Why would Panadafishie mail them self?
Who is this? (II) - Now with more retired knights
Why would Panadafishie mail them self?
Perhaps to direct suspicion elsewhere.
Instead of guessing and wasting time pointing random figures, we need to solve this Mystery using logic by analysing the mail given. The clues are in there. I bet once Panadafishie defends herself you'll accuse someone else :)
For all we know, it could be you. But I'll take it back if you are right though.
Edit: @ everyone else; if you don't hear from me I'm either revising or discussing things at the Don’t Starve forum. Multiplayer has officially been announced for it, too much is going on right now :/
Still don't have too much time to really focus on the thread, but if someone comes here and says they didn't do it, we just have to take their word for it.
The person sending the mail would have to be a terrible person to explicitly deny it.
This doesn't block out the possibility of not denying (nor confirming). I'm willing to bet whoever it is hasn't posted here yet.
I bet once Panadafishie defends herself you'll accuse someone else :)
Slow down with the insinuations. I have not accused anyone of anything in this thread. I was merely pointing out a possible strategic move the sender could be making. It is not wise to necessarily discount someone because they received a mail.
We can't "prove it conclusively" anyway with the vague clues we were given.
Arc was the most likely person, and apparently it isn't him.
We weren't going in circles before, and we aren't now. No, we're going in random directions with the vaguest of ideas.
So, instead, listen to this music.
Well I always say it's better for everyone to get lost going round in circles than for everyone to get lost going off in random directions.
If you were in a forest the latter will have you all separated and alone, a bear might attack you and you won't have anywhere to go unless you play dead.....or you are dead.
The letters must contain some logical hints to the identity, so let’s see what we have so far.
From the first round of letters we have the following clues.
All my radiance glows in fiery glory, and brings unto my children an abundance
of joy and blesses them with and honor.
A fiery parent?
Many are the fallen who have fought me on the forums. Their name is legion
for they are many. Walk carefully, knight, lest ye be numbered amongst them.
Someone who debates a lot on the forums?
Haven awaits the worthy Vanguards who fight unto the end for in my Hall they
shall find rest and a café to refresh their souls.
A guildmaster with a cafe in their guild hall?
Shining forth in regal golden light, I smite the unworthy with my mighty sword
while upholding the plight of the downtrodden. Join me, or stand least aside lest you
be trampled by the mighty throng that is my guild.
Uses a Divine Avenger? or regal look?
No eye has seen nor ear has heard or mouth has tasted nor nose has smelled
the delights that await those who join our guild. No delight in the Orient is a sublime
as the guild of One who leads the knights of royal heritage.
The guild has a royal connection?
I couldn’t draw any conclusions from the other hints. Perhaps the contents of the second round of letters will reveal more.
Who ever it is they are reading our comments otherwise how else did they know Midnight-Dj mentioned he didn't get a message in game.
Who ever you are. If you're reading this, message the other 3 people you sent mail to. We need them to post their messages here.
Thanks random person.
Royal Connections...
Two things that come to mind would be the Kingdom of Almire or Royal Jelly Palace.
Perhaps one of these wears one of the armor sets corresponding with one of these places.
Has a legion following him or her on discussions, first thing that comes to mind would be the Collisuem.
Jelly, Coliseum, mostly LD though, long shot guess, but...Contri?
Another hint was their name (or guild name or forums name perhaps?) has to a's in it.
Wait, isn't Markus-Aurelius like the name of a Roman Emperor / Greek Philosopher? So we have the royal connection, the alpha connection, and the 2 a's. It might also fit the Biblical times and coliseum stuff.
Okay, Arc says it wasn't him, so I'm changing my guess to Markus-Aurelius.
I don't think Markus did it. He doesn't seem like a person who would write so poetically (No offense Markus).
Also, I wager the "RetiredKnight" is different than the other A Retired Knight. RetiredKnight is probably someone who saw this thread and decided to have some fun.
Trust me, it wasn't him.
(Hoping it's Luguiru)
If you're only here to make stupid inferences, get out. Some people actually want to solve this.
^ what's your problem? MAwA's been helping all along.
Who ever it is they are reading our comments otherwise how else did they know Midnight-Dj mentioned he didn't get a message in game.
oh? I thought that was just Pandafishie or one of us sending Midnight a mail just for fun.
Also, I wager the "RetiredKnight" is different than the other A Retired Knight. RetiredKnight is probably someone who saw this thread and decided to have some fun.
I'm pretty amused at the person getting that name. It's hard to get certain names in games lol.
