I'm Takendown, the lone knight who created the free album Spiral Knights: Remixed! for you all to enjoy back in 2012. I'd like to thank everyone who downloaded and commented on the album and Tevokkia for providing the awesome art. I'd also like to thank Harry Mack for creating the wonderful original pieces, the admin of the Spiral Knights Facebook page for featuring my album, and my good friends for encouraging the release.
Unfortunately I no longer play Spiral Knights. Fear not for I'm thinking of creating another album, something different for you all to experience.
Since the release of Spiral Knights: Remixed! my composition style has changed. I've gone orchestral! This would mean that with your help and support you could see a Spiral Knights: Orchestrated! -- I just need your assistance in determining what tracks you'd like to hear featured on the album.
I may also require one of you awesome artists to design the album art (Tevokkia already did a great job with SK:R! - It would be wrong to ask her of such a great task again) should I go through with it.
What do you guys think? Should I go through with creating another album? Would you like to hear SK's incredible tracks orchestrated?
Check out some of my work here on my YouTube Channel, just as a little taster as to what may come.
P.S Please share this post!
Hello Takendown.
As someone who has enjoyed listening to Spiral Knights: Remixed!, I'm pretty excited to hear that you're considering making a second album. Orchestral is probably one of my favourite types of remix and you'd definitely have my support if you went through with it. The orchestral remixes that I've heard from you recently sound pretty good.
In my opinion, Haven, Poison level theme and Gremlin theme would be rather interesting in orchestral format.
Now I'm no artist by any stretch of the imagination but what would you be looking for in album art? Anything in particular?
I wish you the best of luck luck in your projects.
Have fun,