I don't really care whether the a big long bar on a side of the client or a bar on top of the boss's head, I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate a HP bar.
And possibly with numbers (like "400/3245 HP" or just "400/3245") for more accurate indication. Or possibly a HP bar for each boss phase as well, with an indication of what phase number it is above the HP bar. (like "Phase 3/5" or just "3/5" in a different color or font from HP)
Who agrees with my suggestions?
Edit: When I said a HP bar for each phase... for example, Vanaduke will start out with xxxx/xxxx HP, and right above it will be "Phase 1/5", and when his HP reaches 0, he will get another HP bar saying xxxx/xxxx HP and right above it will say "Phase 2/5" etc
I totally agree with this suggestion. knowing how much health bosses have left would help a TON! In fact, allow me to relate an anecdote:
I was fighting JK (my first time!) w/ a group a couple of days ago., and we got wiped and ALMOST gave up (we were dying left and right and convinced that we were accomplishing nothing). Someone got back up, hit him ONCE, and he died.
So, if it wasn't for that one plucky person willing to risk some energy, we would have lost out on a boss win. Boss health bars would make it much easier to tell when to keep fighting and when to give up, and they would make boss battles feel less futile.
+as many as I can give.
PS: actually, thinking about the "making boss battles feel less hopeless" aspect of adding health bars... Maybe Snarby shouldn't have one. After all, he IS supposed to be scary.