You can look to our guild website www.the-risen.guildportal.com for information regarding recruitment, advancement, and our guild in general. But to give you a general idea, if you want to be recruited into our guild then post up your character name and tier access on these forums and I will send you an invite if you have tier 2 or 3 access.
-Player name: Bebopx
-Age: 18
-Hours of activity: 2 - 7
-Tier accessibility: T1 - T3
-Current equipment including any possible additional sets of equipment you may switch into: Skolver armor & helm, Grey Owlite, Blizzbrand, 4* Nightblade, Grand Flourish, & 4* Ash of Agni.
-Current recipes known: 30 (can't name them all)
P.S. Hello Velcro =‿= This is my resume in case I may disband or hand in leadership.