Rhea is Finished with her mission. Awaiting orders.
(App is done.)
Edit: Had to edit app to make the magic sound reasonable.
EE: I just realised that Rhea sounds similar to Nychta. Rhea's a light sniper, Despite her armor.
I'm supposing that Nobody would train Rhea, Because she was considered a witch, And as well as that Lucky son of a bolt.
So she hid the fact that she could use magic.
EEE: Wait, What do I do about the armor? Aaaagh.
The Isoran Civil War RP (Dicussion Thread) Accepting Apps

Alrighty then Victoria will call you to the ship later to attack the Morai.

Name: Liam Lionheart
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Faction(Morai or Spiral): Spiral
Class(Can be found in the lore): Brother of Aturin
Gear/Abilities: He fights using only his fists but is a master in several martial arts and is capable of disarming heavy armored/weaponized foes with ease. his only weakness is that he is not capable of ranged combat. he is also a very capable spell caster wich he mainly uses to shield allies from incoming magic attacks or to cloak himself in a magic film that can repel physical attacks, wich he uses to get close to the enemy he wants to take out.
Personality: Tends to be very soft-spoken and is not very fond of war. His sole reason for fighting is to protect himself and those he cares about. However if he is driven to fight he can be extremely cold blooded. When outside of combat situations he can be a bit of an air head and likes to have a laugh. He is known to often contemplate the meaning of the war and why its even here in the first place. He is known to sometimes smoke a pipe.
History: Sole heir to the house of Lionheart, Liam lived a very sheltered life until he turned 10 and a Morai raid happened. His father was killed trying to protect his family and his mother taken because she was an incredible weapon smith and a leading engineer in the field of magical weapons. He would not have survived if not for his father forcing him to hide in the basement. After that the spiral order took him in and he was allowed to be trained as a knight, however he was not at all skilled with a sword, a gun or even a bomb. They however discovered that he was a prodigy in unarmed combat. from the excruciatingly powerful blows and kicks to the incredible speed and balance of his form, he was a phenomenon. As the years flew past he climbed in the ranks he got offered a chance to ascend to the rank of "knight of Aturin". He happily accepted and during the program he even learned how to use magic, wich as it turns out he is also very talented in. when he passed the final test he got rewarded with the prestigious title of "knight of Aturin" and chose to be the personal bodyguard of the highest ranking leader of the spiral knights. hoping to not see the dark fog of war again.
You have 35 points, each stat can go from 0-10.
Vitality(Health): 7

Forgot to give Bastion any stats.
Ammending that now.
Good job he's just in a prison cell, giving off shivers.

Aekun you didn't make it to the prison yet? We're still fighting you. You do free him, but later.

There's a new post up in Skylark Down, If you're interested.

Yeah I know, but nobody reached the shore yet. Nobody, could have reached the shore yet. Also one does not simply make a cannonball explode by stabbing it. Even then you would still be in Victoria's gravity field and floating upwards, and everyone else would be as well. Might wanna reconsider that post...

Well even if he leaves it, all he is hurting is him self and anyone on the ship. So its a win win for the Sprial's. The people in the armor are sunk and as good as dead unless there suits are Harmonically sealed. However I doubt the lower ranked/classed Morai/Spiral's are.
Also, in case your wondering what Barbossa's armor looks like:
Like the first one, but with the horns and shield from the second one. The primary color is dark red, with lava effects for the horns and other places, and black for the minor spots and the shield. The red on the shield is replaced with lava effects, and the red eyes are replaced with orange determined eyes.
(Credit for the image goes to Lottcalliber.)

*this story has no set plotline to follow whatsoever and it's going to be having two factions fight for the whole RP until one has to leave the planet*

'Rainbow Magic'
I never did mention anything about rainbow magic. I was going to choose a more of a shock element, and this 'teddy bear' has powers beyond comprehension (NOT godmods, however) that I may not mention until I get to kick a Morai's arse.
'But that teddy bear is part of an elite sect of knights detected to winning the war'
Yet again, powers beyond comprehension.
Something tells me I should have written the history down first thing.
Basically this guy is amnesiac who used to be a fun-loving child until he was cruelly murdered by the Morai who were rampaging down the streets.
His father was distraught and angered until one day when by his door was a thread made out of energy which emitted cries of a lost child. If the childless widower (Yup) was to lace it into something, he might bring his son to life. But all he found was an ancient teddy bear. But it still worked!
But then there was a crash at the door, then out burst the same Morai soldier. There was no hope for the man and all he could do was throw the teddy bear out of the window in hope (He could not jump out of the window as it was very small) and suffer a bloody fate to the Morai.
His last words were, "The light of hope shines bright but not to me, so I say to you Farewell."
A Spiral Knight defeated the Morai soldiers after and found a teddy bear on the floor, crying. Now Haiiro fights not for victory but for a newfound life and
Feline-Grenadier, it was not a joke.