I will say though that RetiredKnight's hints are pretty significant. The fact that there's a limit (collect the 12 mail balls!) and concrete hints means a lot.
Still not enough time to update the thread, just dropping by to say hi + bump lol.
I haven't even logged into SK yet, so for all I know, I could have a new mail myself.
Marcus Aurelius was real, yes.
lol, 12. That's a cute number. Such literary.
12 disciples
12 months
Anyone who has taken some kind of poetry analysis would probably go crazy over it.
Wow, uncalled for much?
Why are you so mad at Mawa?
I've updated the post with all the known messages. At the moment we have collected 9 original messages from the original <A Retired Knight> and 3 messages from Retiredknight, a named character.
The post should be organized in order by day (though of course, I have no idea what the original send order was, nor do I think it matters).
Oh, speaking of updates, I also got a mail from Retiredknight as well, and I got it on 08 May 2014, a day earlier than the other ones posted (or maybe before midnight in my timezone).
lol @ delta
I'm actually a little disappointed at the 'by' and '12 message', but the original messages weren't completely foolproof from typing/grammatical errors either.
P.S I'm studying an exam on Monday
Oh so now he/she is insulting the mighty name of the Arcknight! But he mentions being Alpha. So obviously he believes to be superior than us.
Dang it. I knew I should have called myself Arcknightomegaprime. Then I could crush this Alpha wannabe.
Lookee here Sir, we got oursel some lads and laddies gawkin o'er a mys'ry knight. They don't got the faintest idea who the bugger is! Ohohohoho, but I knows! Yes Sir, I do. Wazzat? No...No, cours not. I not be tellin' them. Ye kin count on me, Sir. That ther infamayshun is locked up in mes ol noggin. I ain't gonna tell no soul. Aw, dun tell mummy, Sir. I jes wandid here by assident. Won't hap'n agin, I give yer my word. Jes dun tell mummy, please, imma beggin' ye. Alrigh', arigh' imma leave! Imma leavin!
I got new mail from this guy too. We'll actually I got new mail from both "Retiredknight" and "A retired knight". Very confusing messages. However I won't be sharing them, just because.
I uninstalled the game so... Good luck with this thing.
Hey everyone, I'm leaving.
So here's the HTML for this thread, in case someone wants to remake/take over lol.
Good luck! :;
Transcript collection:
To: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/2AAkXVw.png" target="_blank">Seiran</a>
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014
<em>All my radiance glows in fiery glory, and brings unto my children an abundance
of joy and blesses them with and honor.
Lift thine countenance and behold the wonders of my creation.</em>
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
To: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/6chhRbF.png" target="_blank">Flowchart</a>
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014
<em>Many are the fallen who have fought me on the forums. Their name is legion
for they are many. Walk carefully, knight, lest ye be numbered amongst them.</em>
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
To: <a href="http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/451794407747618209/79D74991480A62FB706D9803165783EADE42AB11/" target="_blank">Draycos</a>
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014
<em>Haven awaits the worthy Vanguards who fight unto the end for in my Hall they
shall find rest and a café to refresh their souls. Heed these words, knight, and
perhaps you may one day join us in faithful fellowship.</em>
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
To: Pipipipipi
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014 [note:](assumed from post date)
<em>Shining forth in regal golden light, I smite the unworthy with my mighty sword
while upholding the plight of the downtrodden. Join me, or stand least aside lest you
be trampled by the mighty throng that is my guild.</em>
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
To: Mawashimono
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014 [note:](assumed from post date)
<em>No eye has seen nor ear has heard or mouth has tasted nor nose has smelled
the delights that await those who join our guild. No delight in the Orient is a sublime
as the guild of One who leads the knights of royal heritage.</em>
(assuming the footer is the same)
To: <a href="http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/432654109316795828/E210256322DDC93BA93C582684235A53137BBC32/1024x640.resizedimage" target="_blank"> Fangel</a>
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014
<em>All those who oppose me in malevolence end up banned in sackloth and
ashes. Walk the path of righteousness or your doom shalt be Biblical in its
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
To: Dragneel-Wiki
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014
<em>Onward I have fought against odds that would have crushed a lesser knight.
