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Bomb Suggestions

34 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Fallout

Yes, more explosions.....
This is where suggestions will be made regarding bombs, whether it is about ways to balance bombs (although most is explained in the bomb balance thread) or whether there's a suggestion for a new bomb/type.

Basically this was made to output some of my ideas and everyone else's.

Here are just my basic wants.... I'll talk about them more in other commentythingymobobs

-->Directional Bombs
-->Elemental Blasts (or spike)
-->Firecracker+Cold Snap Extensions
-->Earthquake Bombs

Other Peoples Suggestions:
[suggestion]~(name{link to comment})

BAB + ionized improvement ~ M_Yaa_M
4* and 5* bomb idea ~ Sora9854
Acid Bomb ~ souron
RSS change ~ DrLequack

Portrait de Fallout
Directional Bombs

This concept is something that I really want. Like the DA charge, I want there to be some way to cause knock back in only one direction (relative to the way the player is facing). The animation should resemble something like a wave (imagine yourself shaking out a really long carpet and how it ripples along).
The bomb itself should cause no damage, and should be able to knock enemies far back in one direction.
This is where it gets cool; enemies will be damaged if they collide with a solid object (i.e. a wall), or other enemies (less damage, but I'm thinking of a domino effect). there are other features, such as if a knocked back enemy hits a blast block, they will take the damage from it rather than a normal solid object collision. There could be several types (one for knockback, one for knockdowns and one that causes stun?).

Key Points:

-->'Wave' forms to the relative position in which the player was facing
-->Enemies are only damaged from collisions(walls, other enemies, blast cubes), not from the bomb itself (so it's not useful in large spaces)
-->Animation resembles a ripple in the ground.

Legacy Username
They'd have to make a wedge

They'd have to make a wedge shaped radius thingy to make that work, but yeah it's a nice idea.

Portrait de Facejuances
no, because i said so

firecracker and cold snap upgrades would render fiery/freezing vaporizer obsolete unless they have a very small radius.

Portrait de Fallout
Firecracker+Cold Snap Extensions

There are a few ways that these upgrades to work. One option is to follow the likes of BAB or Irontech with horrendous movement, fuses and DPS with the only thing to pull it back being the status effects. The vaporizer line would not become obsolete due to the fact that firecracker and cold snap have a moderate chance of causing a status effect with only one chance at causing this effect, whereas the vaporizers hold a good chance with many opportunities to cause this effect during the fogs animation. A measure to prevent this from becoming OP should be to end the line at 4*. The damage would be that of the Heavy Decon with the replacement of the status effect instead of the construct bonus. This also prevents ragecrafting, due to the the sudden end at 4* as well as being seemingly unnecessary to a player who already owns a vaporizer.

Key Points:

-->Follows the likes of the 'Heavy Bombs' OR follows that of Heavy deconstructer with the replacement of the bonus with the status effect
-->wont be OP if someone already owns a vaporizer

Portrait de Cherubrock
Suggestion Improvment ideas on : Big Angry Bomb and Ionised salt

-- Suggestion Improvment ideas on : Big Angry Bomb and Ionised salt Bomb -- and Stagger Storm

Big Angry Bomb:

I think this bomb should explode twice per each time you plant a bomb. the 1st explosion is small and has zero knock-back but deals tons of damage followed by a huge explosion with tons of knock-back and more damage.

Ionised Salt Bomb:

I think if you "hit" your team mates with the shards from this bomb it will put out fire and unfreeze your teammates.


Stagger Storm:

I was thinking that this bomb could also "mend" your team mates while the haze is active sort of like how those gremlin menders heal enemies in teir 3 with those big round circle things on the ground.

it should be though that a team mate can only heal up from a stagger storm haze cloud say once every 30 seconds and healing only occurs on a team mate if the bomb hit an enemy this way a player can not abuse healing team mates in between rooms .. etc .. example : "wait we just killed one guy .. come in my haze cloud to heal up " .. yeah something to prevent that otherwise it would be super crazy overpowered.

maybe it could heal just as slow as those slow heart things in FSC.

