So uhh, Troika Troika Troika Troika annnnnd *Inhales deeply* moar Troikas. If you thought Tsuba was the only Troika obsessed person around here you would be sorely mistaken. I give birth to my darling Troikas every single day, I wield my beautiful Triglav like a boss, and have been running around with one since I was a proto-nub. Thing is, no matter how many children I spawn, it depresses me that their choices in life are always so minoot. Suda or Triglav. Stun or Freeze. Yellow or Blue. The road so narrow, and the fork in it so meaningless that it might not exist at all. At least, until now.
That's where you come in, my wonderful and talented individuals. Go into your workshops, close the doors on your armories, and find your tools. Dream me up and put together more Troikas. I want to see full concepts of new Troika lines 3*-5*. Yet, don't stop at the unused statuses; fire, poison, curse, or sleep (and technically Shock). Feel free to get more creative. Base your Troika lines on one of the six monster families: Fiend, Beast, Construct, Undead, Gremlin, Slime. Show continuations of the current lines, such as a six-star version of the Triglav or Suda (actually, I would quite like to see that) Or simply think outside the box and come up with something truly unique. You guys are a creative and talented bunch. I know you can generate something spectacular.
All entries must include:
- The 3*, 4*, and 5* version of the line (with exceptions for 6* concepts)
- A full name and description for each star-level
- Knight Name and date of completion
- At minimum, a basic sketch of the 5* version in action.
Potential Prizes:
- Grand Prize ~ 5k ce
- Two Runner Up Prizes ~ 2.5k ce
- Most Unique Concept ~ 1k ce
- Best Artistically Executed Design ~ 1k ce
- Most Complete Concept ~ 1k ce
Ie. full concept sheet, multiple angles, effective descriptions, charge attack depicted, full art depicting the 5*, tooltip pages with damage bars, crafting requirements, etc , etc , etc . . . - Best use of spiral spy. ~ 1k ce
- Best *cough* cameo *cough* ~ 1k ce
- Community's Choice! ~ 1k ce (see below)
- Participation reward of 50 ce per person.
- Refferal rewards: 25 ce per person, 500 ce for reffering grand-prize winner.
Community's Choice Award:
At the end of the contest, there will be a 3-day window in which members of this forum community will get to vote for their favorite design. Upon the end of the January 31st, absolutely anyone who desires may make a post in this thread casting their vote. Voting will remain open until 6pm (cst) upon the day of Troikamas. ~ One vote per person, voting participants may choose up to three designs.
Formal Ceremonies at Troikamas!:
A formal ceremony will be hosted on February 3rd at Troikamas in addition to other events, games, and prizes! So come join your fellow Troika enthusiasts for fun, merriment, and the largest collection of Triglav/Suda in one place!
Additional Rulings about the contest:
- Applicants may not use recycled or pre-produced work.
- Participants may enter as many Troika lines as they are able. (with a focus on quality over quantity)
- The deadline for this competition is on Janurary the 31st, 2013 (11:59 pm. cst) ~ may be subject to change
Comeon guys, I would love a Troika for Christmas ^_^ - Discussion in this thread is welcomed and encouraged.
- Any medium is acceptable as long as it meets the aforementioned requirements of the contest.
- Incomplete entries will not qualify for participation nor refferal rewards.
- If possible, put all the information of the Troika line on a single sheet. The line, descriptions, names, etc, etc. Makes keeping track of things easier.
Things I will be keeping in mind about the entries:
- Does the line look like it evolved from a Troika? You guys need to keep in mind that the base weapon you are drawing concepts for already exists. While you guys have a lot of freedom as to where you take the evolution itself, I want to see the step-by-step as to how you got there.
- Do the names and descriptions add to the design? These concepts are just about the art as much as the logistics behind them. Effective names and descriptions go a long way to fleshing out a weapon.
- Does the action-image of the Troika line provide a good "feel" for the weapon? The entire intention of seeing the 5* variant (at minimum) in action is help break away from the very static nature of the concept. It provides a feel for how the weapon will preform in combat, or simply more to it's back-story and origins.
- Are additional details of the weapon provided, be it crafting requirements, damage ratings, etc, etc? Because a fully fleshed out concept is an effective one.
Want a shot at winning some ce but don't have artistic talent?
Then today is your lucky day, spread the word about this competition to your more artistically inclined friends and family. If they mark you as their refferal you nab 25 ce. Easy as that. Put simply, if you refer 4 people, you'll get 100 ce. Not a bad deal for making idle conversation. Also , should your refferal win the grand-prize you will receive an additional 500 ce
For those of you interested in making an entry, post with the following information.
Knight Name:
Describe how your image was created (the medium):
The name/description of the completed Troika line:
URL for finished concept (including your knight name and date of completion in the image):
Name of the knight who referred you (if any):
Wishing you all the best of luck. If you have any questions, contact me in-game at "Tdlob" or leave a post here.
~ Tdlob
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Uuni: Lumber Line
Cleavingcut: Leaf Line
Dreathuxy: Lava Line
Sir-Tuddle: Capture Line
Yomigama: Fallen King Line
Canine-Vladmir: Oblivion Line
Night-Rove: Toxic Line
The-Knightwalker & Xxpapaya: Love Line
Stith: Gnev
Pballs: Pincer Troika, Clockwork
Tantarian: Oiler Line
Weegeftw: Bone Line
Ganondwarfy: Bombtech Line
Cobalt: Skolver Line
Cyber-Strike-Blast: Conductor Line
Skyber: Pheonix Line
Possiblespy: Length Line (otherwise known as the "Duct-Tape Line")
Heavy-Duty: Hunter Line, Gear Line
Breaker-Xd Windy Line, Campfire Line
Justalexp: Star Line
Falclion: Radical Line
Artistbma: Voltiva Line
Xairathan: Nightwhisper Line
Kellnox: Jelly Line
Pipochee: Ghostmane Line
Kagisnad: Venenum
Zopyros: Swarm/Olympus Lines & Trig/Suda Remakes
Happyapathy: Sacrificial Line
Tevokkia: Villain Line
Korhl: Volcanic Spirit Line
Coolspiderman: Dagger Line
Vanadukehimself: Fantom Line
Dracoflarex: Tundraka
Zeroblast: Tundraka
Evillancer: Magnetazer
Dill-Samwich: Whip Line
Aidanblades: Holy Line
Burq: Reaver Line
Dembooti: Scuttle Line
Lizzi: Vog Line
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WINNERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Grand Prize ~ 5k ce - Breaker-Xd Windy Line
- Runner Up Prize One ~ 2.5k ce - Lizzi: Vog Line
- Runner Up Prize Two ~ 2.5k ce - Zopyros: Swarm/Olympus Lines & Trig/Suda Remakes
- Most Unique Concept ~ 1k ce - Heavy-Duty: Gear Line
- Best Artistically Executed Design ~ 1k ce - Dill-Samwich: Whip Line
- Most Complete Concept ~ 1k ce - Tevokkia: Villain Line
- Best use of spiral spy. ~ 1k ce - Happyapathy: Sacrificial Line
- Best *cough* cameo *cough* ~ 1k ce - Sir-Tuddle: Capture Line
- Community's Choice! ~ 1k ce - Dembooti: Scuttle Line
Will start it right now! Started a sketch along with that story.
Also, still working on your story commission. First part done, if you haven't seen yet. So sorry about the delay x| Lots of exams coming up... have to know too much stuff for my oncology track. =/
Again, SO sorry about the delay!