why are your bases so GOOD
I have no problem playing with bases on singleplayer, but I can't really say how it is in multiplayer, because my friend was building bases most of the time and then there were other things to do. Despite that, it was usually my task to build a base, but before I thought out what will I build, my friend got impatient and quickly built some boxes.
I thought that despite how much I showed, most of it doesn't come close to quality of your houses, which were smaller, but nicer. And Pi's desert temple is just awesome.
And just now I've noticed that your first base has pressure plate controlled doors too. And that Pi's base has a bar at the top. Why desert temples have bars?
Also, Pi posted wrong number.
The number's 7158.
Oh I didn't even realize there were bases earlier. Pi, your desert temple is sick! Extra points for building it in the underground (hallow) desert.
I think I've got the thing where it says you're logged out but you're actually logged in.
Wow, that second base looks good, way bigger than anything I'd ever build.
The reason for the bar is because the tavernkeep lives there, so I figured why not decorate it like a bar.
Also, fun fact: the two hallways with the scorpions in them count as housing.
The number is 7169.
I have this problem in creative games that I usually set my goal to something unnecessarily huge. I don't build small things often and I don't finish those huge ones often too.
I had many projects like that in Minecraft. Usually they were adventure maps. I have finished only 1 ever. One of my most absurdly large adventure maps was supposed to have over 100 levels. An area/theme in which those levels are would change every 10 levels (for example first 10 would be sky islands, next 10 in a giant castle etc.) I've managed to finish only first 2 levels.
It's flattering to hear you like my second base the most, but I persoanlly consider it to be mostly overly large (especially the main marble building). But still, it contains many nice things too. ...(I know this will sound weird, but) I think I finally understand why you like it the most. Anyway, I spent on that map probably most of my Terraria time, so I guess some huge projects/plans/buildings were bound to happen and it's nice I actually completed most of them.
The number's 7170.
Oh man, I know I have a bunch of old Minecraft adventure maps that I maybe made a little progress on before quitting. I could probably dig them up but don't feel like it at this moment.
The number is 7173.
Apparently Blazecat is in my guild.
The number is 7177.
I saw you waiting in a lobby when this started, but I was afraid to join.
The number's 7182.
You're free to join my party. It doesn't really matter to me who joins, as long as they help.
The number is 7183.
It was that standard "that person who knows me from elsewhere will see me" kind of fear.
The number's 7184.
I understand.
I know I've seen some more well known people ingame and been too afraid to approach them and say hello so I just wind up staring at them from a distance like some kind of weirdo.
The number is 7185.
Maybe I'll be braver next time.
Anyway, again, these posting times are insane.
The number's 7186.
Do you ever have that moment where you type something out and then forget to add the number until after you post it?
The number is 7189.
Yes, I think. It happens rarely to me, though. And if it does, I can catch it on the Preview comment page. So I guess it's more prone to hapenning when I don't write much and try to skip the preview page.
The number's 7190.
Looks like I forgot to keep track of this forum.
The number's 7192.
The last number from me is 7194. Going to sleep now.
Although, I once replied to something in General Discussion with subject of my post being "Incrementing..." That was a mistake, because I use that subject exclusively here. I noticed it after I submited my reply, so I had to edit it and change the subject.
The number's 7196.
I could have waited a bit longer to just steal the next milestone but I didn't
I think I'll post this 13 hours and 37 minutes after Ze-Epik's post. Maybe a minute too soon, maybe not. We'll see.
Anyway, it's 13:35 where I live, hehe.
The number's 7198.
I'm trying to be anticlimatic by not being Pi.
Is it working?
The number is 7200.
Regarding my previous post, I ended up being too quick by mere seconds! The moment I clicked on the Save button, clock on my computer advanced from 35 to 36.
Congratulations on your milestone, Pi!
My number's 7201.
It seems like I'm doing a bad job at not being Pi right now.
Oh well.
The number is 7202.
Those are some cool bases, the second one is definitely my favorite! Gotta love Terraria. If I'm playing on one of my worlds I get lazy and just make boxes for NPCs, but if I'm playing with friends I try to make cooler stuff. Of course they have the worlds so then I can't see my rooms. ;~;
Oh well. It's just rooms most of the time instead of big projects, and modded because infinite materials is just so convenient, haha.