...so I log into the game today just to check out the energy market after liquidating my assets. I still have some energy leftover, but I'm happy with what I got during the Steam game sale. Unless energy prices go down to below 7,500 because of the remaining energy I have, I made an effective profit...
...and what I see is completely bonkers.
People are trading more energy now for crowns than they were during the holidays. It's almost like they're deliberately trying to troll those of us who were offering to trade energy for games. They held back on buying energy just so they could get it after the sale was over.
There is literally no other incentive for them to buy energy now since you can get it cheaper by trading energy for games at discounted prices than buying it straight from the energy store. If anything, they should have known about the opportunity more during the holidays since people go back to work and school after the holidays and don't have as much time available to play games.
(By the way, when I say effective profit, I mean in terms of crowns. The fact is energy can be sold for Steam game cash equivalents at the same rate no matter what the crown/energy rate is. Even if the crown/energy rate goes below 7,500, I haven't lost any cash. All I'm saying is I could have had more energy to trade for games if I liquidated my assets after the crown/energy rate went down.
In essence, even if these people are trolling, it comes at zero expense to me. It's just a missed opportunity.)