Winmillion Variants :P

28 replies [Last post]
Shamanalah's picture

Titles says most of it... I would love to see a sword like winmillion in 5 star... Like it shoots 3 balls (kinda like the way DA shoots 3 swords)

I'm getting tired of Brandish/Calibur, Sealed Sword or Flourish as swords (I don't like cutters, sorry)... Would love to see a different attack pattern (like the Winmillon XD)

Or something new? Crimson Hammer looks too much like a Flourish to be considered like a new attack pattern

Would not take much to simply add a 5 stars upgrade to it and I think a lot of people would enjoy that kind of change ^ ^

Edit: scroll down

Tl;DR Variant of 4* Winmillion

Psychodestroyer's picture



Nosrsly, try saying something the other umpteen billion 5* Winmillion threads haven't said, other than 'cuz I want it lol :3'

Shamanalah's picture
No offense...

No offense but I'm new on the forum and don't search for zombie thread... :S

Why do you need any other reasons than we want it? I don't get your logic...

Because it's an opinion it's not worth checking it? 100 millions opinion alike isn't worth checking it? And considering it?

I'm just saying it would be cool to have a good sword like the winmillion 5*

Psychodestroyer's picture

"No offense but I'm new on the forum and don't search for zombie thread... :S"

Note I didn't say 'search bar' yet.

And if you don't bother putting in the effort you can hardly expect people to NOT get pissy about it.

"Why do you need any other reasons than we want it? I don't get your logic..."

Think of it this way:

1) You said 'I'. Dragging 'we' into it conflicts your own argument.
2) If I wanted a super robot that was 50x the size of a standard Spiral Knight with laser cannons the size of Vana's mace dealing 999999 damage per hit and made a thread about it...

Why? "becuz I want it lol :P"

Obviously you need more than that. What it is, what it looks like, damage type, name, etc.

"Like it shoots 3 balls (kinda like the way DA shoots 3 swords)"
^Barely counts as 'detail'. Otherwise, you're giving nothing.

"Because it's an opinion it's not worth checking it? 100 millions opinion alike isn't worth checking it? And considering it?"

I am going to shoot whoever supplies your arguments because they supply you trash. That was not even half relevant.

Shamanalah's picture
Sheesh such positivity here

Way to be positive? Just trying to be positive and bring new argument and getting shut down and mock because I want a cool 5* weapon that could bring fun to player

(btw the ban stick is the weapon you want I suppose? Kill vana 1 shot, Kill the game and the fun)

Not my fault you spent your whole month on this forum and are bored and has to do this to have some sort of entertainment/fun

Edit: here a detailed suggestion

Take this. Normal dmg cranked, speed reduced a bit. same attack as the winmillion. Charged attack that shoots 3 blue balls in a 180 degree arc in front of you about 5 meters long

There happy?

Psychodestroyer's picture
An example of a Spur thread

An example of a Spur thread with people actually thinking.

Didn't even take me 20 seconds on Google.

"Way to be positive? Just trying to be positive and bring new argument and getting shut down and mock because I want a cool 5* weapon that could bring fun to player"

There you go again with the 'I's. Clearly you're not listening.

"(btw the ban stick is the weapon you want I suppose? Kill vana 1 shot, Kill the game and the fun)"

"But I want it lol XD"

Nosrsly, shut up and listen for once. You are clearly ignoring everything I'm saying.

"Not my fault you spent your whole month on this forum and are bored and has to do this to have some sort of entertainment/fun"

I've been on this forum probably longer than you've known the game. Your thread is crap. End of story. If I wanted 'fun', I'd go play SFH on my Flashplayer instead of telling people like you that you're being useless. The former is much more 'fun'.

Shamanalah's picture
And why didn't you...?

And why didn't you showed this to me rather than being a rude smartass?

Being part of a community doesn't mean being a douche. It means helping people.

I had no idea people already did something like this (and it's from 2011)

People won't make a 20 seconds google research whenever they post something on the internet and you should already know that by now

Shamanalah's picture
Not a competition...

Not a competition of who was there first... It's pointless. All I was doing is putting out a suggestion on a forum and was bashed downed by a douche

You could've been nice but you chose not too... Who's to blame?

And yeah I keep talking about my opinion because that's what I want. I don't necessary want your opinion ya know ;)

Luguiru's picture

The only "content" you offer is to imitate a weapon which already exists and will be inferior to before the change even happens. It was also the same thing someone else posted in a thread I would link if it mattered.

