Where's Zeddy?

He hasn't been on around for about 2 1/2 months saying all his nerdiness about everything/

He got a co-op/internship and is taking several classes.
It really doesn't surprise me that he hasn't been on as often.

And this is relevant to Spiral Knights and not Gremlin Chatter because...

What reminds me when I read anything regarding seppuku on the forums...

Like Fehzor mentioned, I'm quite busy with an internship and schoolwork these days and will continue to be so until the end of the semester. In the meantime, I hear Krakob is doing science in my stead.

In the meantime, I hear
is doing science in my stead.Krakob
Run for the hills, everyone!
Also, is your definition of 'semester' a half-school year or a full one? I've heard it used both ways.

Semester probably means until July (if Zeddy lives in a country that has a Summer vacation in its school system).

Let Krakky do science til JULY?
So, uh, anyone else want some steel-plating for those bunker-hills?

You were very lucky. It seems as if that may have been a luck-of-the-draw .

Zeddy even gave me the Badge of Science. Boy am I feeling the pressure.

Krakob, being the new scientist, must now answer completely useless or impossible questions now.
Like this:
-Chance of Love Puppy spawn
-Chance of Black Kat replacing Spookat (during event)
-Chance of Nick coming back
He's been here.
Just using another alias.