To be honest, I was expecting them to finally use those weird mask items that been in the game files since before the ene
To be honest, I was expecting them to finally use those weird mask items that been in the game files since before the ene
You should probably find yourself a safehouse or a disguise.
I'd rather have the safehouse. More guild hall furniture please. (Yes, I'm aware that my guild is currently broke and in any case this isn't entirely relevant, but I figure since this is the bimonthly griping thread it's the best place for it.)
I just.
I don't even.
I had no idea I needed these things in my life.
But I need them.
I'm quite sure the only reliable safehouses on Cradle are the Clockwork Terminals, considering the Spiral HQ will allow just about any sort of strangers (not associated to the taxonomical namesake) to thread into Haven no matter how much they look like (let alone being) the monsters that continue to menace knights.
I believe the higher-ups have failed to keep in check the knights' rights and safety compliance long ago and left it at that since then. It may have taken a new level now that we have the disguises, since they could just as well separate knights further from whoever might be responsible for their casualties. I mean, it may not seem like Spiral HQ's intention, but we all know how the undercover operation using Gremlin costumes concluded.
Now would be a really good time for some developer or game master to come on here and give us some good news about the dark harvest festival. Players really expected it to come out right now, and the fact that it hasn't as well as Aphrodite's comment has started rumors of it being canceled entirely... now is the time for hype! Unless it really is canceled, in which case the amount of sad I am you have no idea.
I suppose anytime would (have) be(en) a good time as it is.
I was expecting someone to make a crack about how you can't customize the safehouse. Then again, given what's going on over there opening that can of worms is probably a very, very bad idea.
There was some discussion when the Guild Hall update came out that they would eventually function as fortifications versus "the coming darkness" or something of that sort. Still wondering about that.
Also I am functionally incapable of spelling "guild" today.
The boxes themselves? Well, there's been worse, given I noticed today the Opal costumes increase people's resemblance to an onion. And the full-on Gremlin disguise is pretty cool. Wonder why there wasn't a Zombie disguise, though.
If it was already in the game files ...
Why they would cancel Dark harvest festival? I mean they were soo lazy this year with events, so even if they dont add something new for this Dark Harvest i dont see reason why the would cancel it due the lack of "new rewards" of stuff for it.
Well, from what we have observed today, and for the past year, we now have little to expect from OOO. They have given us nothing but reskins, and cosmetic promo boxes. I even wonder if we will have the Dark Harvest Festival this year... I should have been excited when i saw the opal prize box promo end, and notice it was getting near the time of DH, but when I visited the website today and they added MUSTACHES, I kinda just sighed, logged on and watched people waste money on cosmetics..
When I saw this coming instead of Dark Harvest, I thought that they must be kidding. Apparently, they are not.
I mean, I've lost any hopes about this game already, but I at least expected that they would release the annual event because it requires nothing - neither programming nor designing. Looks like expecting something instead of not expecting anything was a mistake.
I'm lost for words.
You guys need to lower your expectations to zero. Always expect the worst. That way, you won't ever be surprised. (Pro life tip, not just for this deteriorating game)
In this case, zero = useless items (I didn't even know they expire, that's actually kind of sad at this point). If you expect the worst, then whatever comes will be neutral or good.
Kneeanderthal has the right attitude (although s/he might have been sarcastic). I don't expect much of anything from this game, so I'm rarely disappointed. Apparently there is a new promo running, with items that expire? I didn't even know that.
Some players get enraged by the promos and vow never to buy them. I am oblivious to the promos and never buy them. We're both voting with our money. But my life is pleasant while I'm doing it.
I mostly just want to point out that we asked for this and Three Rings delivered-
The second of these was a very prominent thread quite a while ago, and it's very possible that Three Rings found it while looking for ideas. It's also worth mentioning that this prize box is a pretty stellar deal.. the lowest percentage get is at 5%, and that's for a pretty decent item. In every box you also receive a temporary disguise of some sort, whereas in the past these temporary disguises have either cost a fortune (even for one month) or came out at 1% and on top of that, you have a 15% chance of getting a cosmetic upgrade of some sort. This is pretty much the best prize box deal we've seen yet, and pretty much the best deal since the explorer pack came out a few years ago at like a dollar.
Compare that to the equinox box, where literally 80% of the box wasn't what you were hoping for and 50% of the time you received basically nothing. The tricksey prize box has 16% (=.4 * (9/19) * .85) failure rate, wherein you receive a stranger hat and no usable, and even then you get a free disguise to go with it.
I usually am a sarcastic #%&$, but I was actually being legit in that post. I mean, like when you go to ask out a girl, if you expect a no then when it comes you don't feel as let down
I bought into this promo as I really liked its contents. The mustaches... Oh my gosh I love them.
I just wish you could combine some together, such as the wise whiskers and the wolver chops. Regardless, it's great to have more helmet front accessories that look really nice if not silly.
I was tempted to put on my Sonosukes disguise because of this prize box, but I decided against it.
Hey, at least it isn't another box full of recolors of things that have been in the game for a looooong time.
There are actually a few new things.
I find it odd that some people are disappointed over this update. DISAPPOINTED! How long does it take a person to realise that cosmetic updates are a frequent thing in Spiral Knights? 5 updates? 10 updates? 20 updates? Because it's been more than all of those combined.
Keyword "new"
See you in Scream Fortress 2, they turned this year's event over to the community....
They are new accessory models but I'm kinda sick of waiting for new playable content.......