[Xairathan's February Fanart Contest] Categories: Poetry, Prose, SpiralSpy, Drawing!

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Xairathan's picture

I'm bored, so I'm going to host a fanart competition. There will be 4 categories and 3 topics, meaning there will be at most 12 winners- you may submit one entry for each subtopic, and the rules are listed below.

A. Prose
---i. Prose must be at least 1500 words and MUST NOT contain age 18+ language. Swears such as !@$@!! are allowed, but not in excess. Creative swears, such as "Son of a Snipe!" are allowed and encouraged, but also must not be in excess.
---ii. There is no limit to how many words a prose entry may contain, but please refrain from writing a novel
---iii. Any instance of using another's work as your own will result in IMMEDIATE disqualification. This includes, but is not limited to, Happyapathy's SpiralSpy Comic, any pre-existing fanfiction, and any pre-existing poetry. This DOES NOT INCLUDE my writings: "Just A Bad Dream" and "Crystal". Feel free to use those as you will.
---iv. More rules to be added if necessary

B. Poetry
---i. Poetry may not exceed two Microsoft Word Times New Roman, single-spaced, size 12 font, pages.
---ii. Poetry may be rhyming, free verse, or any other type of existing form. Swearing, in any way shape or form, is allowed a maximum of 2 times.
---iii. The same rules of copyright infringement apply to Poetry.
---iv. More rules to be added if necessary

C. SpiralSpy
---i. SpiralSpy images shall be neatly displayed in a link such as Photobucket, GoogleDocs, Deviantart, etc.
---ii. SpiralSpy images shall not include the following: overtly sexual references, gore, or what may be considered age 18+ content.
---iii. The same rules of copyright infringement apply to SpiralSpy. However, the use of user-created material, such as backgrounds and Happyapathy's custom eyes, may be used WITH APPROVAL FROM THE CREATOR.
---iv. More rules to be added if necessary

D. Art
---i. All art shall follow the SpiralSpy regulations
---ii. Human-styled Spiral Knights are allowed, as long as it is possible to clearly distinguish the armor types being worn by the human-style Knights
---iii. Art may be submitted in either Black and White or Color; please scan your art in and post it to an art-based site, such as Photobucket or Deviantart
---iv. More rules to be added if necessary

E. Categories
---i. There are three categories, which are to be listed as follows
-----a. "Those chroma whelps!"
-----b. Romance (this is a broad, overall topic)
-----c. Adventure (when I say this, I mean battles or infighting. Not a normal clockworks delve).
---ii. Users may submit one entry to each category, to each topic, for a total of 9 possible submissions

F. Prizes
---i. Prizes shall be awarded to first, second, and 3rd place of every category. Runner-up prizes may be added as needed.
---ii. Prizes are to be either UV'd items, Accessories, or CE. The prizes will be finalized in the week before the submission date is closed.

G. Submissions
---i. All submissions are to be neatly submitted via link in this thread and posted below: preferred websites include Fanfiction.net, deviantart, googledocs, and photobucket.
---ii. All submissions are to be turned in no later than March 1, 2011, at 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
---iii. Any submissions breaking the above rules shall be submitted for reevaluation; if the user does not comply with a rules a second time, their entries for ALL categories shall be nullified.
---iv. Users may submit up to a total of 9 times, one per subtopic, per category

To Be Determined

None so far

Happyapathy's picture
@rules in C

Aww man, and I had all those tight leather and bikini armor textures ready for a contest like this :(

Xairathan's picture

Love Puppy: Pilotx
Knight: Lordofnecromancers


The Ballad of the Swarm: Lordofnecromancers


Fallenhope's picture
@category "those chroma whelps"

what the hell is that?

Xairathan's picture

You can search the wiki for it. I put it there because it's entirely up to you! You can make a story about chroma-armor-wearing noobs, or create a ballad about those poor, victimized Kleptolisks! It's all up to you!

Ellip's picture
what no drawn category?

what no drawn category? That's usually the first thing that comes to my mind if you ever mention fanart. You should add that category in :d

Nechrome's picture
I'm going to guess that a

I'm going to guess that a prose is a story.

Are we allowed to use our own already existing stories to enter? I can't really tell from the rules. XP

Xairathan's picture

Yes, you are, but I'd prefer something new rather than something pre-existing :P

Nechrome's picture
heh. there goes my winning

heh. there goes my winning plan. I was planning on using "I Am Vanaduke." Everyone loves that, and it's so epic... But whenever the creator says that he prefers something, he really means that he wants something. XP just a little bit of my silly logic.

Guess I'll make short story about Core.

