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Non-standard Lemonade Stand

73 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire

My own take on Abnormal CaKe SiMuLaToR.
Probably not as good but I don't really care.

You have a small lemonade stand that sells some vaguely lemonade related stuff.

You have:
1x Lemon Water (priced $1)
1x Sugary Lemon Water (priced $1:75)

Some kid walks up and wants to buy some Lemon Water for 90c.
He says that that was all his pocket money from the last 3 weeks.

-Sell it: Sell for cheep.
-Refuse: You won't sell it for less.
-Poke: Poke with a stick. Gets them to go away or get really angry.
-Bomb: Throw a bomb at them (x3).

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Take the money, but since I'm evil but not evil enough to blow him up, give him lime water instead.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire

You give the guy some lime water.
He walks away without realising.

Another kid is on his way home or something and heard about this great lemonade stand that tastes like lime.
He wants to buy Lime Water for $1.

Your Convincingness: 47
His Intelligence: 14
What do you do?

-Sell it like a good little shop owner
-Haggle him
-Poke him with a stick
-Bomb (x3)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Haggle, and sell them lemon water so they think that other person is a liar.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 1-2

You tell them that the Lime Water is actually $1:50 for Large, and the other guy bought the last Small.
He believes you.
You sold the Lemon Water for $1:50!

End of Day 1
You earned $2:40 today!

You got mail!
"Hey, I heard you had a lemonade stand and I bought this juicer for you."
You got a Juicer!
Juicer: Lets you make Lemonade and Lime-ade.
"There's this annoying dude who hates lime. Can you sell him some lime water for me? I'll be there to laugh at him."
Request from Tim: Give Tom some Lime Water.

Lemon: 50c
Lime: 50c
Sugar: $1
Bat: For when someone attacks you/you attack someone: $2
Bomb: Insta-rek someone who's not in an RPG battle with you: $25
Limestone: Infinite limes!: $100
Lemonstone: Infinite lemons!: $100

Your inventory

Stock / Consumables:
Sugary Lemon Water x1
Sugary Lime Water x1
Bomb x3

Stick: Poke someone.
Juicer: Make better drinks.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Buy a lemon and a lime.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2-1

You bought 1 lemon and 1 lime.
Current balance: $1:40

Some guy rocks up and says, "Hey, I'm Tom. Can I have that Sugary Lemon Water for $1:50?

-Accept: Give him the thing.
-Trick: Give the lime water instead.
-Poke: Poke him
-Bomb (x3)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.


Look over at Tim and say "This is what you wanted me to do, right?"

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

You got 1 mail.
Hey. I heard that you're selling some lemonade several miles away from us. Unacceptable unacceptable. We demand that you give us a quarter or we will pound you into the ground, and then maybe step on it. So give us the quarter or you'll regret it you brrrrrats!

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2-2

You explodonate Tom.
Tim looks at you strangely.
He says, "Meh, that'll do."

You got $3 from Tom's exploded leg!

Apparently you have to pay someone 25 cents.

-Pay like a wimp.
-Don't pay like a jerk.
-Challenge them to an RPG battle!
-Walk over to the place and give them a piece of your mind and bombs. (x2)

P.S. you can turn lemons & limes into lemon/lime water or lemonade/lime-ade at any time.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Don't pay while laughing like a maniac.

Equip Tom's leg as my weapon.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2-3 / Day 2 Battle 1

Pi laughs maniacally and throws the letter in the rubbish.
Pi equips the Mangled Leg (+4 ATK).

Some dude comes over.
"Yo man, where's my quarter?"
Pi says "We're not paying, sucker."
He gets really angry.

Battle Time!

Lemonade Stand Owner
Level 3
HP 100/100
AP 5/5

Your party
Level 3 Owner
HP 85/85
AP 20/20
Attack (5)
I dunno, make your own

Blazecat maybe I dunno if you're playing permanently or not
Level 3 Ghostly Wisp?
HP 30/30
AP 40/40
Attack (5)
I dunno, make your own

Do as many attacks as you want per turn. AP regens fully every turn.
From full HP, you cannot be instakilled, only brought down to 1 HP.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

((So I suppose that Blazecat isn't doing anything with the angry stand owner...))