If you want real ideas on Spur see this or scroll down a little on this.

"I'm getting tired of Brandish/Calibur, Sealed Sword or Flourish"
"Crimson Hammer looks too much like a Flourish to be considered like a new attack pattern"

No meme image or video link can express the disappointment which would boil my blood right now if I did not know you are a clone. Clones live in a special place.

Psychodestroyer's picture

The irony here is ludicrous.

Calls me a douche: "And yeah I keep talking about my opinion because that's what I want. I don't necessary want your opinion ya know ;)"

"Being part of a community doesn't mean being a douche. It means helping people."

And I suppose by your definition it also means being selfish and suggesting things YOU want. "Screw everyone else, I WANT IT NAO(regardless or not if other people want it)."

"And why didn't you showed this to me rather than being a rude smartass?"

Because you shouldn't be such a lazy dumbass and look for it after the thought occurred that there are OTHER threads?

"You could've been nice but you chose not too... Who's to blame?"

And now you're trying to shift blame. Real mature. You said it yourself "I'm new on the forum and don't search for zombie thread"

If you can't be bothered, you can hardly expect other people to bother with you. Simple.

Shamanalah's picture
Clones are everywhere

Lion-Heart... Scissors Blade...

I mean so many clones of the same blades/guns/bombs and doing a clone of Winmillion would be too much? OFC some testing need to be done... maybe keep the Winmillion but add some elemental variant? like a poison 4* winmillion? It seems most people would be afraid that Winmillion would become obsolete when a 5* appear but if it stays at the "last stage" with some other variant, wouldn't it solve most problems?

A lot of guns/bombs/swords have clones but with different attack type/elemental status? Why Winmillion is left alone on is own? (with probably a few others I don't know)

Shamanalah's picture
And I suppose by your

And I suppose by your definition it also means being selfish and suggesting things YOU want. "Screw everyone else, I WANT IT NAO(regardless or not if other people want it)."

Don't want it now. Just making a suggestion, whether they throw it in the trash or keep it doesn't concern me at all.

Because you shouldn't be such a lazy dumbass and look for it after the thought occurred that there are OTHER threads?

I am not a lazy dumbass. I'm just lazy

And now you're trying to shift blame. Real mature

Why am I to blame to post an idea on a suggestion section on a forum? I am clearly not doing something wrong. You think my opinion are wrong however

Edit: and if you couldn't already tell. English isn't my first language so sorry for mistakes :S

Psychodestroyer's picture

"I am not a lazy dumbass. I'm just lazy"

...Ok, you really CANNOT expect people to be nice to you if you have that attitude.

Not to mention you just proved my point for me.

"I am clearly not doing something wrong."

...I don't even need to point out how stupid that sounds.

But I'm going to anyway.

-"I'm new on the forum and don't search for zombie thread... :S"
-"I'm getting tired of Brandish/Calibur, Sealed Sword or Flourish as swords"
-"I want a cool 5* weapon that could bring fun to player"

-Didn't bother looking for existing threads.
-Refused to even try to look for existing threads.
-Suggested an idea based on a personal whim.
-Didn't put any effort into the idea itself.
-Got pissy at people for pointing out his obvious shortfalls.

Get out. Seriously. You can't even be bothered putting in effort and expect everyone to tolerate your ignorance.

Severage's picture

Welcome to the forums, my friend. You must forgive the typical reception a new forumer gets when he suggests the same exact thing that has been suggested a million times, in no better fashion than it has been suggested before.

Psycho is often devoid of any signs of tact, and gets off on the wrong note with practically everyone. He's not such a bad guy though. He (usually) has a good reason for what he's saying. Usually.

On the other hand, you're not completely innocent of any crimes either. Please keep language to a minimum.


Magnicth's picture
*eats popcorn*

Such naughty language, Mr. Shamanala, that won't do. Basically, what Psycho is trying to say, is that you are providing no other reason to why winmillion should get a 5* other than " I want it, so it should be made." And he is right. And you gave little to no detail for this idea. And you using such language is not helping your case at all, so it would be in your best interest to watch that mouth of yours if you want people to actually take this (not very well thought out) idea seriously.


Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of You Always

Come back with some more detail other than 'want winmillion clone' and we'll talk.
Until then, don't expect much comment from me.

Shamanalah's picture
Why is everyone...

