Wait a minute before yelling at me please. ok I make an thread about auto aim. Admittedly it IS controversial. but my goal is not to make a stupid AT thread that ends up in insults from both sides like such "AT noob" or " AT is an help nothing more scrub"
I created this thread in order to hear arguments from both sides , I mean real points and not irrelevant insults.
My questions are " Do you think that using auto aim in lockdown is a good or a bad thing?" and " do you think it should be removed from the game?"
these are 2 different points because I ve encountered 4 kind of points of view regarding auto aim in lockdown.
- people who don't use auto aim and think it should be removed : they consider that the game should be pure skill based and that AT is some kind of "lack of skill" so nobody should have right to use it in pvp.
- people who don't use auto aim and don't think it should be removed : these ones are the rarest because they accept to have an "handicap" compared to their opponents . they refuse to use it but don't care about the others using it. I only met a few of them.
- people who use auto aim and think it should be removed : they are against auto aim in pvp and think it should be banned. Yet, they agree to use it because it's part of the game and they don't want to be disadvantadged but still they think that the game would be better without it.
- people who use auto aim and don't think it should be removed : They use auto aim and have no problem with the other using it for they use it themselves. They don't think that banning it would make the game better, because it's only an help and everyone is free to use it or not.
If I forgot some special cases , tell me.
So, I'd like you to tell your point of view about the question , but only a rational debate because we don't need hatred, rage or all these kind of felling which lead nowhere in an argument talk.
I didnt tell my identity because if I 'd who I am you would know my opinion about the topic and I don't want a biased thread, only an objectif debate ( or maybe am I just a coward? :p )
So... let's discuss!!
Jakety Sax incoming in 3...