Rothni-Halias' request is done!
Free Commissions!

In any case, once I get my Spiral Knights client working again, I'll upload a pic of my knight...Or do I have one already?

Whaaat? No!
/eats Pipipipipi
Oh hey Possiblespy, was mine ever finished? I hope I don't sound rude D:

/dodges Cinoa
Hey, I'm not the papaya here!

No dodging!
/eats Pipipipipi

/dodges Cinoa
/feeds Cinoa to the snarbolax
/runs away before this gets too out of hand

Just realized that this thread was dead XD

It's sorta just "dead" with air quotes. I'm still doing essentially the same thing, I just moved it to Tmbler so even non-knights get free stuff.
But that's another step to figure out, which I agree should be skipped if possible. I'll keep an eye out for requests here too.

Could you do one for me? :3
Trying to learn pixel art myself ^.^

Cinoa's request is done!
...sorta ended up looking similar to the old block ones, though...

Woo, thanks! I look like someone stole a crown from me or something.

Thanks @Possiblespy ^.^ You've inspired me to try out pixel art :P

Alright, it's ended up being a few months since some of the remaining requests were posted. So, I'll be sorta just resetting the queue back to empty.
Feel free to just say, "yep, still here" to confirm that you'd still like what you originally requested, and to confirm that you didn't get squished by a truck or anything, and I'll put it back on my list.
Unless of course said truck turned you into a zombie or something. Then keep away from me, I don't need to be a zombie.

:D Can you do a pixel art of my character?

Can you do a pixel art of my char?
Notes:Something burning and hot...

Well, yep, that's 'cause
I really didn't draw any of your armor, just your helmet.

Did you add the glasses? Not to be impertinent.......

Commission version 2.0 - now with less bugs.
Subject: This extra short knight. Here's the back. He'll be riding a rocket snipe large enough to accommodate him. How is it so big? Probably has to eat a lot for its metabolism for its jetpack, duh. Snipe can be any color.
Notes: I'd like it to be from a side view, with generic dashes indicating speed. In addition, the weapons I had could be flying behind the knight, torn away by sheer wind. The background is preferably that of the Laboratory, with everything in chaos from the snipe's rampage. Hubert is staying a good distance away for fear of melting from the rockets.
Style: Either pixel or prism, whichever one seems to fit best with your art style.

Sandwich-Potato's request is done!
Queue is empty as of right now. Time to draw rocks or something.

Are you up to drawing a modified Valkyrie knight? Say, one with a green visor over the face and an Argent Peacemaker in the right hand?

Sure, any preference on which style, or any other modifications before I start?

I prefer it to be on the higher end of resolution. The visor covers the entire face and chin. The central "flap" of the skirt is separate from the legs, in much the same vein as Wolver Coat.
Pose is a resting Gunslinger stance.

Fun idea:
Baby Battle sprites with the 4 pocket monsters (Since they're quite small) playing around with one another. The pouches should be in the picture, but monsters don't have to be in them. (So sort of like either on the ground or the battle sprites have them on their heads or something :O) Whatever your mind thinks up do it~ I'm sure it'll look great :3
The style can be anything you wish. :)
You're awesome. Panda appreciates you greatly. ^^
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Asadvildan's other request (from ingame) is done!
The thread might be dead, but I'm not. And it might not be either, I guess. Don't expect me to remember all the stuff I say.