I enjoyed the new user interface, but...

4 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Spold

I don't like it anymore. I just thought it was cool, because I was finally seeing differences within the game, but I miss the old one a lot now. The new user interface makes gameplay a lot more complex for me. I get confused with the health bar, and I sometimes have trouble with the menu tabs, because I may click the wrong tab at certain times. The only thing I liked about the new user interface is that it took my suggestion to be able to disable the "Return to Haven", while you're in a mission. I may quit; I may not, but I need some MMO/MMORPG to play so if I find another MMO that I enjoy, then the chance of me leaving Spiral Knights will be increased. I just really don't experience any new gameplay, and I get bored, then the new user interface comes, and I like it at first, but I change my mind.

Imagen de Blazenar
Constructive Criticism with your position

Your view basically holds that the new UI is confusing and thus the old one is better. Need I point out why this is a fallacious case?

To begin, your viewpoint against the new UI comes naturally when anything new appears, it takes a short while to get accustomed to, and you will need to relearn to look to the top of the screen instead of the side for information about how you are faring in the game. Instead of the UI making the game more complex, it actually simplifies it a lot. There are less bars and information columns in your face and the general structure is definitely more organised that the previous one. I'm sure you would say this very same thing if we had started with this UI and gone to the old one a a replacement. The old UI is confusing, complex and misshapen. But you have been using this ever since you started playing so its no big deal to you. But this new model is different, so give it time, and you won't be disappointed.

Secondly, there were numerous issues with the Old HUD that made it extremely irritating. The first would be the pop-up messages when someone wants to trade with you or want you to join their party. While this was resolved near the end of the old HUD, the new HUD organised it in a far simpler way by grouping like categories so you can navigate without thinking.

Another issue in the old HUD was the player stats on the side. When you look at the new HUD and the old, you can see that the old HUD was really in the way. If you play lockdown, you may be able to sympathise when you are in the base to the right, and have a blind spot right in front of you when charging to the left of the map. It obstructs the players field of view and gives the team on the left side of the map that slight advantage.

A definite plus with the new hud is not only that everything is more logically placed, but that it looks better and looks better suited to the environment of cradle. If the spiral knights have cool flashy technology, why cant we? The new look of the UI does exactly this. And so I say: Thanks very much for the New UI OOO. I appreciate it, even if no one else does.

Imagen de Spold

This is not something you can get used to. It stays complex, and it made me a lot worse. If it really makes me that bad, then I can obviously tell that you can't just 'get used to that'. Read this guy's example.

Also, this is a major difference than the old HUD. It changed the game heavily, because it added a lot more different features than the old HUD did.

Saying that you like something better with reason isn't fallacious, because it's all opinion. If there's an argumentative fact about this, then I see why, but if it's simply opinion over what you think is better or worse isn't possible to be fallacious, because if you express an opinion, then you're not correct or incorrect, so there would be nothing to prove.

This is basically what you're saying: I feel different, so I can call your argument fallacious, since you feel different, and I disagree, so that means your opinion is a false fact of the user interface being horrible.

It's not fallacious; you just heavily disagree.

You're getting [frustrated], because someone has a different opinion than you. That's not a valid action. I always respect other opinions, and I never get mad at others for liking the new user interface. The only reason why I made such a long post debating against the new user interface in a wild manner is you calling my argument fallacious, when that's not possible if it's just an opinion. You're calling it fallacious, and what's really fallacious is you calling my OPINION fallacious.

I'll tell you the definition of opinion.

Opinion - An evaluation that cannot be proven, and is not considered valid or invalid.

My definition's not enough? Well, read the definition of opinion in a dictionary, until you understand it.

I don't see the 'constructive' part of your criticism, if you actually call an OPINION fallacious. That's hilarious.

Also, I don't even see a reason for changing the new user interface. The old interface had no bugs and problems, and this is causing bugs and problems. I think the new user interface is graphically good, but it's hard to put to good usage.

Imagen de Hearthstone

I don't know how to make an automatic scroll-down to the comment when I give you the link, so just go to #42.

Click the post number on the top right side of the post, then copy the link in the address bar. Then anchor it.


Imagen de Spold

Thanks! I fixed my post.