Legacy Username
4* and 5* bomb idea

4* bomb called "Cataclysm" it explodes giant rocks and causes Stun sometimes


Apocalypse has a bigger blast radius Than cataclysm, it shoots rocks of destruction, it can cause Stun, Shock, Fire, or Freeze!!!

i think that Cataclysm could be an Almarian Seal Reward! (for 25? or 35?)

and a 3* bomb (no upgrades) thats just a regular sized bomb with chains around it, and the blast color does a status effect, Similar to the Sealed Sword's Charged attack! i call it "Sealed Destruction"

Sealed Destruction could be in as a recipe, or from Brinks, for 25 Jelly Gem.

Portrait de Orangeo
The eight shards on crystal

The eight shards on crystal bomb lines should turn if the bomb is placed at an angle. So I'm not always shooting up-down-side-side and diagonal.

Legacy Username
Acid bomb:

I'm not sure if this is what's meant by earthquake bomb, but essentially a bomb that creates a held mist radius like a status bomb, and while the mist exists any monster inside the radius takes continuous damage.

Shrapnel bomb – a bomb that upon explosion splits off and fires a bunch of small bombs. Not unlike a gremlin miner throwing a handful of bombs.

Legacy Username
Venom Veiler and Stagger Storm.

Both of these bombs really need buffs.
How in the hell does someone "subdue a dangerous species" in four seconds?

Portrait de Starlinvf
@Wooyari - Colt 40 and a

@Wooyari - Colt 40 and a Barry White mix tape.

Portrait de Dishwasher
Ultimate Weapon

A curse mist bomb.

Portrait de Gwenyvier
Personally... all I want is

Personally... all I want is an Elemental and a Shadow damage bomb. We have several normal damage bombs (Nitro, BAB, some other I can't be bothered to remember) and DBB for Piercing. For Shadow you have Graviton, and... that's it. That is a crowd control or combo bomb at best, definitely not damage. For Elemental you have all the status bombs, but again, those are crowd control. Electron also, but that's just another flavor of Graviton.

Then there are the crystal bombs, which do Piercing or Ele/Pierce. Some slight utility in the sheer length the shards go, but most of the time the enemy has to be literally right on top of the bomb to take significant damage. Not much use for obvious reasons. As for DrLequack's idea that the shards should go different directions depending on the angle the bomb is placed at, that would make actually aiming more then one shard exceedingly hard.


lol ideas

taking the RSS and GV i got the idea of a bomb that throw proyectiles that bounce and can hit multiple times on the monsters and enviromental stuff (walls, blocks etc), the proyectiles are magnetised/guided to creatures... but only hit each target one time, maybe they lost speed and/or control per hit. looks like energy spheres or tiny disks, they deal low damage... balance depend in the amount of hits. is good on mobs but for only one creature is bad it deal many low hits and go... i call it "wee bee hitters"

the medic is a bad idea but ¿what if, a AoE bomb that reduce the damage of the effects on the players can work? a small area... think about it, the players in fire or shocked gonna need stay in one place and the creatures gonna attack them anyway... similar to the Candlestick Keep candles

also a diferent bomb mechanic can be great, for example;
C4 packs, instead of a charge attack it has a normal attack to place it and the charge detonate it (with one bomb isn´t a big deal but if we can put two or three small radius bomb and detonate them at the same time... )
on a simillar mechanic "placeable blocks" the common explosive blocks or rocks, to manage the enviroment (simila to the 5* troikas but the blocks remain more time)

some ideas can be bad or OP but all depends of the implementation...

Portrait de Dyaus
Make noob bombs viable!

Noob bombs are completely worthless. Most people running around in 0* to 2* gear have horrendous charge times. Pair that with absurdly small blast radii of low level bombs and you have a weapon that's simply not viable.

I suggest leaving the end game charge times/radii where they are, but boosting the base charge speed or radius or both. Substantially.