Attack a bunch.

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

(I probably won't stick around long. I got roleplaying to do.)
I call my attack... Slap. It does pretty low damage and costs 10, but reduces your AP by 2!

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2 Battle 2

Pi attacks four times. -4, -3, -5, -5 (total -17)
The Lemonade Stand Owner used Sourify on Pi. Offense reduced by 1!
Blazecat used Slap. -2, AP reduced by 2!
The Lemonade Stand Owner couldn't finish his attacks!
Blazecat attacks twice. -7, -8 (total -15)

Lemonade Stand Owner
Level 3
HP: 68 / 100
AP: 3 / 5 (Reduced!)
AP reduced (1)

Level 3 Owner
HP: 85 / 85
AP: 20 / 20
Offense reduced (2)

Blazecat temporarily
Level 3 Ghostly Wisp
HP: 30 / 30
AP: 20 / 20
No status

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

Slap Pi.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Threaten Blazecat by telling them that I'll only be paying them minimum wage if they slap me again, which is probably more than I'm actually paying them.

Attack more.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2 Batle 3

Blazecat slaps Pi. Missed.
The Lemonade Stand Owner attacks three times on Blazecat, but then laughs at the horrendous miss against Pi and flubs up most of them. Miss, Miss, -10.
Pi attacks a bunch. -4, -4, -3, -2 (total 13).

Lemonade Stand Owner
Level 3
HP 55 / 100
AP 5 / 5
No status

Level 3 Owner
HP 85 / 85
AP 20 / 20
Offense reduced (1)

Level 3 Slightly More Solid Wisp
HP 20 / 20
AP 20 / 20
No status

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

Log out. I'm outta here.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Do this to the stand owner.

I don't really know what it does yet.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2 Battle 4

Pi uses Lemon Rage on the Lemonade Stand Owner. Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, -50.
Blazecat poofs.
The Lemonade Stand Owner attacks where Blazecat was standing a second ago. Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss.

Lemonade Stand Owner
Level 3
HP 5 / 100
AP 5 / 5
No status

Level 3 Owner
HP 85 / 85
AP 20 / 20
No status
Lemon Rage (20 AP): Attack 5 times, 10% accuracy. If attack connects, huge damage.

Level 0 Thin Air
HP 0 / 0
AP 0 / 0
Unconscious (∞)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.


Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2 Battle 5/Day 2-4

Pi attacks. Random Useless Critical!!! -100000000000.
The Lemonade Stand Owner died.
You win!
Pi levels up.
Blazecat levels down.

The forum owner automatically makes your lemons and limes into Lemonade and Lime-ade.

The first guy that bought your lime water comes over with the second guy that bought lemon water.
He says, "Look, I'll show you what I mean! Lemonade please."
What to do?
-Sell lemonade
-Sell lime-ade
-Bomb (x2)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Sell lemonade.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 2-5

You sell him Lemonade for $1:50.
"Here, look, it's lime!"
The second guy drinks some lemonade.
"Tastes like lemonade to me."
The first guy gets annoyed, drinks some, and pauses.
"That DOES taste like lemonade."
"get rekt sucka"
The first guy looks sad and then falls flat on his face for somehow.
The second guy drags him away.

End of day 2

You earned $1:50 today.
Your battling earned you an additional $3!
Your murderous rampage earned you $3!
Current balance: $9 (rounding up the 40c)

New items in stock!
Lemon: 50c
Lime: 50c
Sugar: $1
Cola flavouring (x2): Make some coke (or pepsi, depending on what you feel like): $1:50
Pink water (x2): Make pink lemonade: $1:50
Bat: For when someone attacks you/you attack someone: $2
Bomb: Insta-rek someone who's not in an RPG battle with you: $25
Limestone: Infinite limes!: $100
Lemonstone: Infinite lemons!: $100

Your inventory

Stock / Consumables:
Sugary Lemon Water x1
Sugary Lime Water x1
Lime-ade x1
Bomb x2

Stick: Poke someone.
Juicer: Make better drinks.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Buy cola flavoring, pink water, a bat, 3 lemons, and 3 limes.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 3-1

You bought stuff (-$8).
Pi auto-equips the bat (+6 offense).

