Useful links for new players: I am collecting them. If you know of a thread or post that would be handy for recently arrived Knights, please post a link to it either here or in the above-linked New Recruits thread. Thank you!
Useful links for new Knights: Your suggestions, please.
^Basically shows you a break down so you can figure out recipes
Break down of recipes and materials where they are found etc.
I think those two are very helpful. The Alch Paths is what I used when I started playing this game helped me learn A LOT.
Hope that helps
Personally, when I started, the game was fairly easy to pick up. However, getting comfortable with crafting gear proved to be a challenge. And once the actual mechanics of crafting have been broken down, new recruits choosing alchemy paths that they will later regret is not a rare occurrence. Therefore, I second the two links posted by Njthug, and also believe that posting individual links to some specific pages of the wiki would be very helpful, as the best information for new players can be found neatly layed out on the wiki.
Spiral Knights-related twitter accounts might be helpful for some users.
I'm sure there are others, I just don't know them. I bet you have a more complete list than I do, Euridyce (or could make one by asking around the office).
*Edited to remove an incomplete sentence I thought I removed while composing.
Thanks very much for those links. I did put a link to the SK wiki at the top--I take it you feel these are specific articles that merit individual links? I'm cool with that, so long as we're not listing a vast quantity of them. What would be your top priorities, regarding which wiki articles new players should be encouraged to read?
So, Twitter accounts: @NickPopovich and @PolygonCherub are Nick's and Ian's personal accounts. If they decided to start tweeting about nothing but the plight of the Purple Martin, or what it feels like to have a popcorn hull stuck between one's molars, they could do that. We're all free to follow them (or any other Ringer's public Twitter presence) but I don't think it makes sense to encourage all new players to do so in an official capacity, you know?
The @SpiralKnights account is a great idea. I'll add that.
So, Twitter accounts: @NickPopovich and @PolygonCherub are Nick's and Ian's personal accounts. If they decided to start tweeting about nothing but the plight of the Purple Martin, or what it feels like to have a popcorn hull stuck between one's molars, they could do that.
TMI! Thou art scaring the denizens @.@
TMI! Thou art scaring the denizens @.@
You don't even want to know what I typed out and deleted, then!
I'm... scared? Relieved? I'm not sure what emotions I'm feeling right now. :\
As I stated in my first post, when first visiting the wiki, the section that stood out the most is its item and material listings. However, the four links that I listed as important are not as obvious at first glance and was missed by me and possibly other players like myself.
As for order of importance, I listed the links in order top down. The first link is a page that lists many useful starting information, including the energy faq. However, I believe that a player should have a grasp of how damage and gates work in this game before they can consider themselves a player. The Community Standards is pretty common sense so it's more optional.
@lawlz: Gotcha. Maybe we can make them more prominent on the wiki, then, too.
Could these tow threads please be made more prominent in the Technical Help Section?
Basic Nettiquite for a Tech Support Forum
How to Get The Most Out of the Spiral Knights Tech Support Forum
really useful link if you want to check your crystal energy usage history
I think it might be useful to breakdown the wiki a bit, since people tend to not read manuals. However, by breaking it down to important topics in a table of contents form, they may be more interested.
Here are some pages in the wiki that I feel are especially important:
New Players:
Weapons Damage and You:
Energy FAQ:
and Finally...
Otherwise, when I was new, I thought the wiki was mainly a "WoWHead/Thottbot" version for spiral knights and was primarily used to look up items and recipes. The articles above are extremely useful information to know in order to have a good understanding of the game, some of which I had to learn myself, through friends, or very late through the wiki (I don't sit there and shift through every wiki link).