So I'm gonna upgrade my gunslinger armor to five star soon...

And I don't know which choice I should pick.
The good old fashioned attack speed has been working fine for me, but then we got the shadow-defense changing me to damage up, or this other armor doing other things, it's just too hard to pick a choice out of all of these.
My gun collection is rather... Minimal. Im planning on getting Phantamos and a Callahan/Iron Slug?
Though sometimes I just swing my sword around cause it's a bit easier.

So I read the guide some... And I hear and see people using this Chaos Cloak, but it's glass cannon material.
Will that work with my playstyle of just running around firing shots with reckless abandon, occasionally throwing sword slices in?

Shadowsun gives you damage+2 on handguns. Chaos Cloak gives you that and much more: damage+2 on swords, damage+2 on bombs, and CTR+2 on everything. And it comes with a cost of terrible status penalties. So you have to ask yourself whether Chaos' extra offense is worth the status penalties.
Here is a player for whom Shadowsun is obviously better: He uses only guns, and has no plans to use swords or bombs in the near future. He tends to use regular (not charge) attacks. He is inexperienced and on a pretty slow/laggy computer/connection. So his dodging isn't perfect and he gets hit by monsters fairly often, so he can't handle status penalties.
Here is a player for whom Chaos is obviously better: She uses a mix of swords, guns, and bombs. She uses a lot of charge attacks. She is experienced and her computer/connection are strong, so she dodges enemy attacks.
By the way, Callahan/Iron Slug is mainly for charge attacks and Phantamos is mainly for regular attacks. If I understand your experience level correctly, you might find yourself using more charge attacks, as you play the game more. (But not all expert players do.) So consider Chaos. Especially if your other armor piece is not glass cannon.

Chaos + Shadowsun hat works for me, but BK+chaos/full chaos would be offensively better but the negative resistances can be nasty.
I'm using that set together with dmg trinket + heart pendant + swiftstrike
I think you should use wintergrave or umbra driver for a shadow gun instead of Phantamos.
Callahan is nice but I think blitz/or maybe riftlocker does the job better.

Yeah, we could also talk about your choice in guns. But I didn't want to give you a bunch of unwanted advice.

I do a lot of research on things beforehand... Sometimes.
I've looked at the Winter Grave and I've heard people saying that the full damage 'face shot' isn't possible because it stops enemies from being knocked back. So I'm a bit skeptical.
Also, I've got a Prismatech Alchemer and tried it... And it's kinda lame. Two weak shots. Dunno how I'd fare with the other one.
Beasts and Fiends are dodgy. Will Riftlocker bullets be able to hit them?

That's one reason why I think Iron slug would do the work slightly better than wintergrave against slimes/gremlins/constructs. But the freeze can be incredibly useful sometimes especially against toxoils on C42 and for sniping down puppies. I think riftlocker is useful against fiends/beast as a side-arm only, I'm pulling it out whenever there's no room for blitz/callahan charge attack and melee attacks. But against dodgy wolvers, I would just pull-out DBB or toothpick.
For Alchemers, you need to learn single-switching + internal/ricocheting. It takes some time to get used to it though. Switch shooting an alchemer does more DPS than just shooting normally.
For internal ricocheting, there's a chance for the bullet to spawn inside the target for double dmg.
It works by shooting the right-edge of the target, shooting between 2 targets (I think there's a chance for triple dmg), and shooting between a target and a wall (or any inanimate object).
I also think that shooting the right-edge of the target while moving clockwise has a higher chance of spawning a bullet inside the target.

Alchemers have a steep learning curve. And they get much more powerful at higher star-levels. It seems that many knights abandon them before learning how strong they can be.
I tend to argue against freeze weapons such as Glacius and Winter Grave. But even I must admit that Winter Grave charges kill enemies fairly well. The key is to hit the target at the end of the gun's range. Then it suffers a couple of big hits, which produce enough damage to kill most enemies. But this "hit at the end of the range" tactic means that you have to position your attack even more carefully than with Iron Slug and Callahan. So I do favor those over Winter Grave.
Other players can advise you on guns for fiends and beasts. Being lazy, I tend to use the easiest weapon on them: Dark Briar Barrage.