Seriously, suit up in 1* gear and go on a bombing run some time. It's a joke.

bumping for no reason

got some new ideas for bombs...
"SAND BOMBS" : a AoE bomba that work o a different mechanic,

2* -SAND BOMB- simmilar to the haze bomb the creatures have more reduced movement speed put have the same attack speed, they practicaly can enter on the AoE from outside and the reduces speed is twice as stun effect (it work as a block...)
3* -SAND TRAP- inside the AoE are random tiny explocions, same sice of the sun shards bomb
4* -STATIC SAND- the tiny expocions make shock each one and put a diferent instance of the status (since theya are tiny ando random the chanse to hit one creature twice is low)
5* -SANDSTORM- the explocions are of the sice of a 1* or 2* bomb they cause knockdown and shock

it don´t do any damage appart of the shock status, or the tiny ones make a little bit it work as a wall stopping the monsters
(maybe it should start as a 3* bomb)
why this dont remplace the SB and VT? this bomb makes no damage and the creatures outside the area practicaly can´t enter on it
why is not beter than the SS? the attack speed is the same and if the creatures dont get hited by the mini explosions they dont get shocked
- - -
"THE BUBBLE" another bomb that deal no damage. is a defensive/directional bomb

it generate a bubble, the creatures can´t enter in it or get out. it grows increasing the radius pushing the creatures back, remain the same time as a AoE. the explocion causes a lot of knockback to the creatures outside and knockdown to the ones inside
the good thing is... the player can make it explode prematurely hiting it with anything.... also this cause a control on the direction of the knockback, the knocked creatures will go in the opocite direction of the player, but the creatures inside don´t gonna be affected (no knockdown)
- - -

Portrait de Zephyr-Ww-Ww

just bear with it, i got a calibur while weaker and sold it after i got to 3*

Portrait de Aumir
Reviving for more suggestions! Remote bombs!

I was almost going to make another thread, I saw this instead so! Time to go back to 1st page!

- Remote bombs! These bombs would work differently as normal bombs: These ones would be set on the ground inmediately after attack, but wouldn't explode unless: first, it would need to ready itself, it could be signaled as a bip sound or a visual one, and then you would press attack button and you would detonate it (it could be your "wrist watch" animation what does that). This could bring a lot of new bombs based on old ones, and even new ones with new effects! I can make 2 examples of new bombs:

> Cypher (I hope you get the pun): A bomb which encases very dangerous concentrated explosive material, so a remote detonation system comes included with it. Don't stay near it or you will be blasted away! - This bomb doesn't know who is ally and who is enemy, so it will damage you or your teammates in the PvP equivalent of it if one of them is in its blast, which is that of a 2* bomb. It would have inmense knockback damage and Stun enemies. In its line it would gain 3* range at 4* and 5* (range of the bomb could vary if you want, initially or after if you don't like this part of the suggestion).

> Rocketwork: A bomb that at first was to be fireworks to celebrate when we got to the energy source. We still got plenty, so we can spare a few for battle (and enjoyment!) purposes! - This bomb would consist of a rocket with four little bombs around it. You would set it and after the activation signal and detonation command, it would propel itself like a tier 2 rocket to an enemy target, though you would be ignored and safe of its initial blast. After hitting an enemy it would generate a small explosion like a mist bomb, though with good knockback (but not as high as blast bombs), it would release its 4 bombs in a X shaped form with an angle depending of its impact direction. These small explosives would then generate a 2* blast that would have minimum knockback (like the Spine Cone) and low damage that would inflict status effects: One axis of the X would get Fire and the other Shock. Different paths in its upgrade line could give it more radius to the initial blast or to the following, give it another status effects or just centering it in damage, upgrading it to a six point star or even a eight point star, or upgrading its targeting function to tier 3 rockets. It could be a very customizable bomb with many, many paths.

That is what my mind shoves out after seeing those shadow bomb suggestions etc... XD
PD: I just read Kon_Ron post, oops XD Oh well, still my 2nd type bomb is sort of original, I think...

Portrait de Marazo
Ok, no healing, status cures,

Ok, no healing, status cures, player damaging bombs please. Healing gets OP. Cures causes players to camp in the radius. Player damaging causes trolling among parties.

The directional bomb: should deal small damage close to the bomb, just like status, and range of wave would be large like shards.

Acid Bomb: That is essentially what fire was created for...

Viable ones so far are:
1* status damage bomb extensions
Cataclysm (would be branch of shards)
Sealed Bomb (sounds cool, similar to status/damage bomb extensions)
Shrapnel Bomb (we need that, bombs would have small radii and low damage)
Just simply elemental and shadow damage bombs
Rebound Bomb
Block Setter (good defensive thing, wouldn't damage players like spawn plates, to prevent trolling)
Sand Bomb
Bubble (both need some work, but is a good suggestion)
Rocket work

This is a ton of viable bombs, but you may see different, so if see any flaws in these, please say them! If we want devs to implement these, they have to be perfect.

