When Koutetsu awoke, he found himself laying face-down in dirt with an odd gnawing pain in his left hand. In a few moments, it occurred to him that something was, actually, gnawing away at it.
It was too dark to see properly, but a creature, possibly the one he met earlier, was chewing thoughtfully on his hand while sharpening a branch.
Leo watched Armori and looked for a separate path. He climbed onto the guardrail and jumped upwards, grabbing hold of a large gear tooth and hoisted himself onto it. He balanced himself and looked up some more, finding a plausible handhold, Leo moved to the center of the gewar and shimmied up the axle before latching onto a smaller gear. He pulled himself upwards and perched on the small gear. From his vantange point, Leo called out to Armori,
"Hey! Where we going?"