looked around and saw the arena they where on was a big circle area and was surrounded by lava. Aisha got worried because of the lava and noticed another person wearing a hood who seemed to be preparing a fireball.
Aisha started to prepare her fireballs from her staff and then saw a dark creature in the distance saying "Well, well, well, Herobrine, Vanaduke, focus your attacks on the female since she will be a threat. The creature left and the bridge behind the 2 bosses went up. Aisha then said "Let's do it!"

((OOC: Since they can't do much, this section will be Eve only))
Eve and Dr Loop finished building the robot and this was when she noticed Lance walking away. Eve said to Dr Loop "I am going to see what's happening with someone but I will come back or if I don't, he will come back." Eve starts to follow Lance and silently watched them until they left north past Morlok. After following them and killing a Morai who thought they could surprise her, she saw the tower and saw Lance entering and another girl.
Eve entered the tower as well and saw 2 enemies and said to the humans "I will help out." Eve changes her orbs into her orb shield preparing.

The bridge behind Eve, Aisha and Lance went up meaning they where trapped. Vanaduke prepared his mace and slammed his mace towards Aisha but Aisha dodged it just in time. Lance started to shoot Vanaduke and told Eve to help him because he would be a tank of his health. Eve switched her orb shield to the orb sword and started to slash at Vanaduke's back.
Herobrine rushed towards Aisha and punched her down before launching a fireball at her which started to burn her. Aisha used her staff and pushed Herobrine back and Eve tossed her a remedy pill which Aisha ate removing her burn. Aisha launched 4 fireballs towards Herobrine which burned him when the 3rd one hit him but the 4th one made him teleport behind him and punched her to the edge of the arena.
Vanaduke tried to ram Lance off the edge but it missed her. However, Vanaduke took a lot of damage and jumped up shaking his head and 4 fireballs started to spin around him. Eve got burned by the fireballs and switched back to her orb bombs. Lance was still fine until Vanaduke's mace just hit Lance's leg. Lance was in pain but he ignored it and continued to attack Vanaduke.
Aisha balanced herself again and got away from the edge and attacked Herobrine. Unfortunately, one of her fireballs changed to a dark orb and darkness started to swirl around her. Herobrine tried to punched Aisha again but missed and was hit by Aisha's staff. Herobrine tried to punch Aisha down again and this time, he did and jumped onto her again. Aisha quickly hit Herobrine with her staff and he got knocked into the lava where he died.
A dark crystal appeared in the center of the arena and Aisha picked it up and it started to affect her as she was now a sitting duck until the crystal was fully absorbed in her. Vanaduke jumped up shaking his head again because he lost even more of his health and 4 more fireballs appeared. Eve noticed Aisha alone and seemed to be stuck so she changed her 2 orb bombs into her orb shield and jumped in front of Aisha with her shield up.
Vanaduke slammed his mace with a lot of force into Eve's shield and it nearly broke it but Eve quickly changed to her orb bombs and tossed a freeze bomb and a piercing bomb at Vanaduke and Lance was still shooting at Vanaduke this whole time. The dark crystal that Aisha absorbed was inside her and managed to teleport behind Vanaduke's fireballs and launched 4 fireballs towards Vanaduke which harmed him even more.
Lance focus on Vanaduke and shot one last bullet which finished Vanaduke off as his body landed on the ground and started to disappear with the fireballs. Aisha then said "That was rough, it seems the dark crystal I absorbed earlier gave me that person's teleportation ability." The bridge to the next floor went down and everyone started to go farther up.
On the way up however, they found a lot of supplies to heal up and healed up before advancing to the next floor where they see 3 deactivated robots and the dark creature from before. The dark creature said "So, you survived the first floor but this floor will cause you lots of trouble." Aisha then said "What are you doing here and where is the previous owner!"
The dark creature grinned evilly and said "My name is Shadow Master "Malevolent", the previous owner is on the next floor and if you survive this one, you most likely don't stand a chance to beat him." The shadow master launched a dark energy bolt at the 3 deactivated robots which awoken them and he said "Now, I don't see you coming again. Rest in Peace." Malevolent rushed up to the 4th floor and the bridges sealed up again.
((OOC: Sorry if it's bad but it's the best I could do and here is the next options
1. The 3 robots defeat the heroes and they are outside the tower. The robots aren't injured at all
2. The 3 robots defeat the heroes and they are outside the tower. The robots are a bit beaten up
3. The 3 robots defeat the heroes and they are outside the tower. The robots are nearly destroyed
4. The 3 heroes beat the robots but the heroes suffer heavy damage
5. The 3 heroes beat the robots but the heroes are a bit injured
6. The 3 heroes beat the robots and the heroes are fine. ))

((rolled a 4
Timestamp: 2013-12-15 15:17:23 UTC
Next part is pretty much Lances thoughts on this))
"What? MORE things to kill?" Lance thought, "Awesome, it's like a pinata party and they are the pinatas!"

