SK has been bought by ex OOO employees.

304 replies [Last post]
Varriscious's picture
A dream has been realized

Ah...a chance for me too return, a dream i had was when i became an adult, i could take responsibility for this game and create content that goes above what we have now. Though I decided to give this seems my dream was taken up by someone who does care. What great timing.

Petater's picture

I see billing changed from San Fran to a place outside of Boston. I don't recall you guys listing Boston as a co-location for OOO in the past, so I'm interested in why there.

Was it an April's joke after all?

This isn't mentioned in the home page, though one would think this is the most important thing since years, and after almost a month the SEGA logos still weren't removed from anywhere...
The only "progress" they made so far is closing the non-english forums.
I may seem to be impatient, but the few people who still hope and want to enjoy the game are waiting since years.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture
Eury leaving the team and telling us GH is working=/=joke

And if it was, that's way over-the-top. The fact that Cronus and Hera have been quite active in comparison to past times' communication is indicative of something, and being a persistent optimist I'm led to believe that once the dev team gets back on track we'll at least have something to see for it.

Xaurian's picture

It's clear the work they've done has rendered the game unplayable for everyone outside Virginia because now I get connection issues consistent with one-bar when I get four, when things used to be good for me over here in Canada a while back.

Rustre's picture

Hello from France, it's playable, 4bars all of the times, low tier internet plan.

On an unrelated note: we still do not know what is (was?) Nick's last secret.

Bonjourhippo's picture
Constant 4 bars over here in

Constant 4 bars over here in Glasgow too. Just your imagination.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture

i caught that, sergal

Vohtarak-Forum's picture

Works in new York and florida, definitely something on your end

Xaurian's picture

When even wired connections like mine suffer, the scapegoat is blatantly the host of the server, not the person connecting to the server.

Veridiandynamics's picture
I live in the end of the

I live in the end of the world, midle-east europe and i have 4 bars on eu server :)
Pretty good connection, just a few lag-spikes here and there, nothing not-managable.

Klipik-Forum's picture
Something of note from Cronus' announcement

"- New game content will be displayed in English even if you’re using a German or French localization."

"New game content"

So they do plan on developing new content...?

Fehzor's picture

Like prize boxes. Prize boxes are very loosely definable as new game content.

Sciger's picture

I wouldn't be surprised if they do plan on making new content for SK but let's not get too excited. They are a not for profit company so they won't have massive funding for development, that's on us to give them our money during promos and what not. For if/when new content does show up, I'm expecting little stuff for the time being. If they do work on something big, I'm expecting that'll take a good long time.

Edit: And it looks like their website has a little something on it now. It's not much but hey, it's something. xP

Juvon's picture
; )

site needs more make-up; helvetica and an everlasting sea as background


Fireherat's picture
Sorry if I'm late to the

Sorry if I'm late to the party but I'm happy to hear that SK might get a update after what? 1-2 maybe 3? years?

Bopp's picture

Sorry if I'm late to the party but I'm happy to hear that SK might get a update after what? 1-2 maybe 3? years?

12 months ago we got new rank missions, 15 months ago we got new rank missions, and 17 months ago we got the gunner update.

I'm not saying that the game is updated frequently. Actually, what I'm saying is that it's updated infrequently enough that there's no reason to overestimate the problem. Cheers.

Fangel's picture

So it's been about a month now since anniversary and the news was posted. Is there anything new to report on the merge?

Most critical things seems to have been moved over. While I understand it may be a bit boring to say things that have been moved over, hearing that "the support ticketing system is acting up" or "the wiki pictures recover is going slowly" would be nice.

Bonjourhippo's picture

the Grey Haven logo
also quoted from their upcoming website,
"Grey Havens operates games created by Three Rings Design back in the glorious first decade of
the new millenium. Rather than allow those games to disappear forever, we have assembled a
doughty crew to keep them operational for as long as we can."


Fehzor's picture

For the most part that's true for their list of games, though SK may at least warrant finishing or even further development after that, especially due to its active community. Possibly not and if not could the community perhaps work on the game? That's what we've been asking, whether or not there will be development in the future. We have yet to see a definitive answer.

Bonjourhippo's picture
SK is the flagship franchise

SK is the flagship franchise and I'd be surprised if they didn't continue work on it honestly, but that's their current (unreleased) statement on their purpose I guess.

Fangel's picture

So it looks like probably a large amount of activity might be going towards making their official website designed and stable then? I mean, I'd love to have an official statement on it, but seeing as the edits were done 5 hours ago I can be content with knowing that for now.

Bonjourhippo's picture
I think they're making a very

I think they're making a very basic website, I doubt it will be huge. Might be pure html which is the most barebones it gets; they wouldn't need more anyway, each game already has its own perfectly functional website!

Wait what is happening?

Sorry I really don't know what is happening at the moment. They have a new ownership? And when will the sales comeback? I rlly need to spend my money right now...

EDIT: Which time zone is Spiral Knights? Cause it's 17:29 right here.

