Greetings fellow knights!
Invincitinks were introduced in August 2012, with the shard bomb update. For those not in the know, it's a hard limit on the amount of hits within a given time a weapon, item, or battle sprite is capable of inflicting. It's put there intentionally (although imperfectly) for the purpose of, as far as I can tell, explicitly preventing these attacks from being good.
It looks like this:
Notice how the bags stop taking damage for many bombs in a row. When three hits in a row (such as with core + 2 shards) strike the bag, any further attacks will tink. Tinking prevents damage, knockback and interruption. With a loud, shrill noise, the game tells you "Hey".
"You picked a garbage weapon there. Craft something else."
Maybe you think from the video that this is something I can only reproduce in a lab environment, but the cold truth is that I've been subjected to invincitinks in all manner of runs, fighting everything from greavers to lumbers. This isn't unique to shard bombs, either. Tortoguns and Seraphinx' laser suffer the same fate. There's also barrier pickups, but noone really cares about barrier pickups.
I want you to read that previous paragraph again. I really have gotten invincitinks while fighting greavers, and died as a result. Imagine that scenario. A greaver swoops in towards you, going for the bite. Your only hope is to attack first, so you swing your final flourish. It connects. You hear a metallic noise as the sword passed harmlessly through the greaver. It bites you, and a shocking haze spreads around it, disabling you. All of the other greavers swoop in after it finishes you off.
Did that sound fair to you? This is what us shard bombers have to deal with all the time, and I, for one, have had it.
If you feel like there needs to be an end to invincitinks, reply with a "+1". You may also add why you believe so.
If you feel like there DOES NOT need to be an end to invincitinks, reply with a "-1" You may also add why you believe so.
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The entire first ability of my pet is useless while invincitinks exist. Why bother shooting a laser that will do nothing when you have 2 other options that actually do their jobs?