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Leviathan or Vanquisher: which path?

10 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

I decided to switch to the Calibur line, and so far I really like it and will continue to upgrade it. I have the Tempured Calibur right now, and was wondering which sword is overall better: the Leviathan, or the Cold Iron Vanquisher. The vanquisher seems like better overall weapon, though I notice it loses the knockback. The high undead damage is really appealing, as I am running the Skelly set right now. So, which do you all prefer?

Legacy Username
Good choice on Calbiur!

Good choice on Calbiur! Versatile due to normal attack, and the best charge attack in the game!

This question has come up a few times quite recently. (We should really sticky CIV vs Levi...)

The decision can be summed up as...
Levi for Damage
CIV for Style

You specifically asked which is "better overall" and the answer would be Levi - it does more damage to everything except undead. CIV does a bit more damage to undead. When you are talking about a mob that takes 6-8 hits to kill, the damage difference doesn't really matter much.

Bild des Benutzers Rangerwillx
Calibur for sure!

Calibur for sure, it is a lot better at everything except undead which the civ does hint of damage more.

Bild des Benutzers Shadownox
Great choice! I have the

Great choice! I have the tempered calibur right now I find it very appealing. It does lots of damage and the charge attack has a high knockback and can hit up to three times. Anyways, both 5 star weapons have their pros and cons. The CIV does less damage then the Leviathan Blade except to undead, but only by just a little. Same with the Levi, it only does a little more damage but I suppose doing more damage to everything except undead is better than doing more damage to the undead and nothing else. The charge attack for the Leviathan Blade has a major knockback while the CIV does not have a lot. So if were you, I would choose the Leviathan Blade instead. Of course, the CIV may also be chosen because of it's style. Many people would find the chain wrapped around the sword appealing, while the Leviathan blade is just a plain sword with a blue aura thing in the middle of it. But overall, it is really your choice. Which one do you like better? These are only tips to help you decide. In my opinion, both blades are great.

Bild des Benutzers Shadownox
I forgot to add that the

I forgot to add that the while the knockback for the Levi Blade is very powerful, it may be an disadvantage. Sure, it might sae your life, but if you are fighting the snarby for example, it is only stunned for limited time so if you knock it back, you might not be able to reach it in time for another hit. Just saying.

Bild des Benutzers Loest
If you're in 4*/5* gear,

If you're in 4*/5* gear, Snarby will be so easy the small disadvantage of knockback won't even be an issue.

In general, knockback is good.

In general, Leviathan is better than CIV. Plus, CIV has that goofy chain thing. Go with Leviathan. It's really the best sword in the game.

Bild des Benutzers Betrael
I have a levi and currently

I have a levi and currently looking into making a CIV for firestorm citadel. 'nuff said.

Legacy Username
I went down the path of CIV,

I went down the path of CIV, have a cold iron carver atm. Both weapons have the same potential damage at level 10, except levi reaches it in a much earlier stage. I prefer CIV because it has the same properties of the calibur line (normal damage/good knockback), but also has the added bonus against undead, which helps me greatly with graveyards. I'd suggest you get the vanquisher because you'll have a levi with the bonus against undeads, instead of just a levi, literally its the better choice and they do the same damage at level 10.

Also, I'm not sure what you're saying about reduced knockback, its the exact same again. Both special attacks are a 360 degree spin attack with great knockback and the knockback for normal hits are equally the same.

Legacy Username
"they do the same damage at

"they do the same damage at level 10."

No, they don't. The stat bars lie. The Leviathan deals more than 10% more damage to everything that's not Undead at Tier 3, and the difference actually becomes more and more pronounced in earlier tiers (almost 20% more damage in Tier 1).

Additionally, the Cold Iron Vanquisher's charged attack has about half as much knockback as the Leviathan Blade's. As a result, enemies will still be in range to retaliate after you use it on them, whereas the Leviathan Blade's charged attack knocks the target too far away to counterattack.

By the way? The Calibur's charged attack has more knockback than the Cold Iron's. Go ahead and test it.

Legacy Username
Still hard to believe...

You'd think that the rarer, harder to obtain variant would be better, or at least equal.

Feel like I screwed up after finding a Cold Iron Recipe and learning it, then coming here, seeing so many topics about the damage difference and charge attacks too. Now wishing I'd just bought the 4* Calibur instead. Feels like I flushed 10k crowns away, which when you've only been playing a week or so seems like a lot. Oh well.

I originally trusted one of my friends who has been playing the game a while and recommended Cold Iron. But I guess he was just looking at the bars in game and not the actual damage numbers that have been reported. Guess I'll stick with the Calibur line.

Bild des Benutzers Shadownox
"No, they don't. The stat

"No, they don't. The stat bars lie."

Technically, they don't lie. If you look closely, the damage for the CIV is right behind the r for "normal" while the damage for Levi is right behind the m in "normal". So no, they don't lie. It tells you that the Levi does do more damage. Since both charges already have knockback, you don't need it for basic attack, like the Levi. Plus, that would be bad, cuz you might not intentionally knockback a monster into spikes where you can't get and then you have to chase after it.