Name- Gn-Bladious (Arkious)
Faction:Spiral Order
Class: Spiral Militiaman
Appearance:Spiral Flak Jacket and Spiral Roundhelm(Military colors)
Gear: Ascended Calibur, custom made Master Blaster(Spiral Order Colors)
Ability: Hacked Shield(digital shield), Firewall Breaker(Hacks anything), and Digital Blast(short circuits machinery causing them to explode)
Personality: Genetically made by the labs of the Spiral Order, he only had three personality: Happiness, sadness and work until he gained humor and love when he first saw Susan E. Noriega a scientist. But after seeing Susan getting assassinated, he gained anger.
History: From the remains of a deceased warden form the Energy Wars, the Spiral Order ordered the scientists to create Super Soldiers which are powerful knights that are artificially grown in clear tube chambers in energy with the remains of the fallen knights mixed in with their DNA. Many results came bad but only two where made which are Prototype 1(Gn) and Prototype 2(Black-fang) and they copied these two prototypes to create a army. Gn continued to work for the Spiral Order but for Dark flees from the lab to join the Isoran Army. Two days later Gn saw Susan E. Noriega which gained friendship later on, but later that joyous day became bitter when he saw Susan being assassinated it triggered him to become angry, causing him to have wrath and when a Isoran army came for a ambush, Gn mauled the army apart and his hatred to the Isoran grows into an uncontrollable, burning wrath
== Stats ==

Name: Nile Mikkelson
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Faction(Morai or Spiral): Spiral
Class(Can be found in the lore): Desperado
Appearance: Shadowsun Set, (Bright colored parts are dyed dull grey.
Gear/Abilities: Spiral Sniper Rifle(Modified with a Silencer and enhanced Scope), Valiance, Recolored Aegis (Dull Grey, and Black)
ability: True-Aim: For about five seconds, time slows down. Allows him to take aim easily and accurately. Cool down: 30 min.
Personality: Quiet, Only talks when he needs to. A hunted look is in his eyes, always looking for the easy way out.
History: Nile served as a Scout Gunner in his early military days, but left the Army when he received an injury to his right eye. In his solitude, he trained himself to shoot with his other eye. After a long time of training, Nile decided he would head back to the Order.
You are allowed to get creative with the gear and powers a bit, but nothing too OP and make sure it makes sense and would belong in a storyline like this. Also, since this is my first RP where I am the GM, we'll have a stat system.
You have 35 points, each stat can go from 0-10.
Vitality(Health): 5
Swordsmanship: 0
Sharpshooting: 10
Demolitions: 0
Magic: 0
Technology: 7
Agility: 10
Strength: 3

@Seatus yeah basically we lead up to when the Order leaves the planet.
@Whyna Ok with that history I'll consider it.

i have a question, how do i post links on the thread? its so i can show what my character looks like .

The only way for a Bullet to sink a ship is to hit the Keel. A Keel is the strongest support of a ship and takes quiet a lot of psi to take down. A single bullet from a hand rifle will not have enough impact force to take down a lone ship. You would need a weapon around 1m with armor piercing and have enough force to carry threw, that being said, the rifle to use said bullet would more then likely rip your arm off from the knock back alone.

Yeah I have a problem with that ship sinking bullet...

I could waste my time and argue this out, But meh.
Also, Tis not a HAND RIFLE, It's a SNIPER RIFLE. Maybe I should have mentioned twenty-Gazillion things about it.
Crimson Sniping Rifle-
A Blood red sniper rifle, Which looks very similar to a Ultima Ratio Hecate II
To shoot it properly, You'd have to be still, And Steady.

