Charge Time Reduction versus Attack Speed Increase

what would be better in your opinion:
a Calibur with CTR: Medium or ASI: Medium?
i dont know how much a single point of UV from both is worth.
is a point of CTR -0.25 seconds or 0.5 seconds or something else? i hear both so yeah.. :S
as for attack speed increase i heard its 4% every point? cant say for sure that im recalling things right.
someone help please? XD
I think you should go for CTR. If you want IAS just use Vog Cub and/or Swiftstrike Buckler. Each individual part of the Vog Cub set gives a Medium IAS to swords, set filling you up with a Very High IAS. The Swiftstrike Buckler gives a High IAS to all weapons. Swiftstrike Buckler + any one Vog Cub part = Ultra IAS for Swords + High for others, full Vog Cub + Swiftstrike Buckler = Maximum! IAS for swords + High for others. (One stage of IAS is wasted for swords, though, because stage 4 (Very High) + 3 (High) = 7, cap being 6 (Maximum!).)

but what exactly is a point of CTR and ASI worth? its what i want to know >.<

IMO.. I think CTR on a sword is worthless because you will be normal attacking with the sword more then using the charge attack.. I preffer ASI. However, there are few swords like the DA or Calibur CTR would be useful.
No-one has posted any hard data yet.
If you want to test it, go ahead. Use common sense otherwise.
The charge attack on calibur (I use Lev) is really useful. I use it as much, if not more than the regular attack, especially when soloing. I let myself get surrounded, and the knockback on the lev lets me charge up for another attack just as I get surrounded again. Rinse and repeat.
I'm really happy with my CTR med UV.
Eeks just posted some CTR values for Levi over here:
I recorded a DA with and without ASI Medium. Each level of ASI on a DA reduces combo time by about 100ms. Never tried Calibur though. But yeah, each level of ASI makes the sword about 4% faster, so if you have max ASI that would come out to 24% faster.
I use an ASI Levi and really like being able to interrupt on the third hit because I can finish my combo before the monsters can usually strike. It is a bummer though that my charge time is normal for the sword since I charge continuously in FSC.

I think CTR on a sword is worthless because you will be normal attacking with the sword more then using the charge attack..
Yeah, if you're a SCRUB.
The only two swords worth having a ctr are the Divine Avenger or the Leviathan (and I guess CIV as the charge is the same..) Otherwise, ASI. However no sword really NEEDS an ASI except for the Sealed Sword line, or any other 2 hitter so it's really just preference. I myself have, when combined with vog, an ASI max Gran Faust and max Levi; I also have a CTR med Divine Avenger and high Levi and I can tell you that it's very situational. I only use CTR on T3 and really only in Fire Storm Citadel- everything else I find ASI to be more useful.
Depends on the weapon. For a Calibur I would go ctr. IAS is hardly ever worth it on swords.