Eve immediately noticed the robots where similar to Dr Loops and said to Aisha and Lance "You two, deal with Dark Silver and Dark Necha, I will take on dark metal. The dark metal is the most dangerous." Eve switches her orb bombs into her orb sword before running towards Dark Metal.
Dark Silver started to run around Aisha and Lance which started to make them dizzy which gave Dark Mecha a chance to harm Aisha. Aisha got knocked down by Dark Mecha's slash and she saw Dark Mecha turning into a spiky ball and started to speed towards her. Lance recovered from his dizziness and started to shoot the fast Dark Silver but missed all the time. Aisha teleported behind Dark Mecha but he turned back and dug into her back.
Eve saw Dark Metal just standing about doing nothing until he sees him with 2 identical orbs like hers. She realized that Dark Metal can copy moves which made her worry. Eve rushed towards Dark Metal but missed and then tripped up and started to get beat up. Dark Metal stood on her arms and was hitting her orb making it easier for Eve to die.
Lance noticed the robots severely harming the females and decided to aim at Dark Metal which managed to knock him down and would have taken aim at Dark Mecha if it wasn't hiding behind Aisha. Aisha fell onto the ground in pain and struggled to get back up because she kept getting knocked down by Dark Mecha. Lance took the opportunity and managed to dent Dark Mecha's armor and disabled 1 of his arms.
Eve got back up and started to slash at Dark Metal who was down. She got in 2 hits before Dark Metal got back up and used his copied dark orb shield to defend himself. Eve was weakened though and tackled Dark Silver and did one firm slice to kill the robot. Eve switched to her orb shield and just in time because Dark Metal started to use his copied dark orb sword which was slowly damaging Eve's orb shield.
Aisha teleported behind Dark Mecha and launched a few fireballs and it removed his armor defense for a few seconds. Lance took advantage of this and used his gun blade and finished off Dark Mecha. Aisha was really pale and was getting close to fainting but Lance was happy because of the amount of creatures he has killed so far.
Dark Metal gave up attacking Eve and decided to go after Lance who was still fine. Dark Metal blocked the blade shots from Lance and when his guard was downed, he attacked Lance. Lance tried to fight back but Dark Metal was too fast and got hit in the arm, stomach and even a leg.
Aisha teleported behind Dark Metal and launched 4 fireballs behind it but it also hurt Lance. Dark Metal slashed at Aisha and she fell onto the ground but Lance took this time to destroy Dark Metal and finished him off. When Dark Metal blew up (Similar to Mecha knights which don't harm you), a dark crystal fell out.
Lance tried to pick it up but he got hurt since he didn't have any darkness in him. Eve tried the same thing and it also hurt her. Aisha finally got back up and picked the crystal up which started to enter her body. Eve said "Ow, how can you pick up these dark crystals when me and Lance can't." The bridge went down allowing them to go up to the next floor.
When they made it to the recovery room, Aisha then said "It must be the darkness already inside me." This time it took longer to heal up because they where more injured. After they where healed, they heard a loud roar which made everyone shiver. Aisha then said "Next floor is going to be tough. Vanaduke was tall but the next boss "Primal is the same height and much wider."
They entered the next floor and saw a weird steel dragon like creature standing there. It's cravings on it's body where red. It released a loud roar and said "You should not have come little ones! NOW YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH!"
((OOC: Here is the next roll choices:
1. Primal destroys the team without much problem and they appear on the recovery room before Primal. Primal isn't harmed at all.
2. Primal destroys the team without much problem and they appear on the recovery room before Primal. Primal is injured (Above half health).
3. Primal destroys the team without much problem and they appear on the recovery room before Primal. Primal is really injured (Team loses because of Dark Time Roar)
4. The team manage to defeat Primal and he helps the team for the remaining of the tower but Lance, Aisha and Eve are in critical condition.
5. The team manage to defeat Primal and he helps the team for the remaining of the tower but Lance, Aisha and Eve are injured.
6. The team manage to defeat Primal and he helps the team for the remaining of the tower and the team isn't hurt at all. ))

