So hear me out here. We all know how easy it is to grind Hallow/Winter/etc whatever event tokens. We use these to buy *thousands* of boxes and dump the costumes on the AH for 500cr each. Vet players stop caring, demand content like Shroud of Apocrea 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Unrelatedly, I poked my head in every public GH last week looking for ideas for my GH. Most of the GH's were pretty empty. Filling a room is *expensive*. Most people/guilds don't bother to do it--a room with a single chair looks depressing.
GH's are left as an exercise for post-game players with a surplus of Cr/E to use. They're not the communal activity they were envisioned to be.
My proposal: add some event-reskin furniture boxes that we can trade tokens to earn.
- My justification for OOO:
- 1. This is an easy implementation, light on work time. Just some reskins.
Reskin some base Spiral furniture for the 80%. Orange candles and Moorcroft chairs in the 15% range. Reuse bone/skull piles in the 5%. A "new" tombstone furniture for 1% (just take it from the graveyard level). Etc.
Note: use Orange for Hallow if you want, just don't make it day-glo orange. Nobody wants to decorate their house with ugly--just think of that thrift-store couch you used to own or that hideous rug in that apartment you rented once. Same deal. - 2. The box/token system is already in place. No need to add extra programming there.
- 3. This will increase GH usage. Many players don't do much there so a "new" activity will make players happy.
- 4. This will increase guild activity. That makes for greater social interaction, which is good for MMOs.
- 5. This is an activity that Recruits and Vanguards can all participate in within the same guild. Everyone farms the Punkin King--he scales well for all tiers.
- 6. This will increase GH expansions, which increases rent, which removes more Cr from the economy. That's a long-tail reward for OOO.
It will also increase expenditure on other furniture. More Cr for OOO. - 7. The biggest argument for player happiness: Players will happily farm the heck out of these boxes. Because even if you earn 100 of these boxes you can still use more. So unlike the current Hallow/Winterfest boxes they will *always* have value no matter how many you have.
Caveat to my idea: DO NOT MAKE THESE BOXES EXPENSIVE. That defeats the purpose of this idea (to get players of all levels to work to fill their guildhalls). We need an easily-obtainable quantity of furniture, not a rare collection of quality furniture. Keep the boxes at the same token rate as the current boxes.
Awesome idea!