Xairathan's picture

I'm a girl...


Rule's about how many submissions you can are lil confusing to me, now that may just be cause its close to 1:30am. ._. /shouldbeasleep
But does it mean if some one wanted to submit 3 drawings, they could or? :s

Za-Ck's picture
Hmm... sounds interesting, I

Hmm... sounds interesting, I might give it a shot :)
Although, the topics we can make stuff on seem a bit limited to me. Ah well, I'll come up with something.

Xairathan's picture

@Rin you can submit once to each category. Meaning, you can submit three drawings, three poems, three stories, etc.

@Za-Ck any suggestions would be welcome :D it's the first time I've tried to host something of this magnitude

Shadownox's picture
hmm. i think i will enter

hmm. i think i will enter this. this will be fun :D

Scarred-Knight's picture
Sounds interesting.

I'm in on perhaps multiple acounts on this contest.

"Those Chroma Whelps!" Is a category that I may have to go to some lengths to get done in a fasion that would be worth presenting...however I should be able to do adventure quite well.

And as for what kinds of art I can present, expect both hand art and Spiral-Spy art from me.

I'd better get to work then. Hopefully this contest won't end premeturaly, such as the likes of several other contests I have entered into in the past...

Pilotx's picture
My entry. <3
Tevokkia's picture
This looks like fun;

This looks like fun; everything I'm currently working on is either a bit too large-scale (and therefore unlikely to be finished on time) or on a completely unsuitable topic, but with a full month to work in, I'm confident I can produce an entry or two.

Although, may I make a suggestion? You may wish to consider whether you still want to award prizes in categories with only 1 or 2 entries. I've found that in some contests I've seen, people will wait until the last moment and submit something they didn't really put any effort into because there was nothing else in the category and they were pretty much guaranteed a prize. If you want, you could specify that categories with under a certain number of entries would be grouped with other categories in the same medium for judging so that you could avoid the above problem while still being fair to those who may have a legitimate entry and be all alone in their category.

Uuni's picture
Hmm, gotta make an entry for

Hmm, gotta make an entry for this thing. Duno 'bout the categories tho, they confuse me :s

Also, if i were to draw let's say a pic of 2 chroma lovers, could i participate in the romance and the chroma category with that entry?

Xairathan's picture

I guess that's a possibility, and I guess you could win in both, so yep! Please specify that you're entering 2 categories though

Iskender's picture
Chapter 1, 2 and 3 of a

Chapter 1, 2 and 3 of a "reaction" to another fanfic I wrote a looong time ago. I don't really care about winning (mainly because it really is pretty old already), but this might be a better way to give it a little more attention then BUMP BUMP BUMP.

Xairathan's picture

Shameless self-bump

Zinco's picture
I wish i had more programs (and skill) to enter the contest..

but at least i can stay tuned for the results :D

Nechrome's picture
Picture is done! :) But

Picture is done! :)

But desperate times called for desperate measures. I copied it on to Google docs. XP


Nechrome's picture

OH EM WITH THE GEE!!! I just realized that this would be the perfect oppurtunity to reveal my 'Ballad of the Swarm.' It's rechnically still a poem, though. I hope.

In years gone past, in times forgotten,
The God came fleeing, his brothers gone rotten.
A pact was made, as was a trade,
A fortress for him, in exchange for a kingdom.

To storm of darkness, this world must fall,
Unless they come to save us all.
Foes at first, but friends at last,
Closer comes, the Knights of Spiral

Enter the Clockworks, enter you doom;
Inside lays many a brave man's tomb.
To the Core, peace once restored,
Then face the Swarm, not what, but who?

The King, the Queen, the Beasts, the Gourd,
The Slime, the Hounds, the Mare, the Lord.
Awakened together, united by power,
Closer comes, closer the Swarm

Standing talll, their swords held high,
Some will live, many will die.
But in battle that day, one side shall be slayed,
And this world shall rise, or it shall die.

TUrn to face the oncoming storm,
Forces united, a planet reborn.
Fight fire with fire, the time is dire,
Beware, beware, the coming Swarm.

*Bows admist applause, exits stage*

Shadownox's picture
My poem: Knights of the Spiral

Knights of the Spiral

We came from the sky,
We came from the bird,
We came to the planet,
A new, dangerous, world.

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!

Down we have gone,
To explore our new world,
Many creatures await,
To feast on our flesh, and our soul.

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!

First, to the Wildwoods,
Where the vicious beasts thrive,
Home of the Snarbolax,
Where many souls have said goodbye.

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!