You see, I've suddenly had an ambuscade of consecutive midterms on all educational subjects in one month, so I only had time to do a brief forum snark and that was all. I'll try to post something in this post tomorrow.
EDIT: Here it is.
Eridan shrugged as Syrus issued some orders to the random scout.
Well, that was incredibly convenient. Maybe I should buy a lampshade. (Not many will get the reference)
"Well, the gun's been upgraded. It'll have more shots than before - a lot more. But if we're going to track down Eve, you'll need to fix that pile of metal you have." He pointed at the shattered fragments of his sword.
Hmm...This metal alloy should be flexible enough for me to reforge it with some other materials, so it'll be incredibly strong and sharp, yet not brittle enough to snap like a dry twig.
"I believe I can repair your sword for you, while enhancing its strength and flexibility, if you would like. Or you could just buy another one. Either way, you need a new weapons.

((OOC: This forum is most likely dead...))
Let's see if you can improve it. I will wait until you are done. Syrus tosses fireballs at the wall while he is waiting...

Eridan gathered the fragments of the blade in a canvas bag, and went back to his home for what, the third time? To his forge, where all his raw materials lay. Arriving once more, he took out the mold of the blade from a cupboard, and with a quick movement, severed the mostly-destroyed wooden handle, leaving only metal. This he dumped into a tray, and held it in the forge for awhile, until it had fully melted. Into this mixture he added a few self-created alloys, making a material with incredible resilience.
Alright, now I'll pour it into the mold, and get to work on laser-crafting a new handle.
Eridan chose a starchy material for the handle, allowing it to bend with pressure to keep a steadier grip while in combat, what with the sweat and blood and whatnot. He fashioned a crossguard out of the same metallic alloy, then put both the blade and the hilt in a container with frigid temperature. After a few minutes, the task was finished with some assembling. He wrapped the scintillating shine of the weapon in some cloth, and walked back to where Syrus was.
...Not paying for that wall.
"Here you are. If it's good enough for you, then I think we can start right away." Eridan double-checked his assortment of weapons while Syrus examined his newly-forged weapon.

Syrus started to look at the new blade and hit the wall with it. The blade didn't dent and it actually left a mark on the wall. Syrus then started to test fire on the blade and to his surprise, it didn't burn it to pieces. Syrus then said to Edrian "Nice, this blade should be useful."

OOC: I'm not sure how we're going to continue the Syrus and Eridan chase after Eve thing, since the tower is apparently closed up. Unless it's still open? I never got that part clear, only remembering that the bridge broke (which Eridan can easily bypass with his gadgetry).
While I wait for Robo's reply (as he made the tower), I'll go and roll the die. Feel kinda bored. Why not make another combat scene?
Rolling...I rolled a 3.
The beast roared with rage at these intruders. "FEEL MY PAIN!" It bull-rushed the trio, intending to crush them under its gargantuan weight. Aisha quickly teleported away, while Eve activated her orb shield and Lance fired a grappling hook shot, clearing the danger in the nick of time. Eve's shield barely absorbed the blow, and the damage carried onto her sword, showing dents and cuts all over it. It was in no condition to use. Luckily, the device began repairing itself while Lance and Aisha distracted Primal.
Enraged at his failed attack, Primal unleashed a wave of fire, coating his direction with it. Aisha managed to teleport again, but Lance was blasted by a major part of the inferno. His clothes alight, he fumbled for a Remedy Pill as his skin was eaten away by hungry flames.
Aisha swept the area in front of her with her staff, an orb of flame launching at the dragon. With a deafening explosion, Primal was engulfed in smoke, re-materializing somehow more angry than he already was. Quick as a snake, he smashed her directly with his head, launching her all the way across the room, hitting the wall with a sickening *SPLAT*. Primal roared triumphantly and moved in for the kil-
A series of orb-bombs blasted him directly in his face, blinding him briefly. Another group hit the beast in his relatively softer underbelly, pinning him against the wall from the force of the explosion. Lance quickly fired a calculated series of shots into the exposed weakness. Blue blood flowed like a river.
"Well," Lance muttered. "SOMEONE woke up on the wrong side of the tower."
A second later all comedy - and the rest of him - was smashed into the ground, the gun hybrid bouncing off its many pebbles and debris. Eve quickly plunged her sword into the monster, then ran along its side, sword tearing through scales and skin. By the time she stopped, her blade had had a new blue paint job. Groaning, Aisha got up and hurled a f̶i̶r̶e̶b̶a̶l̶l dark orb at Primal, engulfing him again, but this time shadow replacing smoke. As the oblivion faded, the beast was once again visible.
Gone was the splendid creature they had encountered at the beginning. His dazzling scales were dimmed by ashes and blood. His proud head was low, too weak to lift. His incredible size and muscle had morphed into flabby flesh coating him. Truly, if he gave one damn about his visage, he would be royally ticked off, not to mention the injuries he had suffered.
And he was. His maw opened, a deafening cry came out, and the room began to tremor. Shadows seemingly came to life and darted back and forth across the room. One hit Eve, and left a crimson patch on her armor. They multiplied in speed, number, and size, until they were of such velocity that it seemed to be not entities, but sable beams, crisscrossing, trapping the trio. They slowly closed in. There seemed to be no escape. Not even Aisha could muster the strength to teleport yet again.
"Quick!" Eve yelled, fusing an orb shield out of her sword. "To me!" The aegis encircled the group completely. There was nothing left to do but watch the phantom wisps slowly come clo-
Primal slammed onto the shield/temporary fort with all his might, sending Lance, Aisha, and Eve in scattered directions - passing through who knows how many shadows. Not a single one of them was strong enough to endure the attack, and all lost consciousness. Awareness became but a fleeting memory...
...Until the group woke up. The room was familiar, littered with medical supplies. The behemoth gazed at them. Primal's wounds had vanished.
The trio climbed up on unsteady sticks of legs. "Ugh," Aisha said, "It's like my legs fell asleep for a year."
"Tell me about it," Lance replied, massaging them. "I'd rather endure surgery without pain relievers than this numbing feeling."
Eve looked around. "Are we supposed to fight that thing again?"
"If we do, at least we'll know how he attacks this time."
They looked at Primal cautiously, hands gripping weapons tightly.
"So...Ready when you are?"