There appears to be a customer that wants to buy a grand total of three lemonades for $5.
Another one wants to buy three lime-ades for $4.

What do you do?
-Sell to both
-Refuse one
-Don't sell anything
-Poking spree
-Continue your murderous explosive rampage (x2)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Sell the first one two lemonades and one lime-ade, and haggle the second one for $5 and give them two lime-ades and one lemonade.

I wish I could continue my murderous explosive rampage, but bombs cost a lot so I'll have to settle for confusing people.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 3-2

The first guy walks away with lemonade and lime-ade confused why his drinks aren't the same, and the second guy pays you $5 to walk away wondering why his drinks aren't the same.
You made $10, are you proud of yourself?

Hel, Mel and Bel walk in and ask for one cola (to share).

-Sell ($3)
-Mass murder (x2)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Haggle them into buying "Lime Cola" for a higher price, then sell them some ordinary Cola with an unjuiced lime on the side.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 3-3

You try to tell them about this great new Lime Cola you have.
They're not interested.
Haggle Failed!

You sold the Cola for $2!

The guys from the first thing from today come back in annoyed that you sold them the wrong drinks.
What do you do?
-Refund (-$8)
-Tell them no refunds
-Bomb them both (x2, uses 1)

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
unnecessary necessary bump

The owner pokes Pi.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Tell them no refunds, then poke them along with Ze-Epik.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 3-4

You tell them no refunds. Pi pokes them and me.
I get annoyed. Pi took 1 damage!
They get annoyed. Pi took 1 damage!
Pi healed because we're not in an RPG battle.
The guys just stole $5 instead.
You lost $5!

Some dude across the street seems to have set up a cake stall.
What do you do?
-Do nothing: competition makes it better for consumers
-Ask if they'll make lemon cakes
-Attack the stand! (probably not the right choice)
-Explosions (x2)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Ignore them for now and instead run after those other two guys.

I want my money back and am willing to spend a bomb for it.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
End of day 3

Pi chases the dudes and blows them up.
You got your $5 back!
You also got another Exploded Leg!
You also got another $5!
Still a net loss of $15!

End of day 3

You earned a bunch of money today. Total: $18

Shop schtuff
Lemon / Lime: 50c
Cola flavouring x3: $1:50
Pink food colouring x3: $1:50
Lemonstone: $100
Limestone: $100
Bomb: $25
(NEW) Reinforced Poking Stick: More likely to make someone go away rather than fight you: $5
(NEW) Spiky Poking Stick: More likely to make someone fight you rather than go away: $5

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Buy a reinforced poking stick.

What's in my inventory.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire


Sugary Lime Water x1
Sugary Lemon Water x1
Lime-ade x1
Cola x1
Pink Lemonade x2
Bomb x1

Stick: Poke someone!
Juicer: Make drinks gooder.
Reinforced Stick: More likely for someone to leave than attack.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire


Sugary Lime Water x1
Sugary Lemon Water x1
Lime-ade x1
Cola x1
Pink Lemonade x2
Bomb x1

Stick: Poke someone!
Juicer: Make drinks gooder.
Reinforced Stick: More likely for someone to leave than attack.

Bild des Benutzers Markelu
You got mail!

"Are you guys hiring? That big cake bakery shut down for a stupid Pokemon bakery and now I'm without a job."


Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Buy 5 lemons and limes.

Some Cola too, because why not.

Reply to the mail with "Yes, but because I'm evil and such you'll only get paid MINIMUM WAGE!"

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
Hello Darkness, my Old Friend.

