- The Clockwork Renegades <[Final goodbye? :(]>
... will provide cover fire." Kara said as she produced a Blackhawk handgun. "Keep your eyes peeled, stick together, and listen for my ... attempt to grab her. She shoots it out of the air with the Blackhawk. [If we ever get out of here alive, I'm going straight to the Order ...
Forum topic - Azure-Orbit - 01/11/2013 - 08:20 - 800 comments - 0 attachments
- WTS Blackhawk, and other 4* or 5* on consignment
Selling pre-made 4* Blackhawk gun Also selling another weapon which can be Blackhawk/Silversix/Faust/Avenger/Divine Avenger - your call. PST w/ offer ... 700 CE (for 4*, more for DA) IGN: Kakumei Wanna buy Blackhawk Wanna buy Blackhawk interested in faust and interested in ...
Forum topic - Demn - 05/05/2011 - 13:34 - 2 comments - 0 attachments
- Patch Notes - February 22, 2012
... power remains the same) - Added undead damage bonus Blackhawk: - Removed piercing damage, now pure shadow damage (overall attack ...
Forum topic - Nick - 02/21/2013 - 16:37 - 1 comment - 0 attachments
- The issue with Blackhawk's range (pic)
... being dumb :3 I think I have found out the issue with Blackhawk's (Sentenza?) range. In this picture, I used orange dots to show ... shots aren't exactly at the same position every time (with Blackhawk at least) and the animation is also not always at the same position ...
Forum topic - The-Rawrcake - 10/24/2011 - 18:36 - 16 comments - 0 attachments
- Sentenza and Blackhawk range issue.
... to my attention that the Sentenza has LESS range than the Blackhawk. Thus I am curious to see if anybody else has noticed this. ... affects the Silversix/Argent Defender line, and if the Blackhawk is supposed to have less range of the Sentenza is supposed to have ...
Forum topic - RapBreon - 04/30/2011 - 06:21 - 4 comments - 0 attachments
im buying an avenger and blackhawk. leave your price and ign name. ill buy the cheapest offered and ... each for an yeah . . i saw 1.5k each for an avenger and blackhawk so ill offer you 1.3k ce each I may have a blackhawk get in I may have a blackhawk get in touch with me is it UV? ...
Forum topic - chocothunder - 04/26/2011 - 04:22 - 5 comments - 0 attachments
- Retracted
... on a few items. Sealed Sword, Final Flourish ASI High and Blackhawk are still available for trade. Sold: Divine Dragon Sold: ... I'll offer 7k CE for the I'll offer 7k CE for the Blackhawk ASI High IGN:Schick I'll buy the Calibur ASI VH. BTW, ...
Forum topic - Merchant-Sk - 10/26/2012 - 11:04 - 134 comments - 0 attachments
- WTS Blackhawk and Silversix
Selling Blackhawk and Silversix premade, 600CE for each IGN:Levon Wanna buy Blackhawk Wanna buy the Blackhawk I'll buy silversix ^ Whaa? What happened? these ...
Forum topic - vesta - 05/11/2011 - 23:39 - 4 comments - 0 attachments
- WTS Premade Avenger or Faust, Premade Silversix or Blackhawk
... or Faust for 800ce or 33000cr Premade Silversix or Blackhawk 800ce or 33000cr IGN: superred Wanna buy Blackhawk Wanna buy the Blackhawk I will buy I will buy faust/avenger/ and silversix all three ...
Forum topic - xbigbobx - 05/09/2011 - 12:59 - 2 comments - 0 attachments
- Kein Dmg mit Blackhawk bei Vanaduke
... Ich hab heute das erste mal Vanaduke gemacht und hatte ne Blackhawk dabei. Zuerst ging alles, aber bei Phase 5 habe ich mit der Blackhawk einfach keinen Schaden mehr zugefügt. Und nein, es war nicht ...
Forum topic - Incredible-Kirby - 07/10/2012 - 13:14 - 3 comments - 0 attachments