For Winter Grave, I'd have to shoot an enemy 7 tiles away, and hope that the enemy doesn't move.
And for the alchemers, switch shooting seems... Wack. I still got some difficulty shield cancelling.

I'm not great at switch shooting, but I still find alchemers powerful, just in their charge attacks. For example, in Tier 3 I can kill two lumbers with a single Nova Driver charge. By the way, I'm pretty sure that a single Winter Grave charge can also kill two lumbers.

Just wanna point out some stuff I found in this thread while skimming it...
Callahan/Iron Slug is mainly for charge attacks...
The only reason I used to use Callahan was for its regular attacks. It hits instantly as the shot is so fast, the less ping you got you can get a perfect shot on anything and even hit wolvers BEFORE THEY TELEPORT and can hit devilites BEFORE THEY BEGIN DODGING THE BULLET. Iron Slug is almost exclusively used for its charge though.
I'm not great at switch shooting, but I still find alchemers powerful, just in their charge attacks...
If you can single-switch properly they can have much more DPS than with only charges on crowds of monsters or cornered monsters.
Beasts and Fiends are dodgy. Will Riftlocker bullets be able to hit them?
Just spam single-switch mechanics while using any blaster. I have a blaster equipped almost at all times at my 2nd slot while having a sword in my 1st. What I do is basically spam blaster till I get close enough to use swords and when the enemy gets knocked back enough to be hard to reach with swords I switch to blaster and repeat till the enemy dies.
I think you should use wintergrave or umbra driver for a shadow gun instead of Phantamos.
Each got its use. Phantamos is greatest as a sidearm, Umbra Driver is great as a main weapon and wintergrave is great in a charge-oriented playstyle, it can still knock down gremlins which makes it useful.
I'm pretty sure that a single Winter Grave charge can also kill two lumbers.
Iron Slug can, that's for sure but Winter Grave can't do that all the time, freeze might kick in and ruin it sometimes.
Concerning the main topic though, gunslinger armors... Best bet is always Sunset Setson due to its blanket gun damage and the fact that it's almost a perfect pair with Perfect Mask of Seerus complementing it's defenses and lack of damage bonuses. Deadshot Mantle is great if you wanna farm FSC a lot and look cool as hell. The ASI ones are good too, but I wouldn't go for them first.

Callahan/Iron Slug is mainly for charge attacks... The only reason I used to use Callahan was for its regular attacks. It hits instantly as the shot is so fast
That is a good point. The regular shots are very fast. This is why, in the ancient Ask a Master Gunslinger Anything thread, the gunslinger recommended Callahan over other piercing guns.
I'm not great at switch shooting, but I still find alchemers powerful, just in their charge attacks... / If you can single-switch properly they can have much more DPS than with only charges on crowds of monsters or cornered monsters.
Yes. That is the point of "...but I still...".

Well Bopp... You're a pretty old player, it's really surprising that you don't know single-switching. You need any help with the controls or something? It's really easy once you get used to it. The most important thing is to bind your weapon slots to buttons rather than using the traditional next/previous controls for switching. And to use the keyboard rather than the mouse wheel since the mouse wheel can be pretty annoying and is actually slower than keyboard switching since you can only use one finger to move between your 2 weapons.

Poor Bopp, trying so hard to be PC, at the cost of building precious skill and insight. Ah, but we are all different....your choice is yours my friend, I will not complain about less competition.
Get chaos, and adapt if you die too much. End of thread. Any other advice is just sugar coating the truth.
The ONLY viable excuse you have for getting defensive armor is if you have fluctuating ping. Otherwise, man up and get it done with Chaos. Face that challenge head on, and beat it....unless asustado?