Also, link to another good bomb suggestion: Some sort of air strike

Portrait de Fropps
Some new bombs?

How about a rainbow bomb!

This bomb would have a 100 per cent chance of causing a random status effect and low normal, low piercing, low elemental and low shadow damage. ( the status effect this bomb makes gets stronger with each star upgrade).

I also have this idea of a "minion bomb" that makes a random creature that fights for you, I also think this bomb should have a very long charge time so it doesn't make the game too easy. I like the idea because it would be really cool to have a lumber or alpha wolver fighting it out for you after the long charge that almost got you killed, but it would be really disappointing to have a feeble devilite spawning from the cocoon.

I hope you like these ideas!

Portrait de Marazo
Rainbow bomb.... basically

Rainbow bomb....
basically the sealed bomb mentioned before.

Minion Bomb: has been suggested before and is a very good suggestion.

How to make it not OP?
Make so you can only have X amount of minions at a time (put a cap on it :) basically the minions you had before vaporize when you spawn new ones)
long charge
make the minions have low health and weak attack, so they are more of a crowd control weapon

Portrait de Orangeo

No to sealed bomb/rainbow bomb.
"100 per cent "

Cold snaps, etc, should have 5* versions, but not ones directly linked to cold snap, etc.
And what about making the minions kamakazie? Then it wouldn't overflow, uless you spammed before a button. Make the max 2 bombs, becuase I can place two shivermists and get on the party button with them all active.

Also, already mentioned, the eight shards on crystal bomb lines should turn if the bomb is placed at an angle. So I'm not always shooting up-down-side-side and diagonal, but still in the same strict pattern.

Though making RSS/ISB break ice might be OP. That makes it Like a bomb, a gun, and a sword.

Portrait de Gospel
Fuselink bomb line

Im suggesting a bomb line: (I'll be discussing straight to the 5* versions)
1. It has a smaller radius
2. It has a longer fuse time similar to Graviton Vortex
3. It deals in an AoE, and does knockback similar to DBB
4. If another Fuselink is in radius of another one, a chain explosion occurs. By that, meaning consecutive explosions, not all at once.
5. One goal is to knock an enemy by one fuselink, towards another one's radius, it will be hit again and fly, hopefully to another fuselink. WHICH IS FUN!

The 3* is named Fuselink, 4* is Fusechain, 5* is Fuseweb

thats it basically, hope you like it!

Portrait de Zyborg
@Fropps/Marazo/Orangeo What

@Fropps/Marazo/Orangeo What if the minion bomb minions were "phantom" copies of your own knight? They would always use a phantom sword (either a purple Striker or a Gran Faust, depending on the star level of the bomb) regardless of what weapons your knight actually has, and they would always deal shadow damage. If the minions are going to kamikaze, they would dash up to an enemy and slash them before dissipating. Of course, the minions could always be normal phantoms if phantom copies of your knight would be too complicated.

Portrait de Doctorspacebar
In light of the Dark

In light of the Dark Retribution bomb...
> Pellet Pelter: This 2* Normal damage bomb spreads bullets (pellets) that look much like a Pepperbox's shots in a clockwise rotating spray; by the time it's rotated once, it'll have fired 16 pellets, and rotates 3-5 times (number of revolutions goes up after making higher level versions? You decide). The higher star versions are the Pellet Pounder, (3*), Pellet Pummeler (4*), and Pellet Punisher (5*), with each higher version doing more damage. The bullets themselves do low damage, like 1/4 to 1/2 an uncharged Autogun/Pepperbox bullet (except without the fire). This may seem low, but all those bullets will really add up! In short, tons of low damage bullets spread over a small area. Should be like using DR on a Construct.

Portrait de Softhead

necro much!?