Bopp's picture

Sorry I really don't know what is happening at the moment. They have a new ownership?

Yes. For more details, read this thread.

And when will the sales comeback?

We don't really know. Grey Havens has stated that the change in ownership takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work, so we shouldn't expect anything new for a while.

Which time zone is Spiral Knights?

Godzy's picture

Dropping by to see this
Can't believe its been 4 years and 48 weeks since i joined rofl
Would definitely return if ever updates come to fruition
I still see nearly a few of the old forum people are still here
Now hiding back in the shadows to wait...

Iveso's picture
Upgrade system.

Lets hope they bring back the previous upgrading system and finally get rid of those crystals. There was no reason for them to come up with that in first place.

Sciger's picture

I happen to like the current system. The heat crystals are only there to slow down players so they don't go from 0* to 5* in 3 days. I do think that heat crystals could be modified to be a bit more efficient (*coughradfarmingcough*) but overall, I'm very content with this system. I'd rather farm for 3 orbs than 800 energy to make a 5* weapon.

Deleted-Knight's picture

I hate to be a pessimist here, but I wouldn't hold my breathe for any big changes. Sure, they emphasized that the game will continue updating, but that's most likely pandering ("we aren't going to continue improving this game" wouldn't go down very well).

The description on the Grey Havens website sounds desperately hopeful:
Rather than allow those games to disappear forever, we have assembled a doughty crew to keep them operational for as long as we can.

The conundrum is they need funding to improve the game, but it's difficult to attract funds when they don't have a large player base to build on. SEGA probably gave up and decided to milk SK dry rather than invest in hopes of a bigger return. Grey Havens wants to continue growing the game but doesn't look like it has the resources to invest. Ultimately we are still left with the same problem.

It's awesome that the good folks at Grey Haven want to keep SK alive, but this game is pretty much retired and living on pension checks at this point. Don't expect a return of a the glory days.

Aks the community to help!

This may seem to be a strange idea, but couldn't players actually help?
I'm sure at least a few dozen people ripped this game apart to find and maybe fix some problems on their own, not to mention the modders.
I think a lot of people would be glad to actively help GH to resurrect this game.
Me for example can tell which lines do you need to delete from this site's code to finally GET RID OF THE SEGA LOGOS! It's not a big deal really, one line in the header and an other in the footer. It took me about 30 seconds to find them, and it would take maybe 10 seconds to edit the file.
Some people could even completely recreate the game, using an other engine to see if it works any better for example.
If GH doesn't have time/money/people then let us help!

Jackaline's picture
Desperately hopeful? I just

Desperately hopeful? I just read the statement on their website as "We just intend to continue to keep the servers up and provide basic support (keep them operational) instead of shutting them down (allowing them to disappear)." They didn't say anything like, "We've assembled a doughty crew to maintain and improve them" that would suggest they would develop new content and features. "Keeping operational" does not sound very hopeful.

Thndr's picture
Who are Grey Havens + Suggestions

One of the things I would like to know is who are Grey Havens, and if there would be any possibility with working with/collaborating with some of the former people.

I know Ian (Cherub) now works for Monomi Park, or at least works with them. (I need to buy Slime rancher sometime >_>)

If there would be any new music, I would hope they have, or could freelance Harry Mack. I know Jake Kaufman (Virt) is basically freelance/contracted with WayForward while also doing his own stuff and hope Harry can at least help out Grey Havens in a similar manner himself.

Will Nick come back?
Updates were never the same without him.

Spiral Knights had a great team at launch and it was a very optimistic thing when Sega picked them up. Although people in the back of their heads hoped Sega wouldn't ruin it. Thankfully Sega didn't really do too much to the game, but since it's a niche game it languished and just stayed up, nearly forgotten.

Hopefully we can get some of the people who helped make the game great and get them to help with any potential new content.


I also made some suggestions following hearing the big news. I feel they are relevant to the current paradigm changes going on and hope it's not too spammy

Workshop Content - I've suggested it in the past, but now it's more important than ever. TF2/CS:GO/DOTA2 all have vibrant workshops and economy, flowing money through the game without the developers creating unique content on their own while also rewarding player involvement

Optimization - Optimizing the game more would make it easier to make content for, and at the very least make it easier for people to play.

Offline Engine - While it'd be best to also optimize the engine, if they make it so they can create offline content using the engine itself, they can potentially also expand how much players can do offline for content creation and testing (Workshop), but also potentially make a singleplayer game (map maker/level tester would be more important and would be required)

Elliel's picture

Several of us have sent Support Mails into yourselves through the "contact support" link but haven't recieved the usual confirmation of ticket submission email or a reply to our mails. Is the support system working currently?

Hera's picture
Game Master
@Elliel I'm not aware of any

@Elliel I'm not aware of any issues at the moment, but I'll take a look. If anyone believes a communication to us hasn't gotten through, please don't hesitate to follow it up by contacting us in game and ask us to double check if we have received an email from you!