Well Bopp... You're a pretty old player, it's really surprising that you don't know single-switching.
Yes, I'm a very old player. I learned how to switch-shoot in 2011. What I said is that I'm not great at it. I've seen videos of people who are much better than me. Yes, I would get better if I practiced.
The problem is that my usual control scheme has only one key devoted to switching weapons. So I have to change to an unusual scheme to do this technique.
Poor Bopp, trying so hard to be PC, at the cost of building precious skill and insight.
It's true that I'm not an especially skilled player. My wiki page says so. But I don't try to be politically correct, and trying to be politically correct should not conflict with learning a popular technique anyway.

He uses only guns, and has no plans to use swords or bombs in the near future. He tends to use regular (not charge) attacks. He is inexperienced and on a pretty slow/laggy computer/connection. So his dodging isn't perfect and he gets hit by monsters fairly often, so he can't handle status penalties.
so me then

Get chaos, and adapt if you die too much. End of thread. Any other advice is just sugar coating the truth.
I've got horrible ping and still use Black Kat almost exclusively. You just need to have fast reflexes and practice switching right. Some of the more advanced techniques to deal with it is by knowing the timing of traps, they start before they appear to on your screen and they end before they appear to on your screen and knowing your actual place by looking at your pet rather than your character, your pet follows you in server time, you're located at the position your pet follows not exactly what you appear to be on your screen.
Rearding PvP though... Just try to understand how far players can reach you with swords and stay as far as you can from that range. For example, some players hit me with ACHERON from 6 tiles away others from 3 tiles. If they hit from so far, stay away and spam blasters, if they don't hit from that far then you can actually hit them with swords which feels so damn nice especially when you're not used to swinging your sword at all cause there's no one at your bad latency range.
The problem is that my usual control scheme has only one key devoted to switching weapons.
It can still be possible to single-switch like this but you're greatly limiting yourself. Why don't you put another button where you got a spare finger that isn't used. For example I use my index, middle and ring fingers for wasd movement with my index finger switched to e for moving forward when using swords or dodging while having left shift for dash which I use my pinkie for and my thumb on the space (fastest sword in the current loadout slot and button to press to press before pressing q or tab to single switch) and ring finger on q (gun) or tab (the slower current sword in the loadout or Blitz Needle) for switching.
This is something that I believe that every single gunner should know of, otherwise you're gunning wrong (except if you're playing with only charge-oriented weapons like Iron Slug or Blitz). It also boosts the DPS of the already fast swords like Acheron and the flourishes (got no idea about cutters though).

Does this community always suggest Chaos and Switch shooting?
What if I'm a filthy casul?

Not really, it all depends on your skill level. If you can single-switch, double-switch, dodge and kill trash mobs a few secs after they appear on your screen then you can consider yourself truly endgame. From that you try the hipster stuff like tortoguns, bomb-only runs, PvP (wait, wut?),etc...

The problem is that my usual control scheme has only one key devoted to switching weapons. / It can still be possible to single-switch like this but you're greatly limiting yourself.
I would like to hear more about single-switching with only one key for switching weapons, please.

attack > hold shield shield > press the switch button twice > release shield > repeat
It can be faster than just waiting for alchemers and blasters after one shot BUT that's only till you get to a certain amount of ASI (I'd guess very high and above). It will be faster for heavy swords and guns at all ASI ranges I think. It won't make the already fast weapons faster but slower like antiguas, flourishes and brandishes.
The problem is that when you use next/previous weapon switching there's a delay before the actual switch but when you use bound slots the switching becomes instantaneous making it as fast as you rather than as fast as the game wants it to be. An ideal single switch shouldn't take more than 0.2 sec where with the delay the game forces you in, it becomes so not worthwhile to single switch with the next/previous button switching mechanics.
I only found it good at double switching rather than single switching as you put in less effort by only using one button and the delay won't get in your way as you press the switch button while in your attack animation so the weapons will switch once the attack animation finishes. That doesn't apply to single-switching however, because you'll switch to the weapon that you're holding by pressing twice therefore it will stay at the weapon rather than switching twice. There's a way to minimize the delay which is by switching once while in the attack animation and once the animation finishes and you see your weapon has changed switch once again as fast as possible.
I still greatly encourage you to use one more button, it's really not that much of an effort once you get used to your hand placement on the keyboard.
Hope I helped you.