Guilds I have seen humbled, and monsters I have seen slain by the phalanx. A
warrior of your renowned would'st be most welcome in our hall of heroes. </em>
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
To: <a href="http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:2014-05-09_00001.jpg" target="_blank">Arcknightdelta</a>
<strong>Identity Hunt</strong> <A retired knight> 02 May 2014
<em>Mighty is my pen, and sharper than any two-edged sword, for it divides the
body that is our world while bringing pleasure and healing to others. Read and
heed my words, and wisdom shall be your reward. </em>
<em>Be the first to divine my identity and prove it conclusively in the forum thread
and a forge prize box wilt by thy reward.</em>
<strong>Round 2: Retiredknight</strong>
To: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/5UNLYVh.png" target="_blank">Seiran</a>
<strong>Who is this? (II)</strong> <strong><em>Retiredknight</em></strong> 08 May 2014
<em>In harmony and numbers lie thy strength. Only by combining the messages,
can my true identity by divined. 12 message have been sent - a dozen clues to
the mysterious identity of the Retired Knight.</em>
<em>Many thinkest me to be a lowly delta knight? They wouldst be called "fool" to
assume such.</em>
To: <a href="http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/795194589247963739/8889FFB91C5EFD14F1323CFE1B611331FD604C6E/" target="_blank">Midnight-Dj</a>
<strong>Who is this? (II) </strong> Retiredknight 09 May 2014
<em>In harmony and numbers lie thy strength. Only by combining the messages,
can my true identity by divined. 12 message have been sent - a dozen clues to
the mysterious identity of the Retired Knight.</em>
<em>Have thou the brains to match thy guts?</em>
To: Mawashimono
<strong>Who is this? (II)</strong> <Retiredknight> 09 May 2014 (inferred from <a href="#comment-913135">post</a>)
<em>In harmony and numbers lie thy strength. Only by combining the messages,
can my true identity by divined. 12 message have been sent - a dozen clues to
the mysterious identity of the Retired Knight.</em>
<em>Alpha am I since my name contains two “a”s. I never played beta nor am I delta.</em>
The second retired knight said any other knight would be a fiction...
I hide in the shadows, judging by the bottom part. Death comes before my
purple weapon, as gremlins and slimes bow down to its mercy, but I kill them
anyway. Yet the only obstacle in my way is big fat Vanaturducken, and making
ye old poems
Who is this new figure rising from the shadows?
Hey random player, if you're reading this, can you send me some riddles too? I feel left out.
Edit:Sick riddle. Oh, I also got some other cool stuff.
It says Mawashimono on the second link.
EDIT: Changed my comment to keep it from being seen as me referring to the first link.
I'm done with all this. Nothing good will come out of it. I won't be logging in anymore either.
maybe he change name
Panda y u so mean q_q
But no, not me. I was busy in a different state for the past few days while this was happening.
I'm done with all this. Nothing good will come out of it. I won't be logging in anymore either. -Arcknightdelta
...On the forum or in the game?
Can't be Mawa. She wouldn't send a mail to herself and then drop ambiguous hints to throw everyone off. But if she did... ᵏᶦᶰᵈᵃ ᶜʰᵉᵃᵖ ⋅⋅⋅ ᵍʳᵘᵐᵇᶫᵉ ᵐᵘᵗᵗᵉʳ⋅⋅⋅
Also... How does the 'giver of advice' stuff apply to Mawa? I don't remember seeing anything to support that.