Why is everyone waiting for a 100 pages novel on a new sword?

I was just giving a suggestion that was based of personal idea (who said it wasn't my idea?)

Whether suggestions have 100 pages and 100 hours work on it or simply a 10 minute brainstorm. It is a suggestion. Throw it in the trash, throw it in the fire or throw it in the brainstorm team. I don't care

Was not expecting a "get back when you have 100% detail of what you want"

When I was on TL2 forum we were throwing idea and people joined in and helped, nobody expected someone to do a full magazine on why we need modding tools on TL2...

IDK if the community is bad or you are simply harder working but as of now. Psycho just showed me how much of a bad community SK english is.

Just because someone post full detailed suggestion doesn't everyone should. It's a suggestion section and if you had read the rules of forum. I ain't doing nothing wrong. I'm just throwing a bad idea and it all could've been nicer or easier for everyone if Psycho would've been nice rather then being rude and obnoxious

Edit: And ofc the OP is always wrong and the people bashing him are always right? that's how your forum works I guess (remind me of Auction House Tycoon 3 forum)

Canine-Vladmir's picture

50CR wager Sham will beat Psycho in his own game.

Severage's picture

The Developers aren't going to put something in-game based off of a suggestion that is vague and provides little to no detail. If you really want a 5* sword, explain why and what it does, not just say "I want one".

The Community here has seen about 500 threads just as vague and ambiguous as yours on this subject. I'm sure OOO is aware people "want one", though who knows why is a mystery. It also has seen one or two really good threads on the 5* winmillion. Why not look for one of those?

In short, you're not adding any productive conversation, least of all by swearing at other people, by posting this thread. Granted, Psycho isn't the most positive one when it comes to these threads. Still, his point remains.

Many people here want a 5* winmillion, but your thread basically just says "I want one, OOO make it, idc what it's like". Who would support that?

It's a suggestion section and if you had read the rules of forum. I ain't doing nothing wrong.

There are good, well thought-out suggestions, and otherwise. The rules don't force you to make a good suggestion, but that doesn't mean you should make very vague ones just because you can. Also, if you had read the rules of this forum, you'd know swearing is wrong too.


Shamanalah's picture
just FYI

The Developers aren't going to put something in-game based off of a suggestion that is vague and provides little to no detail. If you really want a 5* sword, explain why and what it does, not just say "I want one".

Good to know no one even bothered to read my replies

I even said...

maybe keep the Winmillion but add some elemental variant? like a poison 4* winmillion? It seems most people would be afraid that Winmillion would become obsolete when a 5* appear but if it stays at the "last stage" with some other variant, wouldn't it solve most problems?

Why did no one answered to that and just kept on bashing me? You still think I want a 5* winmillion (which I found out that people may not want the Winmillion to become obsolete so it would not) but I don't. I just want something new and something fresh, which I thought a 5* winmillion would do but having other variant of 4* Winmillion could be good enough

Yeah I admit. I did not put any thought behind this. I just made a simple suggestion, while expecting nothing and I get a meme "There's too much I on this post" what you think I'll do? Sit there and get punched and say nothing? I'm not like that

And I feel like it's not my job nor my part to do the schematic of dmg, scaling dmg, speed time and attack type (+ other stuff). If I thought it is then I would be filling the french wiki of SK rather than plotting a possiblity of a variant Winmillion (which I don't care if they left it like that)... Those are the devs job, whether you'd like to contribute to SPECIFICALY demand something, that's your call. I don't care how they make and what attack it does

The Community here has seen about 500 threads just as vague and ambiguous as yours on this subject. I'm sure OOO is aware people "want one", though who knows why is a mystery

It's called an opinion but the more I'm on SK forum the more I realize that every single one of you got bashed for saying his opinion and crawled and dealt with it. I got an opinion and I will say it. Don't like it? Then don't like it, don't have to be a smartass about it.

A simple answer to my first post

"There has been plenty of Thread like (insert forum url) this one and (insert another forum url) that one. Please don't make another one, I've seen so much that it could be considered as Spam. Yeah you would like one however there are thousands of other player (like me) who doesn't share your opinion. Maybe develop a little more? Or rez a (good one) dead thread? The choice is your"

see how simple it was? Not even positive, you can still be negative and help people out...