You see, the tower is still visible because Aisha's already inside but the bridges break after they have been used. They aren't broken if the team failed...

((OOC: Because I am bored, this is the second round of Primal and I got a 6))
Everyone nodded and walked back into the room where Primal was. He roared again and said "BACK AGAIN! SUFFER!" Primal runs towards them but this time, he jumps up, attempting to crush them but he missed. Aisha launched 4 fireballs which burned Primal and he was roaring. Lance shot lots bullets at Primal's orb and the orb started to leak blue blood.
Eve slashed at Primal and jumped out of the way before he slashed at her. Primal said in a loud tone "ARGH!, YOU SEEM TO BE STRONGER NOW! ENOUGH MESSING AROUND!" The room started to shake again as he was using his powerful attack from before. Eve changed her orbs into her orb shield but couldn't reach Aisha or Lance to help protect them.
Eve shouted "Watch out!" Aisha saw the blades coming and teleported to Lance and grabbed his hand. Aisha then said "Hold on..." Aisha teleported herself and Lance onto Primal's back where the blades already passed. Primal started to shake to try and knock off Aisha and Lance but they jumped off after the blades went by.
Primal just noticed Eve's shield was broken from the attack and was left defenseless. Primal was about to tackle Eve until he tripped over and landed face first. His giant body hit the ceiling and when he got back up, some of the ceiling hit his head. They look up and see it being repaired by the Malevolent.
Lance tried to shoot him but the bullet burned out before it reached him and he just thanked Aisha for the saving teleport. Lance shot more bullets at his orb and it smashed it to pieces. Primal roared in a lot of pain and landed on the ground. He put his head up and launched the fire wave before and it didn't go as far.
Everyone started to rush Primal before he could get up and they heard a weakened cry. They look at Primal's face and see he was knocked out. Everyone was happy, even though it took a second try. Just then, electricity started to emit around Primal which caught Aisha's attention as a dark crystal was coming from him.
Aisha jumped up Primal's knocked out back and grabbed the crystal and it started to enter her. Just then, Primal started to get back up but he seemed different, almost if the darkness was controlling him. Aisha jumped down after the crystal was absorbed and said "Primal, what happened here?" Lance said "How do you know Primal?"
Primal said "Before I say anything, I am sorry for attacking you, Malevolent only defeated me because of a unbreakable dark shield. I don't know how Aisha knows me but I was the original owner of this tower." Aisha then stumbled on the ground and was coughing out darkness. Aisha then said "I only know Primal from a legend.
Primal then said "As you have seen, my attacks are strong and my defense armor should be in the next healing room. And I need to repeat this but, I am truly sorry and I will help you up the rest of the tower." Aisha gets back onto her feet and the bridge to the next floor came down. Everyone walked up to the next floor and Primal picked up armor to slot up his cravings and Eve fixed his orb.
They went into the next room and saw Malevolent and he said "Primal! You traitor! You lot are going to get finished off here." Malevolent opened a dark portal and 4 dark clones came out. They where similar to each other and they had the same weapons. Malevolent closed the portal and said "If you make it, I will finish you off!" Shadow Master Malevolent flew to the pinnacle and the clones looked like they where ready to attack.
((OOC: Options are becoming similar to the others...))