Sure, kind of in the context of this thread. But what about other posts?
Sowwy Sammichie
I wub u.
Just throwing ideas out there. :P
I also temp-quit.
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
Y̘̝̯̺̬̳̪o͉u̖̩̫̦ͅ ̜̤̘̹̘̗t̤̜̦̟̜̣ak̻̘̦̙̞͚e̤̺̟ ͍͍̫͇t̝̭ͅh͖̙͇̮̳͈e͇̙̣̤ ̬̯̮͙̫̫̥r͎͇̯̥̣͕ẹ̺͍̱d̼̳̪̻͍ ̝̰̮̫p͓͖͚̘̜ͅi̫l͚̹̳͈͈̼̫l ̟̦͚͙-͚ ͕y͔̞̞o͍̻͍͖u̪̠̫̜ͅ ̝̹̱̬̰̗̯s̮̫̞t̝͉̤̤͚a̗͔y̥͉̲̯͍ͅ ̭̫̞̘ͅi͈̭̣̤̬̺n̟͉̟̯ ̰W̥̮̘̱ọ̰̙̝̩̺n̗̙d̰̥̪̘e͍̘̺r̖̩͇̞l͚a̱͇̳n͈d̼̞̮̗ ͕̫͈̼̥͈an͎̝̜̟̬̝d̼ ̥̬̭̹̬͖ͅI̦̮̬̣ ͕̻̣̬͍̱̗s̰͕͚̩̘̦ͅh̘͕̺̫̖̫o͍̦w̥ ͇͈͓̹yo̥̖̝͈̮̺u̝̤̼̭͈ͅ ̟̙h̖̟̻͈o̞͎̻w̺̠͔̪̜̖ ̘͔̼d̞̭̩͇̖̟e̩̳̭̖͙̠e͎͉̥̘͕p ̞͉̠t͚͍͔̩̪h̫ẹ͉̠̟̳ ̰͇rab͕b̭̹͈͔i̲̤̻t̩̘̗̭͔ͅ-̼̹͉̗̙͚h̹̜o̪̙̦̲l̠̞̭͎e͇̺ ͕̭̥̗̹̜̣go̳̗͕e̹̪̮s.̯ ̺͚̱
Posted by Mawashimono;
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
Y̘̝̯̺̬̳̪o͉u̖̩̫̦ͅ ̜̤̘̹̘̗t̤̜̦̟̜̣ak̻̘̦̙̞͚e̤̺̟ ͍͍̫͇t̝̭ͅh͖̙͇̮̳͈e͇̙̣̤ ̬̯̮͙̫̫̥r͎͇̯̥̣͕ẹ̺͍̱d̼̳̪̻͍ ̝̰̮̫p͓͖͚̘̜ͅi̫l͚̹̳͈͈̼̫l ̟̦͚͙-͚ ͕y͔̞̞o͍̻͍͖u̪̠̫̜ͅ ̝̹̱̬̰̗̯s̮̫̞t̝͉̤̤͚a̗͔y̥͉̲̯͍ͅ ̭̫̞̘ͅi͈̭̣̤̬̺n̟͉̟̯ ̰W̥̮̘̱ọ̰̙̝̩̺n̗̙d̰̥̪̘e͍̘̺r̖̩͇̞l͚a̱͇̳n͈d̼̞̮̗ ͕̫͈̼̥͈an͎̝̜̟̬̝d̼ ̥̬̭̹̬͖ͅI̦̮̬̣ ͕̻̣̬͍̱̗s̰͕͚̩̘̦ͅh̘͕̺̫̖̫o͍̦w̥ ͇͈͓̹yo̥̖̝͈̮̺u̝̤̼̭͈ͅ ̟̙h̖̟̻͈o̞͎̻w̺̠͔̪̜̖ ̘͔̼d̞̭̩͇̖̟e̩̳̭̖͙̠e͎͉̥̘͕p ̞͉̠t͚͍͔̩̪h̫ẹ͉̠̟̳ ̰͇rab͕b̭̹͈͔i̲̤̻t̩̘̗̭͔ͅ-̼̹͉̗̙͚h̹̜o̪̙̦̲l̠̞̭͎e͇̺ ͕̭̥̗̹̜̣go̳̗͕e̹̪̮s.̯ ̺͚̱"
My original assumption of Mawashimono and Phantomhamachi working together on this one has become more evident after this latest comment.
Okay! This is the last time you see me post here. I'll check back in after a month or so and see if I was right. Sorry Mawashimono and Phantomhamachi if you aren't actually behind this.
I'm pretty sure this Retiredknight player designed this to be fun, and that offering a Forge Box to the first person who could conclusively prove his /her identity from the hints was meant to be part of that fun.
Unfortunately, all we've been able to come up with so far are some guesses based on a bit of "evidence". For example, at first I thought it might have been Arcknightdelta for a few reasons, but now I think it's Markus-Aurelius for the reasons I stated in post #63.
Some people think it might be me because my name has 2 a's and I've apparently got the literary skills to pull it off. But I think the creator of this is hoping for more substantial reasons for our guesses.
Evidently, we're going to need more clues or someone's going to have to make an insightful breakthrough. Good luck!
I'm pretty sure this Retiredknight player designed this to be fun, and that offering a Forge Box to the first person who could conclusively prove his /her identity from the hints was meant to be part of that fun.
Dang it I can't leave, something always baits me back.
Mawashimono seems adamant for all of us to play this *cough* her *cough* game. I wonder why? :)
Btw, I'm very surprised you haven't asked me for the 3 new messages I received in game. Surely if you wanted to get this Mystery solved you wouldn't have ignored my post. Very strange, unless you know something that I do.
You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
Believe what ever I want to believe? Hell yeah, *swallows the blue pill and goes back to sleep* ZZZzzzZZZ Freedom... of expression ZzzzZ...
...there is only one person I know that could've done this.
It'll probably be wrong, but hey I'll try. It's definitely not me at all, I only know very few Elizbethan English words.
But here's my likely suspect:
I dunno, the only people atm I can think of with 2 a's in their names are
EDIT: @Arcknightdelta: fine, took her name out