What is the deal with this radio silence? I would be considerably less bitter about Grey Havens doing absolutely nothing of substance besides gambling events and aesthetics if they explained why. I would be considerably more likely to support the game if fan-favorite mechanics like health-sharing revives, shared consumables, and the old UI were at least addressed (absolutely nobody I know prefers the new systems over the old, the only points of debate being mist energy and missions).
Even in regards to those substantial changes, what's the deal with absurd things like Wild Hunting Blade still dealing normal damage with Beast+ High, or attacks still having damage caps in the form of "invincitinks" (with random choice in limitation- shards and tortoguns have hit limits but D.Retribution and etc. don't, even when the design is similar)? Why is the Kataclysm event still so horribly handled (we could at least have party invite functionality back; there was a small bit of fun with working together as a guild and suffering for each others' sake)? Why do some sprite ultimates deal literally single-digit damage? How hard could it possibly be to implement these tweaks? And if it somehow IS impossible, why doesn't GH tell their players?
A few months ago I was pretty excited that the game was finally changing hands, as if that'd mean the game would finally get traction, but it feels like it's been left to stagnate- intentionally- which is a huge waste. This game, simple as it is, was very entertaining despite its myriad quirks and optimization issues.
What the heck is going on here?
You had me up until you called the Wild Hunter Blade absurd for doing normal damage with a specific monster slaying property.