Like the title says, I'm selling a tempered calibur with very high ctr.
Leave offers and your INGAME NAME below!
IGN: Noobie
I have the right to cancel the auction if I don't like the price! or if there is little interest!
1 whole week? el zz-ito
post a price you want. you auction an item and sell it for the highest offer, don't waste the bidder's time with your disclaimer.
Wow, I thought one of those were a myth, or at least that's what I heard from another thread. You're seriously lucky to craft one of them -jealous-

thought this was a myth congrats on the uv. I might bid after i sell this maxiumum shadow hood
lies!!! now tell me who the newb was?
im sure you bought it off someone =P
15.3k ce
post a picture.

I have personally seen the item don't know if it helps but its real. By the way people this item was thought to be a myth at one time so 15.5kce is not nearly enough.
you sure like to talk. offer something then if you think the price is low.
people thought blackened crest wasn't real too. surprise, someone got one already.
15.6k CE
Don't forget to post your ingame name with your bid!!!

I would offer something if i had any money left. I am saving what i got to buy a shadow max wolver cap. I think we know you guys are all saving for the last hour or so to keep from driving the price up
I beat all ya'lls!
You should put a buyout on that thing ><
26.2k Ce
Man I swear if someone goes higher.
IGN: Lowercase
I beat all ya'lls!
You should put a buyout on that thing ><
26.2k Ce
Man I swear if someone goes higher.
IGN: Lowercase
Hey that's not fair! You made your bid after the auction ended :(
So much for my sniping lol
Auction End. Lowercase did indeed bid after the auction ended so his bid is considered invalid. But, the price you offered is not what I'm looking for, so it is not possible for me to sell it to you. Sorry. Also, as there was little interest, I will not attempt to re-auction the sword, instead, I will be using it.
- Noobie
Then I won?
I mean, even tho I'm not getting it, I still managed to outbid everyone and win the auction?
I believe I stated that if the PRICE DOES NOT INTEREST ME I CAN CANCEL THE AUCTION. Yes, it was expected because this sword is a "myth" as some people say. You shouldn't expect me to sell this sword for 18.5k CE. Don't hate on me because you're mad that you waited a week for this auction to end so you could snipe it. umadbro. l2read disclaimer pls.
You totally missed the point being the complete noob you are. You don't call it an AUCTION if you're not going to actually go through with it like an auction. Disclaimer or not, and disclaimer is why I already pointed out it was PARTIALLY expected stunt. I wasn't expecting you to sell it for 18.5k CE and frankly I even messaged you few days in ADVANCED I would not be on until 6:00 PM, YOUR 7:00 PM and you knowing you didn't actually treat this as an actual AUCTION, you agreed to extend it later. Regardless, this was pointless even responding to you and won't bother wasting anymore time with your stupid antics.

Noobie is so clever
scammed all calibur users here for a whole week lol
Removed to prevent further complications.

Thanks those of you who spent the last week selling stuff
and holding your ce for the bid
You guys did a great job helping Noobie to do a price check lol
check his ign for reference. no need to think of anything else. it says it all. tee hee :">
To be honest, you're one stupid kid. If the people who wanted to bid on my Calibur spent all of last week holding CE for the auction. Then why do I only see people who had the money BEFOREHAND post? If they were really saving up wouldn't they post their bid before the time limit was up? And besides, this wasn't really a price check. I was seriously going to sell this Calibur to someone with a GOOD OFFER.I was mainly aiming towards 35k, but the offers were nowhere near my expectations.

Your own faults for not bidding high enough u all want it yet u all held back and your hatting on him for not selling it. I wouldn't sell it for 18.5kce either lol go ahead and trade him he has it. It was pretty pointless setting up this entire auction and not selling it tho but it is his to give away so nothing we can do there.

yes we are stupid, I have said Noobie is the smartest among us.
If not, we are the ones who scammed others to do a price check :)
hollafamer you are right though :/
Drinkeater, I clearly stated at the end of my last paragraph that "I was seriously going to sell this Calibur to someone with a GOOD OFFER.I was mainly aiming towards 35k, but the offers were nowhere near my expectations" If this is too hard for you to understand. I'll make it brief. I didn't get a good offer, it didn't satisfy what price I wanted, thus, I cancelled the auction. If I wanted a price check I would've asked friends, guildies etc.

You have already auctioned it for a WHOLE WEEK (and a extend of 12 hours),
With this long time you must have the best price that we players can offer.
But you are still not satisfied with that, aiming at 35kce.
Fxxk You!
You should set a min bid of 30kce at the start and stopping wasting ppl's time
Its not the way to make an auction, kid.
When did I extend it by 12 hours? I'm pretty sure I made it clear that Milkshanks bid was valid as it was BEFORE the time limit was over. And any bids after that were INVALID. I'm pretty sure 18.5k CE isn't the best you players can offer. Also as stated before, If you don't like the way I set the auction up, then DON'T BID. Simple solution? Yes.
1 ce
ign : sky-bot