Kaneken's picture
What elliel said

I sent a mail today, didnt get a confirmation

Cronus's picture
Game Master
I sent a mail today, didnt

I sent a mail today, didnt get a confirmation

You wont get confirmation that your email was received. Our old ticket system sent out an auto-response letting you know we got your mail, but our new one doesn't. Depending on the content of the ticket it may take up to 2 business days to get a response. If you don't get any response at all from us regarding your ticket after 2 business days, please contact us as Hera mentioned. With a new ticket system it's possible that an email was accidentally lost into the abyss, though I haven't seen any cases of that happening.

Elliel's picture

Hi there, just a quick question regarding the transfer from OOO; we're all really happy to see familiar faces/names transfer over from OOO to Grey Havens in terms of community management however did any developer's transfer over? Or perhaps have new ones been hired? I know temporary engineer's may have been hired to process the transfer of assets form one company to the other but does Grey Havens have any permanent developer's currently? Cheers!

Cronus's picture
Game Master
- ...but does Grey Havens

- ...but does Grey Havens have any permanent developer's currently?

Yes. Grey Havens does currently have developers. While I'm not going to give details about staff, anyone working for Grey Havens is welcome to post or remain private.

As a side note, staff members in game will be easily recognizable by their text color, etc. If someone comes up to you claiming to be a staff member and doesn't have purple text, please file a complaint.

Imorri's picture

Sounds awesome man, happy to hear. Good luck with Grey Havens. c:

Fruitalicious's picture

Once everything is just about settled between Spiral Knights and Puzzle Pirates, and possible other projects, will the folks at GH make a post announcing any plans for the future of the company, like SK development?

Thunderbog's picture

what a surprise

Cronus's picture
Game Master
It looks like we're having a

It looks like we're having a few issues with Steam payments causing errors that might be related to our transfer. We are looking into it and hope to have a fix as soon as possible. I'll update this thread as it is fixed.

We also have implemented a new email ticket system. I've mentioned it before, but if you have sent us a message and have gotten no response after 2 business days, please contact us again. It's possible there was an issue with the new system.

Fangel's picture

It looks like we're having a few issues with Steam payments causing errors that might be related to our transfer.

If it means anything, the F2 bug report the other day claimed it didn't go through either. If support tickets are being lost in the abyss perhaps that could be related?

Alpha-Stevo's picture

We know that Hera and Cronus reads and communicates on the forums, but do any of the other Grey Haven employees look at the forums, regardless of their lack of account?

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

Will Grey Havens be hiring any time in the near future?

Cronus's picture
Game Master
Looks like Steam billing is

Looks like Steam billing is now fixed. Please let us know if you run into any problems trying to make a purchase.

- If it means anything, the F2 bug report the other day claimed it didn't go through either. If support tickets are being lost in the abyss perhaps that could be related?

That's possible. We'll look into it.

- We know that Hera and Cronus reads and communicates on the forums, but do any of the other Grey Haven employees look at the forums, regardless of their lack of account?

Yes. We also update them on the happenings just as we did under Three Rings.

Will Grey Havens be hiring any time in the near future?

We currently do not have plans to do an open hire. If/when we do, we will post regarding the position on the forums.

Jovhan-Dale's picture
Idea !

Luminite rock can be transformed into Spark of life!
make water weapons!!! :D


***Moved on Suggestions***

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

@Jovhan-Date > One, No. Two, what exactly would water weapons do?

Ironianknight's picture
Error: Axe Required for Euphoria

Well well well.... what a development. I've been in on SK since mid to late Beta, and somewhere along the road I developed an affection for the game unlike nearly any other games. I've not played the game regularly for a long time, but I've thought about the world it portrays for nearly all those five years, dreamed up complicated stories around it as a relaxing and fun pass-time, and occasionally come back here to see what was up, even during the great promotional scourge that robbed the last remnants of life from the community.

Now I'm told that it's all free of SEGA's grip finally! That a small team of former employees has taken it aboard and that this team has developers!? This is miraculous to me, I was very near resignation to the end of the official game. I doubt anyone here knows me from my occasional excursions into the forum community in the past, but I recognize some of you and it's great to see the regulars aren't completely died out. All these years later I'm still hoping to eventually release some of my creative content for folks to see... being a creative writer of sorts it's been a joy and my pride to sort through the fragments of lore and patch them together with my own material. From the Morai Wars to Gremlin politics, the old remnants of the Almirans to the creeping madness of the Spookats, corruption in the Spiral Order and even an ending(!!!), I've thought so much into existence off the bones and sinew of this story world!

Maybe that'll happen sometime, or maybe it'll remain in obscurity, but I'm not the important one here am I? Just wanted to drop by and gush a little at this thread, because I was so, so happy to see that my favorite online game was gonna survive awhile yet. Whatever the actual truth about this new event in the game's history, good or bad, I'm glad to've been here (in a sense) the whole way. I'll stay in touch.