@everyone-all my other forms crashed and burned cos everyone was too bissy being sarcastic that they werent attally istening to what i said-or didnt care. only a few attally read it and put ''+1'' or constructive criticism that was useful. its true though i have played for 2years(about) but i barly whent on forums, and somewhere within Those years i missed about a year...before that year ce.prices were low (6000cr),some beggers attally got the money they whanted ,people were fun and did runs with random people and most suggestions got though, those suggestions r now the modle of modern SK. then i missed a year.
beggers never got money, greed occered and ce prices skyrocketed to 8000cr (probably after the stranger hat deal £3.99 for ce and a hat), people cared more about ce and cr then having fun with random people and now loads of suggestions r just shot down before they fly...people have turned.
sarcasum is what i find more then attual improvements. now most hot threds r just people being harrased and insulted.what happend?
-try to anwser that...did the GM's get greedy with ce or us? did people turn mean or did we all turn mean?-even i have gunned down a begging noob's,
i dont even know why.
two handed spears/pikes has been moved to a different form.
--Two Handed Guns--all have x2 range of handguns--
)sniper-witch shoots 2 bolt action,powerful bullets and then reloads.
its speed of reload will only go up to half the bar at 5* but the damage is pieaceing and normal witch will both go up to full at 5*
speed: half of the bar.
damage: full on both bars pieaceing and normal.
speed: almost half the bar.
damage: almost full on both bars pieaceing and normal.
speed: 1/3 of the bar.
damage: 3/4 on both bars pieaceing and normal.
speed: 1/4 of the bar.
damage: 2/3 on 1 bar-normal.
)clip gun-the clip gun then shoots 7 bullets then reloads (u see you knight changing a clip)-this reload will be a bit slower then a hand gun.
it will have a fire, freeze and shock startis.
speed: 3/4 of the bar.
damage: on both bars elementle and normal at 3/4.
speed: almost 2/4 of the bar.
damage: almost 3/4 on both bars elementle and normal.
speed:almost 1/4 of the bar.
damage:almost 2/4 on both bars elementle and normal.
)shot gun-a shot gun that shoots 3 bullets at once at normal range(no added range cos its two handed) then realoads(pump action)
and its charge up fire's 5 bullets.
speed: 2/4 of the bar.
damage: on both bars elementle and normal at full.
speed: almost 2/4 of the bar.
damage: almost 3/4 on both bars elementle and normal.
speed:almost 1/4 of the bar.
damage:almost 2/4 on both bars elementle and normal.
--Exsplosives--ill add stars and damage later--
Exsplosives are two handed rocket launchers and greanades and exspolsice tip crossbow-witch r two handed but have no exstra range cos thats just unfair on mosters and LD people...yes we have pulsar but is cr*p aganist gremlins and what if you whant different statis conditions...
)rockets-some RL's will fire big ,guided missles like the towers in the clocks. but some will just fire mini faster(compared to guided) missles witch exspolde.
)greanades- greanades will be two handed because u need to pull the pin out and the higher up in starts u go the better it gets.
yes we have bombs but--i think that all bombs shouls be converted to greanades--so that u can throw them getting close to monsters can and will get u killed if u have no sword/backup.
)crossbows-there will be 2 crossbows-one with exspolsive tip and slow fire rate
the exsplosive one will hit a monster ,stick and after a short period then exspolde-BUT it can only fire once then reload.
the other however with fire 3 very fast bolts with 1 click. you can click 3 times but then u have to reload-this reload will be slow
(u see you knight changing a clip) and dont play the logic card because u can get bows with clips.
(ill put stars/bars in later)
what do u think now?
Are you hiding like a worthless coward?