Note: The first two sections can be skipped if you already know my main complaint.
Well, not too long ago, I was wondering(read: ranting) on a thing that's probably also bugging a lot more people besides me: The versatility of swords... or rather, the fact that they are supposed to be short-range heavy-hitters, yet some manage to hit you from the other side of the room(or rather, the monsters. This isn't about Wolver party/Lockdown). Swords are the lovechild of the game: Hit like trucks, have the reach of low-level bombs and the overused ones(I'm trying to make out some sort of usage-tier, not claiming that you're stupid for using them) almost always have some sort of charge attack.
There are normal weapons that pretty much are following the weapon classes rules. There are hybrids that mix it up with other weapon types, but then also go full with it and also give them some sort of unique disadvantage/mechanic, probably even inspired by the hybrid's daddy(Sploder-guns: Polaris needing travelling time as opposed to charge time, and catalyzer heavily relying on the charge attack to cause reasonable damage. And of course the old shard bombs, that are essentially guns that shoot lagged and unaimed, but to all sides). And then there are the range-charge-attack swords. They work like normal swords, and have their main disadvantage remedied by their built-in charge attack You see the justice in there? Well, I don't, and IF you see the justice in there, you are free to skip the rest(although I highly recommend you to read it anyway) and just write a comment for why swords are completely justified to have no real weakness you can nail them on.
"Alright, swords are good in all disciplines, so what? Swords always were the alrounder in videogames."
Fact: Other games have much more weapons to choose from. And there's magic. AND a million moar shiz. You can build a scale around all the skills and weapons pros and cons. And the sword is in the middle: Does everything well, but nothing best. Here we have 3 weapon classes. Swords are supposed to be strong, guns should have range and bombs areo of effect. We have a power triangle here. Imagine playing rock-paper-scissors against your enemys. Your stone can withstand the scissor, but a paper can trap it(how is this working, anyway? This game always was weird...). Now imagine having a rock that's actually also a scissor(or a knife, might be more realistic). Crush scissors, cut paper. See what I did there? The rock was powerful enough in its own right, and making it able to cut things(albeit harder maybe, because cutting with a sharp rock still isn't the same as cutting with a metal scissor) breaks the balance. This is what happens when non-hybrid swords get charge attacks that make them bridge their otherwise only redeeming value. Not only can poor paper never win a round anymore, but scissor becomes impractical in comparison to stone dagger. Sharpening the rock just stole the other options' spotlight to the point of making them near-redundant.
Of course, I'm repeating myself, so time to take it to take it to the fridge(kudos to the one who knows where the reference is from): How could we actually fix this balance-problem? I know many people already tried to balance some weapons, but they never put that much emphasize on the factor that bugs me most. Didn't saw it, anyway.
First of all, a general limit in what kind of charge attack pure swords should use:
There need to be stricter rules for what kind of charge-attack a normal, straight-forward high-DPS-poor-range sword can have. I don't want to steal variety here, it's just that we can have variety that DOESN'T throw the whole balance over the board. In fact, forcing the designers to come up with something different than a generic flashy long-range attack actually would INCREASE the variety. The charges can be mid-range, or concentrate all damage-potential on a single spot(of course, the enemy can't receive it all in one go, that would make it overpowered because knights already are the most powerful and fragile glass cannon in the clockworks). Heck, as cheesy as it might sound, giving brandish-users some Kendo-training to unleash one powerful slash might work! But, the important thing: If you go with sword, don't cheat you out of it by shooting energy beams out of your sword even though the rest of the design doesn't have to do with it.
Second, seperation of what's hybrid and what's not: IF you want to have a ranged sword-attack, you should have to take a sword that's actually built around the concept. Take Spur: Even a blind person realizes that Spur pretty clearly was based around being some sort of gun-sword-hybrid. Besides the fact that it's generally really awful, the ability it brags with(stupid motor that creates a whirly wind of energy) is done better by other weapons that have no reason whatsoever to have ranged attacks to begin with. What a joke. Alone this seperation would not only make Spur slightly more useful, but also enable new actual sword-hybrids to show what they can do.
So far, so good. Of course, I can't just stop without making some sort of suggestions for already existing swords. Note that this is my first time I try myself at reimagining weapons to balance them, so you're free to critic and dislike in a friendly manner(I avoided all noob cliches so far, so why not throw me a bone here?):
The sealed line:
I would suggest to turn these swords... into AOE-swords. No, seriously, it makes perfect sense. They have ridiculous long-range on their normal attacks, and the first weapon in the line(whose charge-attack isn't seen on any other weapon whatsoever) has a pretty bomb-like behaviour, basically being a damage field that gets created after a(admittingly lengthy) slash with the sword. To make up for that, I would actually reduce the speed of the swords a bit more than they already are. A noticable speed reduce. Not enough to hinder you too much at what you do, but forcing you to think about attacking, basically mirroring the problem about bombs having a charge time and thus requiring strategy and timing to be used right.
