"Kid, I am not angry so don't look like your ma'am just scalded you." Thurian said in a calmer voice. "At the moment we just need to get this man taken care of then we can hear your side of things alright?"
Thurian never let his guard down, keeping himself in a loose guard stance to give off the air that he was ready to strike but able to keep a civil tone.
He fumed at the man who had just so casually tossed him aside. Staring up at the man didn't scare him in the slightest. In fact, it only made him angrier. I'm up to my neck in people with no prioritizing priorities. Standing, he brushed himself off, and stole a glance at the emerald-eyed guy. But it wasn't like he was looking in his direction.
The man who had ignored him was not okay to do so. But...something still stopped Daoxin from acting out of anger again. People were watching, and there were only so many people who could potentially be interested in having his help, or possibly sheltering him. He gripped his shoulder and sighed, looking at the ground. "I-I'm sorry, mister. I....I-" he quieted himself down. The man was obviously trying to do his job. What could he do but watch...or mess up....probably both...
He took a few deep breaths. The attention was not the right kind he had wanted to draw to himself. He didn't know what to do...or if he could do anything...
He tugged his facemask over his trembling lips and pulled the hood over his shamed face.