Next, to the Kingdom,
Where the hundreds of jellies roam,
Spawned from the Royal Jelly,
Heir to the Throne.

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!

Down, to the Factory,
Where gremlins and constructs dwell,
Who built the Roarmulus Twins,
Death to those who dwell too deep.

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!

Still, we go, to the Nation,
Nation of Almire, where now the dead rest,
Guards of Almire, protectors of Almire,
Lord Vanaduke, who waits at his throne.

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!

Down to the Core,
Deep down to the Core,
Down to discover what none have before,
Deep down to the Core…

Some have survived,
Many have died,
But we won’t give up,
We are the Knights of the Spiral!
The Knights of the Spiral…

Fallenhope's picture
my entry
Darkbrady's picture
Does my Fanfic Video not

Does my Fanfic Video Collection not count? Art, story and visuals all in one; even a bit of romance here and there! D:

Xairathan's picture

22 daysh left..

Tevokkia's picture
Ah well

Well, I had planned on doing something for this, but it's looking rather unlikely that I'll actually get a chance, as I now have a gallery showing I need to be creating work for. Sorry, and good luck! If I do end up with some extra time, I'll drop by with something (probably at the last minute).

Xairathan's picture

Bleh. Month's half-over. Anyone?

Windsickle's picture
I'm working on something...

I'm working on something... Whether I'll get around to finishing it in time...

Burq's picture
Let's see if this applies

Submitting this to the Romance category... even thou it's just a heart that makes it fit. Getting cursed is not romantic :V


Nechrome's picture


oh crudmonkeys... I'm going to have to reload it. XP

In the meantime, my story is almost done. :)

Psychodestroyer's picture

Removed cuz Xair doesn't have the heart to tell me it's not quite what was asked for ><

I'll try for a re-entry of a more appropriate...whatever it is that I have to 'appropriatize'

Nechrome's picture
well, I fixed the picture.

well, I fixed the picture. :P

here's my story.


Once again, related to my Core Wars stories. I seem to be obsessed with it lately... all my entries relate to it. XP

But be warned; this story is a jumble of several events. it'll be confluzzling.

Figured I'd throw up a bit in

Figured I'd throw up a bit in the Spiralspy category, since nobody's hit that yet.

This is a teaser for the upcoming 5-chapter Fanfic, Depth 0 , that will be written by me, illustrated by Lysane.


Lysane: Spiralspy
Hipster: photoshop.

Xairathan's picture

Another 'up!'

Psychodestroyer's picture

Does my chapter fit the parameters?

If it doesn't tell me and I'll try make a more suitable entry.

Xairathan's picture

The chapter is acceptable but if you wish to withdraw and enter a more.... coherent entry, I'd be slightly in favor of that, too.

And what, NO ONE has entered 'Them Chroma Whelps'? D:

Psychodestroyer's picture

Hint taken. I'll work on it.

Remiliaoftheearth's picture

I think I'll enter the contest. :P

Softhead's picture

Can't be bothered to enter.

Tevokkia's picture
Length issues

I actually finished one of my projects, but at 18,470 words, I think it's a bit. too. long. XD

Well, "those Chromas Whelps" is an ... interesting category theme, to say the least. I had a little idea for it, but it wouldn't end up being much more than a sketch.

*scratches head* I actually finished two things, and one is shorter and would fit in the Romance section (only 5,179 words), but I really have no intention of uploading it elsewhere and linking. Unless we can just link to a thread here.

Lemonadium's picture
. . .

I almost miss this! :[

Hmm... Contest is ending in a few days. Wonder if I can finish something in time.

Diamondshreddie's picture
wait whaaat?!

contest ends in a few days!? i gotta draw something fast!!!

Kaijuhunter's picture
Ooooooh i so want to join,

Ooooooh i so want to join, but i dont know how to upload things.....i have good art, but i cantpost em cuz i dont know how...

Isisdelltion's picture
Deviant Art, thats how. Of

Deviant Art, thats how.
Of course I'm the other way around...I don't have good art but I could post them cuz I know how...

Psychodestroyer's picture
How about

Imgur? Free uploading, then just copy the link.

Za-Ck's picture
My Entry

Not my best work, but eh I think it is good enough. First to enter "Those Chroma Whelps" category! :D


If Dropbox isn't acceptable, I'll upload it to an art site if you really want to. Just tell me if it's an issue.

Good luck to all the other competitors!

Xairathan's picture

4 days left. Come on mates! :3

Psychodestroyer's picture

Does 'Tragedy' count as 'Romance'?

As is sad love story? In case you were thinking of something like oop-I-guess-he-couldn't-make-it-too-bad tragedy.