hi i need the material for the obsidian set where and how can i get them. also i am completely useless on how to even attempt to get the snorbolax set??
please help
how to create obsidian edge and the gun also snarbolax set
The obsidian set is event-only. The Apocrean event, to be exact. The materials were obtained from a token trader who would give you them in exchange for Sigils, the tokens obtained by freeing the lost souls in the realm of the Apocrea. That said, the obsidian weapons are just poisonous versions of existing weapons. Obsidian Edge is basically an alternate Acheron, the Obsidian Carbine is a poisonous Sentenza, and the bomb (I forgot its name) is basically just a variation on the Graviton line, so not having access to them immediately isn't a big loss. Although, it does prevent some strategies I suppose. Also, it is generally suspected that this event will eventually return, so you'll have your chance eventually.
As for the Snarbolax set, it is created through a special alchemy machine that is at the end of every shadow lair (you can find the entrance to this at the tier 3 crossroads, but they require a shadow key for each attempt). Shadow Lair sets also require special materials that can be found at the end of a respective Shadow Lair. For the Snarbolax set, the required material is a Nightmare Mane for each piece, obtained from the Snarbolax Shadow Lair (only 1 material per person though!).
😂 the Snarby set, you do SL and at the end there is an alchemy machine called the sanctuary and you craft it there.
oh man come on i dont even want anything else just those
Well, like I said, the Acheron is way better than the OE in every way except the charge attack near healers; and even then, it usually kills the monsters quickly enough to prevent any serious damage reversal. It does more than the Cold Iron Vanquisher against Undead. The CIV has a damage bonus against Undead. The Sentenza is also equivalent to the Obsidian Carbine in most uses, as the Poison usually isn't inflicted quickly enough before the target is stabbified. And the Sentenza has a cool bird. I guess if you were willing to splurge some money, other players would be willing to sell their hard-earned weapons to you; the cheapest I could find costed about 9000 Energy though; that's approximately 540000 crowns.
Do you have level 10 Ash Tail (It's the gear that you upgrade into Snarbolax)? If so, I believe Blueflood and his free Shadow Lair runs might help you there. But make your 4* gear level 10 first, otherwise you'll miss your opportunity to craft the Snarbolax gear.
I feel like I make the worst junk ever now.
I made The Edge, and people say Acheron is way better.
I made the glaucius and people say combuster is better.
When I started, I made dread skelly cause I thought it looked cool. Then there's snarby set.
Now, what should I make? Skolver, snarby or vog?
To learn where to get certain items, read their wiki pages. For example, if you read the page "Obsidian Edge", you see a big notice at the top explaining that it is available only through a special event, which you can then read about.
Cinoa, you might find my detailed sword guide helpful. The armor section is near the bottom. Obsidian Edge is not at all bad. It is pretty close to Acheron in overall usefulness, especially in party play. But yes, Combuster is much better than Glacius.
I myself have an Obsidian Edge, and I love it, since it's the pre buff Acheron but with Poison and a cool look; however, the raw damage of the Acheron is insane.
I just advise getting the Acheron, as it kills enemies faster, which is always a pro for beginners.
damn i like the acheron but i am willing to dish out for the edge i also want a narmby but because i dont have a 5* set yet i might have to go vog or skolver even though i dont want to
Expecting to go through a shadow lair in 4 star stuff is pretty wishful thinking. Do you at least have a 5 star weapon and shield first?
Is there something wrong with that?
No, we're all jelly of your awesome SL running skills in 4* armor. ._.
/e eats another piece of frozen jelly... it makes me feel so cold and detached from society.
Kids, don't eat frozen jelly. You don't want to turn out like this man now do you?
Buy our snarbolax gear, to protect yourself from unwanted frozen jelly.
Did I say buy it? I mean go to the sanctuary and craft it of course.
definitely dont let the 450 CE fee stop you from getting the armor you want.. the recipes for skolver of vog cub are 50K crowns , while you can craft snarbolax for free. 50K cr > 450 CE so thats no reason not to get it. Although you will need a few good players to help you beat it.
Plancker, it seems to me that you're neglecting that he may have to run the Shadow Lair twice requiring not 450CE, but 900 CE. You only get one material per run, and unless your allies are willing to give you the material (which I'm not sure is even possible), you're going to have to plan that you'll run it twice.
In addition, the Shadow Lair is considered to be at a deeper depth than normal resulting in more damage being taken which can be a problem. Also, the map layout itself can be a bit tricky to deal with.
Also, Skolver, like most people have said, is a fine enough set on its own.
The differences between Snarbolax and Skolver Sets:
Shadow for Piercing Defense and
Less Freeze resist for some Poison Resist
aren't great enough to warrant running through Shadow Lair with 4-Star armor.
The majority of damage from monsters tends to be normal anyways. Having the specific defense saves some pips but can be accounted for with caution.
A few corrections for your corrections, I guess.
S/he won't need to run it twice, assuming that he bought the other mat from the AH or something earlier, making the price 450 CE and like, 20k cr or something around that. Also, the mats from SL's are unbound, so you can trade it, or sell it at will.
I would still suggest popping up at the link sandwich-potato had, because as Plancker said, you will need some good teammates to (most likely) carry you through the SL.
Now I'm wondering if the OP still needs to know any of this, as it's been answered earlier in the thread, like a month ago or so.
The Obsidian weapons were part of an exclusive event during the Dark Harvest Festival, AKA 2013 Halloween. Acheron outclasses the Obsidian Edge anyhow though in sheer damage.
The Snarbolax set is not recommended as your first 5* set, as it requires you to journey through the Shadow Lair with level 10 4* gear. A Shadow Key costs 1800 Energy, and even split among 4 people, 450 Energy could be better spent on Orbs or something.