I made this really long fight and all, but then I refreshed by accident. I'll try to redo it. ._.
I rolled a 4, if anyone else wants to.

I will do the final battle against Malevolent and any rematches but you should stop at the medical room before the pinnacle.

Eridan finished his checking of the deadly items his overcoat hid.
This time, they won't get away.
"All right," he said. "That traitorous Morai and the human she helped could be anywhere in a 3 mile radius by now. There's no way we can find them by searching by hand. Luckily, I've devised a few tricks."
He took out a silver-colored orb, tossing it onto the ground. In a matter of seconds, the sphere had split apart, revealing rows upon rows upon rows of miniature robots, equipped with dragonfly-like wings. Each one had a red dot in the middle, revealing a camera. Sailing up into the air, they immediately scattered past the city at incredibly speeds, probing for a certain Morai and human, or anything suspicious, in which case they would investigate and report.
Eridan held a little rectangular device, upon which there were several boxes visible, each representing a robot's camera feedback. A few boxes died out as the robots crashed or ran out of battery, but most of the AI's continued their search, branching farther and farther out from their starting point.
"And now, we wait." A sudden flash of one box signified that there was a suspicious location. Eridan tapped on it, showing it to Syrus.
Robot 371's POV
A sable tower, midnight darkness. Inside, there were several lifesigns detectable. Swooping in. There was a match of Eve. But not the mal-
Eridan slammed his hands on the wall in frustration.
"Battery life died out. Darn it! Well, at least we know where Eve is. If that human's not there, maybe she'll know. It's at least a start."
He took a look at the device, which now broadcasted the drone's last location, and the shortest path to get there.
"Won't take too long. Let's go."
He set out for the forest first, since he knew where to go.

Syrus heard the robot and went he was following Eridan he thought "A tower filled with darkness, so the legends are true. Darkness..." Syrus instantly snapped as he realized 2 threats could be there. Syrus walked to Eridan's side and said "You know how that robot sensed other lifesigns? I think I might know 2 of them."
They made it through the forest and the tower was in the distance. Syrus then said "The first one is a human girl who escaped and it happened because someone threw a vial of darkness on her. The second one is most likely the leader of the place."

Eridan shrugged.
"If there's a tower of complete and pure oblivion and darkness, I think it might be prudent to destroy it before the residents decide to target our city. All right, I think this is it!"
He looked at the shadow-like tower.
"Pretty sure whatever's in there sure as heck doesn't want us there, so better go in on your guard." He pulled out his prototype energy gun, and began cautiously moving towards the structure.
EDIT: Pi, no need to have a space for the battle. :P 'Sides, who's making the fight, anyhow? I'll do it, I guess, despite my crushing failure*.
*I had the entire battle typed out, and then my finger hit F5. I rolled a 4 (AKA Team Hero wins, but at critical wounds.)
Name : Midas
Picture :
Physiology : 14 - Year Female Morai; 5'5; 115 lb.
Role : Villain
Fighting Style :
Fights bare-handed, trading defense for an extremely high attack power, and a slightly lower attack speed than most Morai. It doesn't mean the power armor she wears doesn't change anything.
She also possesses the Midas Touch, a signature ability assigned to her to deliver a literally explosive blow to her enemies. Because it's the only ability she has, her intensive training has allowed her to use it in rapid succession. Despite this, the blast radius is as small as her pinkie.
Personality :
A defiant heroine against the rest of mankind, Midas has taken it upon her shoulders to try and spearhead the effort to wipe out EVERY SINGLE HUMAN. She comes off as patriotic and enduring as many a great hero, and though she might be a great adversary against the Morai, she's on the other side of the war.
Bio :
That villain that Leon had just tortured, who had lost her brother but a few hours before? This is her.
Her brother lost, her body wracked with pain and disabled...almost.
This is what kind of leader the Morai would rally up for, one that would stand strong against all of humanity that wanted to destroy them.
Though she may be getting older and older, she's nearing her prime. For the long roads that wind ahead, what will they bring her?