Now my only experience on this forums are:

1. They don't know

2. and if you don't spent 100 hours on it, we don't care and won't discuss with you to develop your idea and maybe (just maybe) help each other out

3. All LD pros (with decked out UV ofc...)

Luguiru's picture

"maybe keep the Winmillion but add some elemental variant? like a poison 4* winmillion? It seems most people would be afraid that Winmillion would become obsolete when a 5* appear but if it stays at the "last stage" with some other variant, wouldn't it solve most problems?"

"maybe keep the Winmillion but add some elemental variant"

Okay. Take the Winmillion as it is right now and switch its normal for element damage. Still awful. Still useless. Now what?

"a poison 4* winmillion"

Okay. Put a poison rate on it. Still awful. Still useless. Now what?

"most people would be afraid that Winmillion would become obsolete when a 5* appear"

Okay. What does the 5* have? What would make its 4* obsolete, though with almost all equipment the 5* is superior to the 4* because it is the direct upgrade of it?

You and many before you have convinced yourselves that having only a very simply and basic idea is more than enough to be a suggestion. Sure. Want to know how this started several paragraphs worth of stuff? This quote from myself in the post before it:

"Every time you attack something, no matter what kind of attack you use, it has a chance to give you a damage bonus in a state called 'Power'. Power stacks up to one hundred levels of the effect, each level giving +1% damage (it sounds overpowered if you try to apply it to Spiral Knights but it works over there), but you have to gain the effect at least one level every turn or it completely falls off. When it gets to one hundred it will not continue to grow, so stacking up more of it only keeps it on. "

How big is that paragraph? Tiny. How many ideas did it create? A lot. Why should anyone care? More details from us means less frustration for them to create it. They know what they would be creating because we gave them the details. It may have started small, just something that gains damage when you hit stuff, but it became something creative. Would you rather the players discuss what they want then the developers know exactly what to work on, or the players say "I want a thing that does stuff" then wait for the developers to take a decade to figure out what we mean?

Shamanalah's picture

Okay. Put a poison rate on it. Still awful. Still useless. Now what?

a lot of items are useless if you simply don't like them... And Winmillion isn't useless as of now right?

Back to the nice side

Thank you for the constructive criticism. Now I understand why but the way I'm seeing it: They get paid to do this kind of work. Someone get paid to check the forum, someone get paid to brainstorm with devs and someone gets paid to test it.

You can be part of the processus if you want. But nothing hold you from simply throwing out an idea in the suggestion box and let it drown there

It just baffles me that I get bashed by someone because I just gave a simple suggestion. A Thread dies when no one reply to it and doesn't check it...

After being on D3 forum then TL2 forum then this one. I feel like the community is really pissy and mostly raging kids

TL2 was full of nice older people that actually help others and COULD script Rapid Respect (shoutout to Chtluon)

Luguiru's picture

I already linked two threads about Spur which I contributed to. Why should I, or anyone else, care about this thread when those two have significantly more and better content? Why should we come up with ideas when you were the one who made this thread when we could make our own threads?

Thelhawk's picture
Well this threads a flame war

Well this threads a flame war now.....

Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of You Always

People expect you to put in 10 minute's worth of effort at least. For a weapon that would be something along the lines of:

  • Reason we could do with this weapon (e.g. Combuster - pure damage-dealing elemental Brandish)
  • Damage inflicted and status proc'd (split normal/elemental, fire)
  • Swing speed and rhythm (three moderate-speed swings, stagger on last hit only, as Calibur)
  • Charge attack (one swing and line of explosions, chance to proc fire)
  • Appearance (large sword with glowing red centre)
  • Predecessors and upgrades (Brandish - Fireburst Brandish - Blazebrand - Combuster)
  • Anything else you think would be of use regarding the weapon

Your first post has none of this. You ask for a weapon that shoots missiles; we have the DA that shoots three projectiles on its charge already. You don't give us any particular reason for this other than wanting new weapon attack patterns, when you're just reusing an old one. You then say you're tired of common swords but then continue by telling us that you dislike a lesser-used one as well and don't bother with it. And when you do come up with an amendment to your idea, you put it in the middle of the thread where it isn't obvious to anyone reading it. You also insult several people on the forums, although I admit some of us could have been more polite about their responses.