Portrait de Doctorspacebar
What can I say, the wiki

What can I say, the wiki linked to it and I really wanted to suggest a bomb. Here's another idea:

> Positive Ionizer: The 2* Positive Ionizer, once laid, lingers for a while, spraying red sparks in a small area and dealing a little Elemental damage to anything that walks over its area. Later versions are the 3* Charged Positive Ionizer, 4* Supercharged Positive Ionizer, and 5* Crimson Ionizer. Best used with the...
> Negative Ionizer: The Negative Ionizer, once laid, lingers for a while, spraying blue sparks in a small area and dealing a little Elemental damage to anything that walks over its area. Later versions are the 3* Charged Negative Ionizer, 4* Supercharged Negative Ionizer, and 5* Azure Ionizer. When both the Negative Ionizer and Positive Ionizer are laid in the same level (possible requirement: by the same bomber), they'll form a golden lightning bolt between them that lasts a few seconds and causes heavy Elemental damage to anything unfortunate enough to wander into its path. Damage is determined by the levels of both Ionizers. It can cause Shock if the devs want, but what I want to see is this type of attack style.

Utter crap or OP'd? You be the judge.

Portrait de Severage

Necros! Necros! Necros everywhere!

EDIT: Make a new thread then. ><;



@Doctorspacebar That sounds pretty sweet, and it sounds like it is difficult enough to use that it mightn't be OP, but working out the damage could get really complicated--what if you have a Positive Ionizer and a Azure Ionizer connected to each other? Additionally, If you lay out two of each-- two negative, two positive-- in a square, what happens? Do you get a nice big square of DOOM LIGHTNING, or do you have two parallel bolts--how are the connections determined? Seems like it could get really crazy, really fast, especially if you have multiple people in the party.

Portrait de Flareminute
New bomb!!!

I want a bomb called Hail Of Fire. This is how it work 1.put the bomb 2.on the egde of the bomb radius 8 ice-stone(like the ice when there is hailstorm but kind of bigger) covered with fire 3.the the monsters that is 0.25 square near the bomb radius is suck into the center of the bomb(ofcoarse the monster already inside also been suck to the center to get the maximum damage) 4.then the stone explode and make the monsters on moderate fire for 15seconds 5.after the monsters stop burning and don't die,they will be frozen in place 6.and if they are frozen in place they will get the last small explosion and the monsters near it get some damage(but don't get the effect of the one that is suck in).
LOL..........this is kind of OP but you can only get this using 50 of lord vanaduke's token and trade it with the token trader in the bazaar(sorry I don,t know who cause i'm still noob).
It is a 5star bomb
Hope you like it.....!!!XD
I'll let you guys to set the radius of the bomb.
If you like it,give me a mail on SK my name is flareminute.....THX!!!

Zap. Crystal Bomb Improvements?

Well, Seeing as the Crystal lines have a massive gaping hole of safety in the middle, I would like to see some kind of fix to this.
My suggestions are:

Put a crystal in the middle.
Even if it's small, at least it will get rid of some safe zone.
When the bomb blows, make it send out 2 rings.
One ring inside, and another ring outside. 1 ring slightly smaller than the original, and another one slightly larger. Say about 50%-75% of the original range for the first ring, and 150%-125% of the original radius for the second ring. The only problem I can see is explaining how he bomb manages to flail the crystals in that order.

Do you think these suggestions are reasonable? I'd like to see some feedback of any kind. Also keep in mind that these bombs are terrific in damage. They have a few flaws that don't really encourage people to use them.

i want little bombs like

i want little bombs like gremlins , even if they deal less damage (logic cuz many little bombs).

sry for my english.

And like always i want a bomber shield...

Portrait de Spark-Of-Hope
the snare bomb

this bomb will only have a 3 or up to 4 star and it's sole purpose is for trapping crowd control
it works like freeze effect but it would take 3 hits from other players to free the snared enemy
with this bomb you would be able to use a different bomb with the better chance of the enemy no being knocked out of the range by knights
it would have low damage but a fast charge and maybe a beast bonus

I still don't know how to not let it replace the freeze bomb... but thinking about it

Portrait de The-Gun-Mage
Throwable bombs

The gremlins have them why can't we? They would have 4 upgrade paths that mirror that of the brandish's one shock, one fire, one freeze, and one shadow. They should deal about as much damage as splinter bombs' initial explosion, and have a relatively short charge time, and the time until explosion should be shorter than that. They should move further and further away from the user for every tier, one star moves 2 spaces, 2 moves 3, 3 moves 5, 4 moves 6, and 5 moves 8 spaces.

Portrait de Fight-Beetle
+ 1 to throwable bombs

anything gremlins can make we can make