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Charge Time Reduction versus Attack Speed Increase

9 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Watermelon-Soda

what would be better in your opinion:
a Calibur with CTR: Medium or ASI: Medium?

i dont know how much a single point of UV from both is worth.

is a point of CTR -0.25 seconds or 0.5 seconds or something else? i hear both so yeah.. :S

as for attack speed increase i heard its 4% every point? cant say for sure that im recalling things right.

someone help please? XD

Legacy Username

Depends on the weapon. For a Calibur I would go ctr. IAS is hardly ever worth it on swords.

Legacy Username

I think you should go for CTR. If you want IAS just use Vog Cub and/or Swiftstrike Buckler. Each individual part of the Vog Cub set gives a Medium IAS to swords, set filling you up with a Very High IAS. The Swiftstrike Buckler gives a High IAS to all weapons. Swiftstrike Buckler + any one Vog Cub part = Ultra IAS for Swords + High for others, full Vog Cub + Swiftstrike Buckler = Maximum! IAS for swords + High for others. (One stage of IAS is wasted for swords, though, because stage 4 (Very High) + 3 (High) = 7, cap being 6 (Maximum!).)

Portrait de Watermelon-Soda
but what exactly is a point

but what exactly is a point of CTR and ASI worth? its what i want to know >.<

Portrait de Berzerkules

IMO.. I think CTR on a sword is worthless because you will be normal attacking with the sword more then using the charge attack.. I preffer ASI. However, there are few swords like the DA or Calibur CTR would be useful.

Legacy Username

No-one has posted any hard data yet.

If you want to test it, go ahead. Use common sense otherwise.

Legacy Username
The charge attack on calibur

The charge attack on calibur (I use Lev) is really useful. I use it as much, if not more than the regular attack, especially when soloing. I let myself get surrounded, and the knockback on the lev lets me charge up for another attack just as I get surrounded again. Rinse and repeat.

I'm really happy with my CTR med UV.

Legacy Username
Eeks just posted some CTR

Eeks just posted some CTR values for Levi over here:

I recorded a DA with and without ASI Medium. Each level of ASI on a DA reduces combo time by about 100ms. Never tried Calibur though. But yeah, each level of ASI makes the sword about 4% faster, so if you have max ASI that would come out to 24% faster.

I use an ASI Levi and really like being able to interrupt on the third hit because I can finish my combo before the monsters can usually strike. It is a bummer though that my charge time is normal for the sword since I charge continuously in FSC.

Portrait de Sunless
I think CTR on a sword is

I think CTR on a sword is worthless because you will be normal attacking with the sword more then using the charge attack..

Yeah, if you're a SCRUB.

Legacy Username
The only two swords worth

The only two swords worth having a ctr are the Divine Avenger or the Leviathan (and I guess CIV as the charge is the same..) Otherwise, ASI. However no sword really NEEDS an ASI except for the Sealed Sword line, or any other 2 hitter so it's really just preference. I myself have, when combined with vog, an ASI max Gran Faust and max Levi; I also have a CTR med Divine Avenger and high Levi and I can tell you that it's very situational. I only use CTR on T3 and really only in Fire Storm Citadel- everything else I find ASI to be more useful.