Thats a Hand Rifle. Any rifle, sniper, range, action, rapid-fire, is still a rifle that can be held in your hand. Now if we were still going to say this, that rifle looks like it fires around a .50BMG (12.7x99 mm) round. Vs. human skin it is quiet deadly and can do a lot of penetrating damage. The Keel of a ship, guessing by the fact it is caring army, the Morai force is using is rather tick and would take at the smallest amount 75 mm round traveling around 500+ MPH. Giving it a rather high Newton count. A .50BMG will not reach that kinda damage needed.
Compare that to the kinda rifle Thurian is using. For the sake of what he just fired we can say its around the same specs. of a Barrett M107 .50 mm Hand(Sniper) Rifle Military version. Meaning even his weapon does not match the required specs. to beak a Keel of a ship. Now take in mind that the further away the ship is, the more you need to aim and over aim. Thurian has the advantage when it comes to marksmanship. You have the advantage when it comes to getting shots off quicker.
I did make a mistake, the Barrett M107 fires a 14x99 Round where the Barret M82 (Civiy model) fires the same .50BMG (12.7x99 mm) rounds. The difference being the size and the Barrett M107 has much more force.
Now in the stated hands, such a large caliber rifle would do more damage to your character making it less likely to be used rather I would suggest using a lighter caliber.

Although it would make more sense, Seeing as Rhea's a Light Sniper.
So you're saying that Rhea Can't/Shouldn't be able to shoot it? GAAH.
*Head Mentally beats upon the keyboard several times*

I am not saying she can't/shouldn't. What I am saying it's a heavy caliber weapon meaning it has more recoil and is harder to aim for the weight of the weapon. The weapons we are talking about are for higher skilled Sharpshooters, because of this it would be more expected that your character was shooting a round closer to a 30-6 or 40-40. (Sorry Redneck terms ._. [South-east USA])

