A Reminder: The Testing Feedback Forum is for testing server posts only!

There have been a lot of posts/discussions lately that should go into the General or Suggestions forums. Important reminder: We like to keep the Testing Feedback forums clean and related to feedback on the current test content only so we can quickly parse information. Remember, this is not the alternate General and Suggestions forums!
Please read the forum rules here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/24087

In order for us to find relevant feedback on actual test content, it needs to be stressed that the longer it takes to find things like bugs and feedback on the test at hand, the longer it takes to iterate and fix issues that pop up.
Once again, this is not the general or suggestion forums and posts should only be from testers giving feedback on the content highlighted in each test.

What if someone decides to suggest about taking off and adding stuff to the update and says why they want this or that to happen / not happen in the update?

Those posts are off-topic as they are not feedback in any way, shape, or form.

If we are test server participants and we want to talk about what we have seen on the test server, we post in Testing Feedback.
If we are test server participants and we want to suggest a change for the current testing content, we post in testing feedback.
If we are anyone and we want to talk about non-test-server stuff, we post in General Discussion.
If we are anyone and we want to suggest something not related to test server content, we post in Suggestions.
If we are not on the test servers and want to mention the testing content in any form, we post nowhere?

I love this setup that you guys have got going on here...
People post in general/suggestions, threads get locked.. Go to the testing forums! This is about that! They say.
Naturally, people go to the testing forums.... and get yelled at for posting about non-testing content.
This is truly the funniest thing I've seen here.
Just a quick question: If someone has read the Preview Server Update Notes, hasn't actually played the preview server, but has suggestions/gripes/thoughts on the matter, they should post it here, right? Or just not at all and post it in General Discussion once the update is live?