Just like current sealed ones, the charge attacks would have a similar basic premise while working differently on the battlefield.
The Avenger-line would, instead of creating on big damage-field like its younger brother, create 3 or 4(maybe even both for Avenger and DAvenger, respectively) smaller circles roughly at the area where the sword slashed first. Works especially well if cornered or halfway in a crowd of enemys. Which is funny, because it fits the name "Avenger".
The Faust-line would also get an energy-circle. However, instead of having several smaller ones that basically offer you some firepower from all sides, the Faust creates a HUGE circle in front of you. I have no idea with what the size shall be compared, because I'm no big bomber... 3*-bombs, maybe? Well anyway... the circle does not only eat up your enemys, but it also forms around yourself(you are near the edge of the circle, not in the center of the evil ground-sign of doom), explaining the self-cursing(the attack is big enough that you yourself get trapped in your own attack). The whole "Trapping yourself in your own attack"-thing and the fact that enemys behind and beneath you can still attack you make it more offensive than the Avenger. Again, quite fitting.
Where does the current charge attack go? ... Look at the Antigua. Now look at the current sealed ones. You will notice that the current antigua-charge sucks, and the seald charge does not. The sealed charge is long range, and the antigua needs one desperately. Of course, it's kind of a stretch, considering the Antigua is more about spamming bullets on a single enemy for high damage, and this charge would kind of ruin the purpose. Then again, the spread/size of the charge bullets could be just fine for dodging enemys.
The brandishes:
I don't have much time, so I may as well edit this later. For now: Why not just go with the whole supermove-slash-theme... thingie(basically, Kendo or any mundane sword move made awesome)? One of them IS a katana, after all, and the idea of some sort of finishing slash/combo seems neat, too.
For instance, we could give the voltedge some sort of stab-move that involves hitting the enemy and the using the electricity of the blade to induce some rapid-fire damage to him while the sword is still near/inside the monsters hitbox? Of course, only a few of the slashes could inflict the status, preferably the first/last one.
Or giving the ice sword the simple vertical slash and spicing it up with ice forming on the ground near the used move, followed by another slash going right diagonally through him.
Or... well, you get the idea. Of course, it shouldn't have completely pitiful range, but rather have acceptable, medium range. Say, a 1*-bombradius-wide range, with some slight variations here and there depending on which brandish you use. Basically, a bit like the charge attack of the snarble barb with mediocre range at best, but concentrating all the damage into one space.
Alternatively, just keep using the explosions of doom, but make them concentrate on one spot, with minor replacements each explosion. Basically, you kinda plant some sort of sword... energy... firecracker(?) in front of your feet. The knockback should be reduced so it's actually possible to get 2 or 3 hits on the same enemy. Doom to those that enter your mighty charge attack storm of doom!
The current charge attack would turn... into a bomb. Actually, even a throwable bomb line, which involves throwing a stream of bombs into one direction, technically mimicing the brandish-charge with some minor changes and tweaks. It's not a "traditional" throwable bomb per se, it's just placing a few bombs further away from you. Why give the bombs a ranged bomb-attack? Because they desperately lack utility, silly. Crystal bombs weren't bomb-like enough? Well, just use a directed bomb-stream to hit things from afar. It IS pretty bomb-like, and with some changes here and there, it could actually be the first bomb with non-circular damage-area. I can imagine it being useful for bombers. Maybe even make it some sort of cannon instead of a bomb that basically airstrikes the enemys with a similar damage zone to the current brandish charge. Or throw them. Or change the crystal bomb AGAIN and give them that functionality, to turn them into something useful and unique again, albeit different.
Nerf it, buff it. First thing to do. Then give it sword beams alà Legend of Zelda... no, seriously! The motor seems to pull you away with such a force that you can't seem to stand still while using the sword(trying to make up an excuse for the awful attack-movement), so why not give some if not each normal combo attack a small, if pitiful projectile to boot. Make it stronger with each successive hit in the combo(the motor keeps running and increases in power over time), to encourage going for a full series of attacks. We can even extend the series of attacks a bit, if that means the disk-shooting gets more practical then. And give it a frikkin' 5*-equivalent. What do we have now? An actual strong sword that, while not preferable for control of movement or crowd control, can shoot energy frisbees which can beef the damage of the slashes up a bit more, if you know what you're doing and pick one enemy after another.
The charge attacks stays, obviously enough.
I think I've said anything I wanted to say. In case I have something left, I will edit this post and make a note in the other posts to avoid confusion.
I'm free for criticism(good and bad, as long as you stay constructive and polite), additions, and eliminations of further stuff.
Like it or not, I just want some feedback.
Also, updated the OP to include some stuff I forgot to put in in the first place.