[Closed] Test Server: Fiend Family and Gorgos - 4/23/2013 - 4/26/2013

2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Crazyoddbaa

This testing period is now closed! Thank you for your participation.

Welcome testers!

For this round of testing we're focusing on the Fiends and addressing the lack of variety with their family. To this end we've introduced a new Fiend: the ungainly, voracious Gorgos! These fiends will be thrown into the mix with Devilites. Additionally, Greavers will be less prone to showing up in swarms but have had their health and loot slightly increased to reflect their difficulty.

This test will run from 4/23/2013 to 4/26/2013.

* For preview testing access: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/24087

* There are 3 Prestige mission gates for Tier 1, 2, and 3 available that focus on Fiends.

We would like your feedback on the following:

* Gorgos: The Gorgo is meant to be on par with a Devilite in terms of difficulty. We would like your thoughts on their behavior and general difficulty.

* Overall thoughts on Fiends. Does difficulty and variety feel appropriate with the addition of Gorgos and the different rate for Greaver encounters?

As always, please keep discussions of testing content on topic and on the Testing Feedback forum.

Thank you,
-The Spiral Knights Team

Portrait de Glacies

Nice to see the Test Server open again, though it'd be nicer if it was open for a bit longer.

I'll let you know my thoughts and suggestions as soon as the download is finished.

Portrait de Sensihaze

Will get to it as soon as possible, on any occasion-- I'll be stalking around in the shadows.