I'm an old school gunner. TBH I don't bother switch shooting, and I can still carry teams. That said, most of my gunslinger loadouts are charge-spam focused. However, if you're going a charge spam loadout, then you'll need either a lot of UVs/Trinkets or Chaos Cloak + Perfect Mask of Seerus to get an effective amount of CTR without sacrificing too many defenses.
You could probably get away with a LvL 10 Blitz + LvL 10 Iron Slug + CTR Trinket/sprite in full Shadowsun.

I do both, depending on situations. I usually carry alch/magnus/autogun as my orthodox gunslinger loadout.
The underrated volcanic pepperbox is also nice with dmg/ctr max. Its knockback is nice for defensive gameplay. Its still possible to neatly solo FSC with pepperbox alone though.

To be clear, here are two tactics with a 5-star alchemer at ASI+3:
A. Fire one shot, pause, then fire another shot. The pause is just long enough that the two shots are not part of a single clip, requiring a reload, but are instead from different clips, requiring no reload.
B. Fire, shield down, switch, switch, shield up, fire. With one button for the weapon switching. As Zero-Chill described above.
I've never been able to make tactic B go faster than tactic A. But, prompted by this thread, I've been practicing again. So today I can do both tactics reliably and I've settled into my maximum speed for both. But tactic B is no faster than tactic A. Maybe at lower ASI it would be.
Maybe someday I will de-laze myself into a new keyboard arrangement for better switching. Cheers.

I dunno if Tactic A is faster than tactic B, but for me its very slow.
^ Comparison of pause-shooting, shield cancelling (single/dual)

Just to reinforce what Zero-Chill mentioned, switch shooting is much more re-producible if you bind the commands "switch to weapon 1" and "switch to weapon 2" and use those instead of "rotate to next weapon" and "rotate to previous weapon" commands.
The commands don't have the same timing for switching between weapons -- switching to specific weapons is faster. There is some "refresh command" delay with the rotate one, probably so that people don't scroll past the weapon they want by spinning the mouse wheel slightly too much. This programmed delay makes switching with the rotate commands typically never more efficient.
I'm with Bopp, though. Not a fan of having to press more keys for marginal and unreliable improvements in DPS. If you see me switch shooting, it's because I want to use 2 different driver status.
Also, on the topic of gunner armors, as someone who's crafted a whole bunch of them...
I've come to really prefer the increase in ASI over higher damage/CTR that you see in more glass cannon builds. You get a lot more mobility, since it specifically reduces the time after shots. Lancer Knightz estimated 3.6% increase in recovery time per increment. Essentially, DPS-wise, it's the same as getting damage. Strategically, ASI is better because you minimize "overkill" damage and instead can switch targets. Also more chances for status-inflicting weapons.

Just to reinforce what Zero-Chill mentioned, switch shooting is much more re-producible if you bind the commands "switch to weapon 1" and "switch to weapon 2" and use those instead of "rotate to next weapon" and "rotate to previous weapon" commands.
To be clear, I was talking about switching use just one key total (since at least post #20). I was not talking about switching with one key per weapon. Yes, that can be faster, but my usual keyboard bindings do not allow it (post #15).
I'm with Bopp, though. Not a fan of having to press more keys for marginal and unreliable improvements in DPS. If you see me switch shooting, it's because I want to use 2 different driver status.
That's not really my view. I generally admire people who put effort into mastering their tools. It's just that on a typical day I fall into the other camp --- people who play Spiral Knights casually, to relax, with no desire for self-improvement.
I have a detailed armor guide that you might find useful.
Are you talking about 4-star Gunslinger armor, meaning Sunset Stetson and Sunset Duster? My guide advises you to choose Shadowsun, because the blanket gun damage+2 cannot be replicated through unique variants. I mean, you can get ASI and CTR through unique variants (and heat and Swiftstrike Buckler) but you cannot get a damage bonus against all enemies. Another nice feature of this plan is that you can seamlessly switch to Chaos or Black Kat someday, if you want to.
Let me know if you find this helpful, or if you have further questions.