The opening sequence to Dreams and Nightmares has an interesting buildup, but:
•we never get to see the core open
•Vaelyn is kinda just standing there doing nothing given the gravity of the situation
•The party button/gate thing doesn't need to be there, feels like a cheap player-herding device
•Herex is just sort of 'there' and then vanishes
•Vaelyn doesn't even react to Herex
•The swarmcore monster is also just sort of 'there'
•We don't ever see a reason for "things going black"
•We don't ever really see how we got into the Core in the first place
I could go on, but I think you get the point. The level design is spectacular, there's a whole lot of unique rooms, but the informational bits are less than perfect.
Nice post, & you're right.
In the past, we have enjoyed a lotta things we have been given to us by OOO/GH over the short, early years in the game's great start to the long journey we're all in today, we got the Shadow Lairs, King Krogmo's PvP modes, holiday events, Guild Halls, new bosses, levels & missions, a coherent storyline, new weapons & gear, & a very cool intro sequence. Now, new content's been made far less frequently, in terms of scope.
Why, it's been a bit over 2 years since the storyline got continued. We don't know how long do we have to keep waiting to see another continuation, but, will it be longer?
Nowadays, GH's lack of communication about their status really concerns us, & you're right that they've not yet asked us to help them, but what else could they do? Did anyone kept count of how many people GH have yet? Well, I'm guessing not much. Just only a couple.
You're also right that the post-Vanaduke missions are rushed(you talking about plot-wise or something like it? I don't know), from your perspective, that I've just read, that is. In fact, we have been seeing later & later new stories across all kinds are somewhat rushed to bring them out so fast, in terms of games, TV episodes, & so on. That really annoys us to this day.
Whatever happened to the days where plots aren't rushed, had displayed actual promise shown in their trailers before their launch, had good amounts of story exposition that gave them considerable length in the cinematics of all kinds, & well thought out beginnings, endings, & surprises? Many past games have had stories that got that "complete, even long story" feeling we've been lacking throughout the years.
Devs had time to forge long stories to their games before, and nowadays, they appear to slice out important planned storyline materials just to meet strict deadlines to their projects' launch days. Think they'd have been able to build & really complete the story in a more "piece-by-piece" fashion while making the gameplay levels, enemies, & such at once, instead of "gameplay 1st, story last" kinda thing?
Well, I think that approach they go with is what kinda sliced long stories down. I don't even know a game that really restored some planned storyline content through patches. It could've been done, easy, yet, they only hesitate to do it, & decide to abandon that at the very last second just to move on forward. Even with some non-resolved plotholes, they'd have worked ways to solve them via patches too, instead of shedding them away.
I get that change always occurs to stories, but, some bits that were planned to be in the story should've been worked around to adapt to the changes post-launch.
Well, anyway, GH's communication isolation keeps leaving us in the dark, and continuing it doesn't help much. Technology advancements to computers & audio equipment & so on have made them so strong & crisp clear, it allowed a lotta people to even create content & stories from the very comfort of home & across the world via remote work.
We got stronger computers & hardware that are matching workstations' standards & programs that let us do it, & no doubt even more stronger computers on the way. Even newer affordable microphones & audio interfaces that meets & matches recording studios' standards & acoustic filters lets people do voice recordings from home, too.
Anyone in the SK community could've helped GH in any way, but so far, we've not heard word about that. We in the SK community should be more involved with helping GH, & we have the tech to do it. The only thing keeping people from doing it is GH giving the word. Even now, as time goes by, with greater graphics coming, the game's graphics may need serious updating, like better textures, more detailed 3D models, better visuals, & so on, all while retaining the game's style. Even GH's internal tools may need to be updated to allow them to make content updates more quicker than ever. They should, one day.
People compared past games' graphics to new games' graphics & took note about outdated models, effects, & etc., & some have taken time to do upkeep to make sure their games don't get behind.
My point is, GH should let us in the SK community help. I know they're doing all they can in the situation they're in now, but we should be involved to make sure they're able to get to the point where they can make adventures at a pace they were in before.
We can still hope that'll be made one day. GH needs to communicate with us more.