Markelu, the Pokemon bakery shut down within 2 weeks because the boss has serious mental issues.
However, I did create another cake shop with humans recently... but i'm not gonna advertise on a thread about lemonade.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Day 4-1

Markelu is hired!
Pi bought 5 lemons and 5 limes (-$5)
And Cola Flavouring (-$1:50)
Current balance: $6:50

Markelu, you need to make up some attacks for yourself. AP costs and damage may be changed by me if you make it too good, just saying.
Also everyone decide whether you want to be more all-round, attack-focused, defense-focused or magic-focused.
I'll make up some random useless stats at some point.
Moving on...

A wild human appeared!
"Why hello there. I would like to purchase one fine lime-ade for $1. I also have this perkifier that I can give you, if you give it to me for free..."
What do you do?
-Sell like a skrub
-Haggle for full price
-Trade the lime-ade for the perkifier
-Poke him with Normal Stick
-Poke him with Reinforced Stick
-Bomb him (x1, breaks the Perkifier)

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Ask them about this perkifier.

@Blazecat I'd like to see it.

Maybe advertise in here or something, I don't know.

Bild des Benutzers Markelu
I'm more of a defense kind of guy.

Pat - Pats a teammate on the back to boost his confidence, giving him 5 of my AP.
Shield Up - Deploys a shield that blocks 2 attacks. -5 AP
Juice Box - Gives a teammate a juice box to boost his health. -7 AP
I also have a default attack ability.

Not that good at this.
Feel free to buff or nerf my abilities.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire

Pi asks about the perkifier.
The mystery guy says "It lets you choose perks sometimes that change how the game works. Uh, I mean, how your business works."

Markelu is now a Level 3 Employee!
HP: 95
AP: 15
ATK: 8
DEF: 14
SPD: 5

Attack (5): Basic attack.
Pat (5): Boosts one party member's AP by 5 next turn. You're doing great!
Shield Up (8): Negates damage of 2 hits for one party member.
Juice Box (7) Heals one party member by a random amount. Apple flavour.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.


Give them the lime-ade.

Think of more evil things to do in the meantime.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire

You give them a lime-ade.
They give you the Perkifier.
The guy walks off.
The Perkifier is glowing!!
It is offering you two different perks to choose from:
Battle Modifiers: Introduces equipable "Modifiers", that change how battles work e.g. one may make you immune to special attacks but weak to physical attacks.
Not-RPG RPG: Experience is removed. Instead, everyone majorly levels up at specific points in the game.

Pi thinks of evil things to do.
Markelu is making more lemonade.

The other lemonade stand owner's buddy comes along and is super annoyed at you for beating up his buddy.
He challenges you to an RPG BATTLE!!
The thread owner tells him to wait for a second, people are still picking perks.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Battle Modifiers.

In an attempt to be evil, insult their face.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire

You picked Battle Modifiers!
The thread owner gifts you with two for free to start with.
Blocking Blocky Block Block: Drastically reduces ATK, but decreases damage for entire party.
C-c-c-c-c-combo: Slightly weakens ATK, but sometimes allows moves to be performed twice.

Pi insults the guy's face.
"Your face looks worse than your lemonade tastes."
He's annoyed.
I think you made the wrong move there.
The Lemonade Stand Owner's Buddy is now ANGRY!
(ANGRY: Increased ATK, reduced DEF.)

He starts fighting you.
Say if you want to equip a modifier / which one you want to equip, by the way.

Lemonade Stand Owner's Buddy
HP: 170/170
AP: 20/20
Status: Angry
Lemon Annoyance
Drink something

Level 3 Owner
HP 85 / 85
AP 20 / 20
No status
Attack (5): Basic physical attack.
Lemon Rage (20): Attack 5 times, 10% accuracy. If attack connects, huge damage.

Level 3 Employee
HP: 95 / 95
AP: 15 / 15
No status
Attack (5): Basic physical attack.
Pat (5): Boosts one party member's AP by 5 next turn. You're doing great!
Shield Up (8): Negates damage of 2 hits for one party member. Only one can be active at a time.
Juice Box (7) Heals one party member for 30-50 HP. Apple flavour.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Lemon Rage them.