A Hammer works nothing like a Flourish; the former is a 3-beat slow elemental sword with swing-dash-swing that can hit up to 3 times on its dash, and has a great deal of movement. The latter is a 3-beat fast piercing sword with swing-stab-stab with considerably less lunge. Hammer drags allies forward with its two-stroke charge; Flourish doesn't have this effect on its three-stroke charge, which is exactly like its standard attack pattern but with more damage - not to mention that the Hammer is a massive hammer where the Flourish is a sparkle pixie sword.
How, precisely, are these swords similar?

Writing the above took 10 minutes' worth of my life, by the way. With another 5 minutes I could probably derail this thread with a decent version of your suggestion.

Psychodestroyer's picture

Why are you guys still posting? Clearly he doesn't get it.

Phase 1) Suggest an idea with generic "I want it /endthread" post. (OP)
Phase 2) Get replied to with a cynical "Put in some effort at least"
Phase 3) Reply with "But I'm to lazy lol I don't need to do anything"

And yet you have the nerve to whine and moan about how everyone is being unfair to you because you can't get a simple point.

Which makes this: "I feel like the community is really pissy and mostly raging kids" all the more ironic.

"They get paid to do this kind of work. Someone get paid to check the forum, someone get paid to brainstorm with devs and someone gets paid to test it."

FINALLY. Something WORTHWHILE to counterpoint.

Would the devs rather waste their time on building an idea from scratch, or to take one that's already mostly done?

In real life context, you're a builder. You are asked to build a house. Would you take job that has the plans, layout, materials and everything else you need to build the house, and build it well, or would you choose to start from scratch considering the small amount of time you had.

The answer is obvious.

You need an example, the Howlitzers and Polyps were created in a thread in this forum. From scratch. The Devs pretty much copy-pasted it. Saves them a whole lot of time and effort, not to mention it makes the idea of implementation so much more inviting considering all the work is already done FOR them.

"It's called an opinion but the more I'm on SK forum the more I realize that every single one of you got bashed for saying his opinion and crawled and dealt with it. I got an opinion and I will say it. Don't like it? Then don't like it, don't have to be a smartass about it."

You don't get it do you? You're the one being a smartass saying this is your 'opinion'. Your 'opinion' being that you can suggest an idea on the fundemental argument of 'cuz I want it :3' and expect to NOT get raged at, considering there are better threads than yours with better reasons out there and you are adding nothing to the mix whatsoever.

Your so-called 'opinion' is wrong.

"see how simple it was? Not even positive, you can still be negative and help people out..."

"And why didn't you showed this to me rather than being a rude smartass?"

You are the very image of being able to take negative 'advice'. /sarcasm

Severage's picture

I just want to say that I never once bashed you. I tried to explain why your OP (Original Post) wasn't a good suggestion. I confess after scanning through and only reading a fight between you and Psycho, that I didn't read in detail everything you said afterward.

"Now my only experience on this forums are: 1. They don't know 2. and if you don't spent 100 hours on it, we don't care and won't discuss with you to develop your idea and maybe (just maybe) help each other out 3. All LD pros (with decked out UV ofc...)"

1. *Wooosh*
2. Not when there are other threads that have art and concepts that you could reference pretty simply. Even if you made an new thread that wasn't dead, referencing what they had, and building on it.
3. What? I don't even have any LD-related UVs on my LD set. I don't even know where you made this correlation....

This is the Suggestions forum, not the Opinions forum. A great way to start is by creating innovative ideas.


Skyguarder's picture

"I am not a lazy dumbass. I'm just lazy"

So? Nobody cares if your lazy and sit on the couch, eating chips and watching TV with your shirt out. Watch your language too.

"I got pissy because you pointed it out in a smartass way. You still could act a little nicer"

It's called opinions. We make opinions, we give negative votes on certain ideas for certain reasons. Don't like it? Fine, you can go to a 5 year old forum site where you can whine all day bout' it.

"Get out. Seriously. You can't even be bothered putting in effort and expect everyone to tolerate your ignorance."

And you should go back to the baby site that you were before. You act childish right now. Please, read the New Recruits place, and ask certain questions before posting. Read the rules too.

Watch your negativity there. Now, for your idea, please add details. How will it look like? What abilities? Would there be a different type of Spur? I can ask you more questions until this idea is fully baked and ready to be swallowed in Spiral knights

Psychodestroyer's picture

""Get out. Seriously. You can't even be bothered putting in effort and expect everyone to tolerate your ignorance."

And you should go back to the baby site that you were before. You act childish right now. Please, read the New Recruits place, and ask certain questions before posting. Read the rules too."

He was quoting me.