all i can say is lol. he should get 35k, but the bid was valid and he should be obligated to sell it. what was the point of this? should've started higher if you wanted more. haha. not selling after an auction should = bazaar ban. :D
with the money u all saved.. u coulda bought my gun instead. >_<
Everyone should make 1 week auctions with disclaimers and annul it righteously after it's over.
As said numerous times, if you don't like the way I set the auction up DON'T BID. No one is forcing you to come into my auction and wait a week for it to end. I also included the disclaimer clearly in the post. And by bidding, you understand that if I don't like the offer at the end of the auction I have the right to refuse. Indeed, I should've set a starting price, but people were already bidding before i could edit the post. If I set a starting price, then they would be mad pissed at me as they already posted their offers. I also couldn't create a new topic with clearer and more precise details as it would be spamming the Bazaar forums(because I already created this one). I'm done arguing with you guys, I believe we all restated points at least once or twice. Going furthermore will be pointless.
1. Make proper auction
2. People will actually bid
3. Get the price you are looking for
4. ???
5. profit!
6. umadbro?
As stated in my above post, I recognize that was one of my mistakes. But, no need to repeat what the others have already said. herpaderp ustupidbro
"...but the bid was valid and he should be obligated to sell it"
:O I second that!
I read this thread to see whats up- and I have but one question: Why does holla want your junk so bad? And I don't mean your ctr.
wanna know why people didnt bid high enough? because of your dumb disclaimer. we all know you're not gonna sell it. its okay eggert.
i was interested but i'm not dumb. too bad small timer. maybe in a year or two, you'll get a chance to be part of the big boys.
I doubt that he even has a very high uv on that sword.

Noobie why don't u post a picture so u can shut up all these doubters who say u don't have it. I like how people say he is obligated to sell at 18kce your out of your mind if u think u can get this uv for 18kce. I know for a fact none of you would sell for 18kce either. You all held back your own dumb fault. This is the problem with auctions only the buyer ever wins the seller really doesn't get what he is looking for anymore. I am pretty sure had he sold it too you for 18kce we would have saw another auction trying to resell for more at least that what i would do. I mean its a pretty safe investment. Also he ran a good auction and he put a disclaimer what did he do wrong to get himself banned from bazaar what rules did he break oh that's right nothing. There are no rules in bazaar get over yourselves. This is the last thing I am saying on the subject make of it what you will.
Noobie you could probably make more CE if you offered to go on a date with holla here.
^^he ran a good auction? are you out of your mind? there is a difference between auctioning an item and selling one. you could sell an item and look through offers and negotiate. if you are auctioning it then you're selling for the HIGHEST bid. apparently your logic is only applicable to the grade school/highschool youre in. that's not how it works in the real world. of course i didnt even bid on the item because durrrrrp. with a disclaimer like that on an AUCTION, all i could say is trollolol. stop trying to defend your girlfriend. and you want your girl to post a picture of the item? a little bit too late for that isn't it? do you think we really care if the person actually has the item? you want cool items? maybe we should have zeroluck show a screenshot of his horde since you like being a fanboy so much.
thats actually how some auctions work IRL. You can have reserves which he sort of did have. Not trying to defend him or anything or saying that it was a good auction because it really wasn't. Something as rare as a very high CTR should have been screenshotted and posted as well as having told what the reserve was.
real auctions have timers between each offer which allows people to quickly offer before the next countdown, if no one offers in the countdown the item goes to the exact person.
There's no such thing as " unlimited time auctions "

Not with that attitude.
This is a game, NOT real life
Some of you guys really need to chill out.. Its just a game. Last time i checked, real life rules usually dont apply to games :P so just let it go.. Life goes on :)
Noobie was running what is called a Reserve Auction, it is a very common auction type. From wikipedia:
Reserve auction is an auction where the item for sale may not be sold if the final bid is not high enough to satisfy the seller - that is, the seller reserves the right to accept or reject the highest bid.
So Noobie saw the highest bid, was unsatisfied and declined the offer.
Many auctions that you see on eBay have a reserve. Most real-life auctions of high-end items have a reserve to avoid unexpectedly selling something for less than the seller desires. By definition, the starting bid of a reserve auction is always less than the reserve. If the minimum bid started at the reserve, it wouldn't be a reserve auction.
It is true that no-reserve auctions can generate a higher final price since more people tend to bid on these than in reserve auctions, which could fuel a bidding war.
I am bias so i got to say drink makes a valid point when he says if u were looking for 35kce u should have made the starting bid higher i say 25kce starting bid would have been perfect. Noobie makes a great point also 18.5kce is not the best players can offer i know this to be true. I sold a Vog cub set for 22kce to a random nub so i think its safe to say people have way more money then they are bidding. I mean if a random nub can pay 22kce for a Vog set than people should have lots of ce at this point with the selling of all their 5 star and 4 star gear. Anyways Noobie should get 35kce for it i say its worth that much.