Name: Nathan Ainsworth
Alias: God Slayer
Faction: Unaligned
Alignment(Hero, Anti-hero, etc):
He acts as the: Wild Card(basically can play on both alignments)
However, he is actually the: Unscrupulous Hero/Anti-Villain(pursues a heroic goal but through unjust means).
He will also start to convert to a single side as the story progresses.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 18
A handsome youth who, due to his intelligence, loves challenges and pays more attention to those who pose an actual challenge to him. He is extremely crafty and cunning as well, though this is simply to achieve his goals as quickly and efficiently as possible. Also, because of his good looks, proper manners and charisma, many females are attracted to him. However, he feels that he should not make friends because he would simply end up hurting them(his powers explained below) - and thus he keeps a safe distance from other people. Even so, he is kind to others and will treat them with the utmost respect, even if they are not up to expectation. Though it may seem like a great contrast, he finds that people who rely on his help too much are useless; they cannot help themselves, making them simply live on the help of another. However, Nathan will help the weak as much as he can - because they are unfairly treated as they are not strong. With a thorough understanding of human behavior and tendencies, he is also able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy. Because of this, many think he has a form of telepathy, though he is quick to say otherwise. He also has a strong sense of justice - and this causes him to usually join the good side of the battle if needed. He simply acts as if he is on both sides, though he will simply resort to using any means necessary if it means that the desired result will be achieved. He will also do whatever it takes to achieve his goals - even if it means killing himself or a close friend to create the kind world his sister had always wanted. He treats all people equally, and despises unfair discrimination against others. However, he is infuriated by those who flaunt their skills, and thus will not hesitate to put an arrogant person in his/her place. He has no concern for the lives of his enemies, and will not hesitate to kill his enemies if given the opportunity. Because his powers have always labeled him as a monster, he does not usually reveal them in front of ordinary people.
Other info:
>He is a genius prodigy whose battle prowess and intelligence are renowned.
>He loves playing chess with himself - and he often uses the chessboard as a representation of the battles on Isora. He moves the pieces to specific places on the chessboard depending on where his targets move. He prefers to have the people representing the pieces act themselves rather than having to manipulate them, as he finds it interesting to see their reactions. Due to how well he can see both sides of the battle, he usually is in such an equilibrium that he can join either side whenever he wanted to. This allows him to always remain on the winning side, or grant important information to the losing side so that they gain an immense advantage.
>He can sing well, and it is one of his favorite pastimes.
About your character:
Nathan Ainsworth was the closest one could get to being perfect. Or so most thought, though if they were still alive they would be shocked at how wrong they were. Born into nobility, Nathan was naturally in the upper echelons of society. But he wasn't just rich - he had the talent to back himself up. At the age of 3 he had begun to speak his native language fluently, and at the age of 13 he had elevated his father's position in the government. For someone like Nathan - good-looking, well-mannered, incredibly smart and talented, it was no surprise that he would naturally attract a lot of attention(mostly from females, though). He was also ambidextrous, and took up sword training as well. However, what most did not know about Nathan was that he held a terrible secret; along with his talents, he had also been given(by the Great Spirit) an ocular ability said in folklore to be able to slay the gods(of course, it was exaggerated). Nathan had a sister by the name of Alice, who was two years younger than he was. To others, it seemed as if she was incompetent compared to Nathan - she was not nearly as talented as he was. Nathan treated her as an equal, though, and he disliked those who openly said that she was inferior to them. On one fateful day, assassins killed his sister before his very eyes. This inadvertently caused his ocular powers to awaken, causing a temporary personality change within him. He mercilessly killed the assassins, and slowly tortured them while they were dying, finding humor in their suffering. After he killed them, he proceeded to kill the rest of the family members in that house whilst still in his uncontrollable state. At the age of 15, he could do nothing but watch as he killed his own parents - and this would haunt him for all the years to come. It is believed that after this ordeal, Nathan went on to delve into underground sources for information, allowing him to have information that is usually not accessible to the public extremely quickly. What he did from then on is controversial and quite unknown, though it is presumed that he has gained many contacts throughout Isora - giving him a vast network of information that he can use to his disposal. He can be seen traveling across Isora quite often, though the reason as to why he does this is currently unknown. Because of his legendary powers, word around Isora has spread of a 'God Slayer', whom they say is a handsome young adult who has the power of the gods which he can use to save their respective factions by destroying all imminent threats.
Lore on his power:
A legendary power which is said to have the power to slay the gods(of course, it was exaggerated). It manifests itself ocularly, appearing as a blue pentagram on each of the user's eyes. It has been called the 'Eyes of God' by the Great Spirit. This is what it looks like:
Anyway, it grants the user two abilities:
>The ability to analyze and comprehend everything in the universe.
>And the ability to materialize and manipulate the primordial darkness and light that has existed in the universe.
It is had only been given by the Great Spirit to a being which he considered worthy of this immense power. It had been passed down through bloodline in the past, and due to its power, those who have had this power have been shunned and discriminated. Nathan himself has suffered from this - and thus conceals his power unless needing to use it to defeat enemies. It can be noted that he has been shunned and abandoned by his own comrades before after revealing his powers. Drawbacks stated below.
Fighting Style/Abilities:
Nathan dual wields two swords. His fighting style focuses on unpredictable, graceful movements that are incredibly efficient as they do not waste even a second closing in on the enemy. Although he does not parry much, he focuses much more on dodging the opponent's attacks whilst simultaneously moving closer to the opponent so as to be able to strike easily. Paired with his graceful movements, this provides elegant, yet incredibly quick and efficient footwork. Due to his dual wield, he focuses a lot on quick, consecutive attacks on the opponent. Because of its effortlessness and the speed and many directions at which they are performed, it is best described as a relentless offense. Nathan's intelligence also allows him to create a rough estimate of the velocity and directions as to which the strikes are traveling at. However, once activating his ocular ability, he is able to much more accurately discern the force, velocity, direction, mechanics and power of the attack. Due to this and his photographic memory, he can literally predict the opponent's movements along with the attacks they are going to perform(that is, if they are within his line of sight), thus allowing him to effectively dodge the attacks in advance. Another funny part to this is that he can implement a variety of sword techniques and martial arts into his fighting style just by seeing them - and he is able to perfect and modify them through practice. But it doesn't stop there - Nathan can also use primordial darkness and light to aid him in battle. However, his power is limited by a golden ring on the index finger of his right hand that suppresses its overall energy output. If the ring is destroyed, taken off or if Nathan is severely injured, the suppression on his powers will cease and the full extent of his powers would be revealed. There is a major drawback, though - which will be revealed in due time.
Simply put, he is the Paper Ram. Trading endurance/health for immense speed and power, he utilizes a relentless offense to quickly overpower and dispatch his enemies along with his intelligence.
>Chaos Cowl
>Chaos Cloak
>Dark Requiem:
An accursed sword said to be the perfect refinement of Primordial Darkness combined with Shadow Steel. A translucent aura of shadows can be seen constantly circling its dark blade. It can be materialized at will.
>Sacred Promise:
A holy blade said to be the perfect refinement of Primordial Light combined with Sun Silver. It brightly emits a golden aura about its holy blade. As with the Dark Requiem, it can be materialized at will.
Picture of Dark Requiem and Sacred Promise
Other notes:
I took the Mary Sue Litmus Test just in case. You can find the link here:(http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm)Anyhow, I obtained a score of 23.
I also took the Mary Sue Test(a different one). You can find the link here:(http://www.unc.edu/~jemarti/marysuetest/) I obtained a score of 22 here.
This basically means that, and I quote, "11-25: Your character is well-balanced. He or she has enough distinctive traits to stand out, but he or she also has some flaws. Although he or she has won some victories and accomplished some goals, the world doesn't bend to his or her will, and other characters treat him or her realistically. You probably don't need to worry about this character at all."
Swordsmanship: 10
Magic: 10
Agility: 10
Strength: 5

'Ok with that history I'll consider it.'
I guess that could mean no :C

There you are! Dude, your RtC2 app wasn't exactly rejected, y'know...

