Please make Rhedon's gear available to players, in the regular color schemes, I know I'd buy it.

As a promo or anything, idc as long as you give us his gear. D:
In dusky, fancy, toasty, etc. variants, recolored over the base armor.. it would be a such a waste to not reuse it to gain money..

Add them as featured item recolors like Bech's scissors are recolors of Levi. It would add something new and interesting to the Featured AH. I would save my crowns for it. .3.

Or as a CE promo, we haven't had one in a while. :)

Does it have to be the same one? I don't want Rhendon clones running all over Haven.
It could have a small texture change.
EDIT: "In dusky, fancy, toasty, etc. variants, recolored over the base armor."
I'm stupid and I don't know how to read but yeah, the armor must have variations.

I've heard it's called "Relictabard" and it's a combination of the Plate Mail and Rivet (Shockbreaker) models.
The helmet is simply a white demo helm.
Nevertheless, it looks absolutely amazing.
However, I believe this thread belongs in suggestions.
Yes, if you look at all the armor models, Rhendon's armor is called Relictabard. His helmet is indeed a demo helm, but it has Helm Guards.
yeah I wish I had Rhedon's gear it does look very dashing and cool looking. but to me it looks as if the armor was a combination of vatisuit,(gloves) combalt(the overlook chest) demo (the helm and the turtleneck collar) exedra. to be honest it would be AWESOME to have his set. as a beta tester I think Rhedon is one of the best looking characters I've seen so far I would buy the set as a premium pack too. the Relictabard set look very intimidating I WANT :P btw I like the colors he wares too dark red, white, and black :P
well the armor is not useable to us players but the armor is the same rhedon's which looks really cool :P

SK's next monster: Necromancers! They bring back zombies that are actually dangerous, and old threads!

Why... necro?
Guys, before you comment on any threads, try look at the dates, when it was created and when the last post was.

Well why recreate the thread again, when you can just chuck a +1 on this thread?

It's not a necro, unless the node number has less than 3 digits. :P
+ 1 ANY new gear. ;-;

Rhendon's helmet is a Demo Helm with the four diagonal holes seen in the Wyvern Scale Helm.
The name "relictabard" comes from its file name as seen in Spiral Spy.

That and Desna's stuff, which should, IMO, be sold to knights with retarded amounts of prestige, or for tokens from danger missions, or something like that.

1,500,000 crowns featured auction, like another NPC piece :3
Sadly, I have to agree... As much as Tersa has the circulation to his head cut off on this one, Rhendon DOES look pretty smex. I'd buy it.