Not sure if I should post yet from Aekun's last post in regards to the Prison.
I allowed Bastion to break free, due to him being this experienced warrior, and the failure of the Morai breaking through in full force.
All I saw was from your post at some Morai exchanging fire, I assume at the entrance.
Not sure how the entirety of the prison guards were killed, and prison over-run in a matter of minutes though.
So may need some re-working.

Was my app accepted?
EDIT: derp , just noticed that I forgot the stats, I put them in now.

Well the guards might be using lower powered weapons to keep from killing prisoners, but the outer gurads, the ones who keep the Prison safe, would have higher powered weapons. Getting threw them might be a challenge, both get in and getting out.

That's better, accepted.
EDIT: Aekun not all the guards were slaughtered, only in that part of the prison. We will meet you there shortly :), so Edolas you can go on.

Its not my place to say something on it but here is what I think about that eye thing.
(This is all based on Dark's way of thinking and in no way related to the Host or anyone else.) I just get the feeling that at some point your going to turn it on and we are all going to get f'ed. Don't get me wrong, it might be fine and dandy, but to know everything makes you too strong IMO. It means that you will be able to see everything that can be, will be, has been. It gives us who don't have that ability or anyway to counter act it just that. In it's self it is flawed, it in a since takes away the importen aspect of a RP, choice and the ability to give the players the since of power or choice they have on there character.
Let be say it like this, your character(with eyes) gets into a battle with another character. The fight would be over in one move or maybe two at the most. Why you ask? Because all you have to do is turn on those eyes and you already know every move the other character is going to make, every move they can make, will make, and has made. Quiet literely taking away any chance they had of a fair fight from the get go. Now lets take that out of a fight and look at it in a more talking since, driving since of the topic. Your character is talking with another, perhaps its plot progression or something of that nature.
YOu start talking about something and they bring up a different idea. All you would do is use the eyes and bam, you can see everything they can say, will say, have said. All you do is adjust your words and its like the whole conversation never happened turning the situation from them progressing to the point of them following the line you want them to. It takes away the choice they had in the first place.
The dirtiest thing I could possibly see with it is you could indeed force some one to act a serten way, what do I mean? Lets say some one is doing something you don't like (ingame). Turning on the eyes you can see everything they can do, will do, have done. With a small change you could just say they did this and since we have no way to counter act the eyes, we can't stop it.
You see it in it's self becomes the single element that (IMO) makes it impractical in a RP because it takes away the Players choice, and character's in game free will to the point where anything can go your way because you just want it to. Now like I said we have no way to counter it and I am not trying to bash it (Thou you will more then likely see it that way) I am just expressing how I fell. Personally I believe the eyes should not be aloud, or at least Moderator controlled, other wise there really is no point and even interacting with the character with the eyes because we don't get any free choice over what our character does at that point because the eyes make it to where we are in a since under his control with out us even knowing about it. The removal of free will both out of character and in character.

I would beg to differ. :P
The analytical ability is not precognition. It simply gives Nathan the stats of all the particles that his eye can see. However, this does not allow him to have the precognition you presume, as it does not work unless the enemy actually starts the move.
If in a fight, he will not be able to see the moves one had made before he fought them. That wouldn't even be precognition; you literally break your own argument by saying that it is precognition, and then saying that it allows something that is not within the realms of precognition. And predicting every move the opponent can make is just dumb. There are more than a quadrillion possible choices as to what an opponent can do. Why would he want to see all of them(which would waste his time and allow the enemy to kill him) Essentially, he can only predict them when the opponent starts the move. If the opponent doesn't move, they would have no starting force to accelerate and cause a velocity. If they don't have a velocity, they won't move. If they won't move, then what on earth is he supposed to predict? Don't get this mixed up with precognition.
For instance, he would not be able to predict what they say. Predicting what they have done in the past, or all the possible choices that they can do is just dumb. Have I mentioned anything like that in the abilities section of my app? If so, please enlighten me with a proper quote. Your characters have choices. If you've read RTC2's discussion thread, you'll notice that I say my 'precognition'(it's not precognition, though it can be best related to it) is far more practical because it works best in combat. Actual precognition allows its user to see the future regardless of place, and what to specify. You are thinking that Nathan has actual precognition, which is wrong.
There is also an easy way to counter the eyes. However, I would much rather have you figure it out by yourself, then have me confirm it. If I told you, then your character would 'immediately' spot it, or create a sudden 'genius and impromptu' plan on the spot that somehow renders my character's ability useless.You obviously have free will. Nathan's eyes only allow him to predict and memorize the enemy's attacks when they are within his line of sight.
Honestly, your entire argument is based on a misconception you seemed to have formed some time ago. It does not at all remove free will, and it most certainly is not what you presume it to be. :/
I mean no harm from this. :P I'm just pretty irritated that you would condemn my character's ability to such an extent that you would want it removed.

Allow me to quote you.
"With a thorough understanding of human behavior and tendencies, he is also able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy."
Basically precognition in all but name.

That regards his personality, not his ability.
Quoting from Darkwatck: "All you would do is use the eyes and bam, you can see everything they can say, will say, have said."
He states that the eyes are the things that allow Nathan to predict what they will say, what they have said, and what they will be able to say(though this is false). So let me clear up some things for you:
>His eyes don't allow him to do that.
>He has learnt how to determine their thoughts as has already studied human behaviors and as such, can likely determine their thoughts based on their expressions, behavior and tendencies. It's not precognition, mind you. It's more similar to people-watching.

My bad, I wasn't reading it too carefully there. My apologies.
Allow me to provide a more relevant quote:
"Due to this and his photographic memory, he can literally predict the opponent's movements along with the attacks they are going to perform(that is, if they are within his line of sight), thus allowing him to effectively dodge the attacks in advance."
This would put him as overpowered in most combat situations, excluding flanking maneuvers and surprise attacks.

Actually, there are many ways to counter his ability. So as to make battling Nathan easier for everyone, I'll give you two:
>It only works within his line of sight. If something is not within his line of sight, what happens then?(Rhetorical question)
>There's no use in being able to predict where an attack will go if you will not even be able to dodge/counter it. You'll still suffer the same amount of damage.

I'm fully aware of those two. The first, in particular, is why I mentioned flanks and surprise attacks. The second, though, is so difficult that I deliberately chose not to mention it.
Look, can you work with us a little? I gather that many (observant) players aren't big fans of the ocular ability. Could you maybe change it to something less controversial? I'd be happy to throw in some ideas if you're willing.

Actually, if you think of this from a logical perspective, my first idea for my ocular ability was for it to be able to analyze everything that is within his line of sight.
That is the first ability the ocular skill endows upon Nathan.
It offers nothing more than analyzing everything within his line of sight.
However, if we follow the idea of scientific determinism: "If at one time, one knew the positions and velocities of all the particles in the universe, the laws of science should enable us to calculate their positions and velocities at any other time, past or future."
In this case, Nathan would know the positions and velocities of all the particles within his line of sight, allowing him to calculate their positions and velocities slightly into the future as an unintended byproduct of the skill.
Therefore, the ocular ability itself is not overpowered. Rather, you could say that the laws of science have conspired to allow Nathan to predict such incoming attacks from scientific determinism.

Point being, and I am being blunt, it removes free will so to speak of anyone your looking at. It removes the player element.

lol didn't i prove my point back then? :/
His ability does not remove free will. In fact, it most certainly does not restrict the other RPers from making moves of their own. Why? Read my reply to your post: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/99383?page=1#comment-902909
I hope this discussion is over. :P I really don't want to flood the discussion thread with a heated debate, so let's end it. That's fine, right? :3

Dang it Ultima, why do you gotta take advantage of the fact that I really wanna play with you?
Okay. I, for one, am willing to let you have a go with your ocular ability. Not that I have much say in the matter, seeing as this is Psychnade's game.

I think the analysis ability is fine to be honest.
It's one thing knowing what's going to happen, but a whole deal harder finding a way to stop it.

Epic music from SAO.
You can just imagine your character fighting another character with this music playing.
SAO's soundtrack FTW.

I don't care. I wanted to say something I believed, not start a argument over something meaningless.
Seatus and Edolas are accepted, and Rhea can be a merc, but make sure to be on the Order's side so the story can move along. Just finish Rhea up and I'll look it over. Poor Thin is stuck on a boat vomiting, so I'd appreciate some apps for the Order.