Indeed, you don't have to pay a cent for playing. Of course, if you don't use real money, your advance will be REALLY slow, since you can barely do some explorations or crafting some items every day. This game, unlike other F2P games, does not depend on your skill and time spent playing, it just depends on your patience or how much real money did you spend, which may be quite boring for most players.
Advertising SK as 'free'
- xdanx
This game, unlike other F2P games, does not depend on your skill and time spent playing, it just depends on your patience or how much real money did you spend, which may be quite boring for most players.
I disagree, plenty of other F2P RPGs have this type of grinds. In fact, I don't know any F2P-RPG that this wasn't the case for.
The only exception was, ironically, Spiral Knights before its mid-May update.
This game, unlike other F2P games, does not depend on your skill
I'm sorry, you wanted me to take you seriously? Because that portion just ruined your validity in my eyes.
So play for an hour and go get your sunshine. If you want access to things right away pay cash. Stop your whining. Maybe this game will teach you patience. Any thing that is worth having does not come easy my friends. Another thing, Please stop your whining!
rubexbox and xdanx, you are totally right.
You don't have to pay, but someone else does.
Good catch!
"You don't have to pay, but someone else does."
Let me ask you something: If the current system bothers you that much, Why don't you just stop playing Spiral Knights?
I don't recall Darkgeek ever saying that it bothered him.
The system doesn't bother me when it comes to me. I love the system and love the game. I want more players to join (even if they don't bring down energy prices), and I want OOO to keep maintaining and developing the game.
However, I am a trifle concerned about what new players will think about it. It might be just a bit disheartening for a new player to learn that they can play for a limited amount of time for free each day.
But, OOO has to make money (or at least break even for the server, development, and bandwidth costs). Without CE purchases, the game would eventually become unprofitable for them to maintain.
Disclaimer (whatever that is): I am a paid player; not a lot, but I think that you should know that I am not advancing for free.
If I am trolling, please let me know.
So, OP, Is this game Free-2-Play or Pay-2-Play?
If everybody stopped buying CE (For the sake of theorycrafting) then nobody would be able to craft/play anything past Tier 2. You couldn't get 3*4*5* gear because it cost more than 100 energy.
So you could not play Tier 3 because you don't have the gear for that. If you wanted to reach the end of the game and enjoy stratum 4+, you WOULD have to pay for CE, as it is the only way to get there.
Now people will start to argue that will never happen and blahblahblah. Not the point. Totally agree with OP.
Who is OP? I have heard that several times, but I am not sure who/what that refers to.
It's utterly ridiculous to call this game anything but free to play. Everything in this game is attainable without paying a dime. Period.
Sure, the previous statement is true only if SOMEBODY buys CE and is willing to sell it for crowns. But theorizing about some hypothetical situation where nobody pays for CE and then using that as an excuse to claim that it's impossible to progress without spending money is ridiculous. Why? Because it just doesn't happen and it never will.
If nobody paid for CE, this game wouldn't exist... JUST LIKE if nobody paid real money in any other "free to play" game.
As long as the exchange rate for CE --> crowns remains less than infinity, this game is in fact free to play. In fact it is free to enjoy EVERYTHING that the game has to offer to their players. Most f2p games can't even claim this.
I don't remember the concept of "free to play" meaning that you must be able to access all content for free. I can't think of a single F2P game that allows you to access everything without ever paying.
I am sorry, but if someone is trying to talk to me, I don't know. Please address your posts so I can reply.
On another note, I was just saying that it is free-to-play, but you have to at least buy CE with crowns if you want to craft past 2*. This is in response to the people that say, "THIS GAME ISN'T FREE!", or, more accurately, a recent topic that was titled "This game doesn't deserve the free on it!" Furthermore...
Wait... am I trolling?
- Private_riem
If everybody stopped buying CE (For the sake of theorycrafting) then nobody would be able to craft/play anything past Tier 2. You couldn't get 3*4*5* gear because it cost more than 100 energy.
So you could not play Tier 3 because you don't have the gear for that. If you wanted to reach the end of the game and enjoy stratum 4+, you WOULD have to pay for CE, as it is the only way to get there.
Now people will start to argue that will never happen and blahblahblah. Not the point. Totally agree with OP.
Stop to think about this for a minute: What if what you said DID happen?
You can still play, since mist energy exists. Like I said before, this is the exact reason why OP's point breaks down, due to the fact CE is not mandatory until the "second half" of this game.
Game is free to play in my eyes. Sure, I use Crystal Energy, but I didn't pay money for it; I paid crowns. Yes, somebody had to pay for that CE that I've purchased. I, however, did not; I simply paid another player crowns for that CE. OP's opinion on this is that another player paid for the CE I'm opinion is simply that I paid them for the CE they bought.
Now, maybe I'm just more tolerant of this type of system because it worked well enough for me on Puzzle Pirates (where there as well, I was a consumer on the doubloon market, not a producer via real money purchases). Sure, it's different for this situation, because doubloons weren't something that had to be consumed constantly, as opposed to CE here being necessary for each level further into the Clockworks that you go. Given that, this system seems a bit less viable to me than the doubloon system....but, as I'm seeing, it still seems to work out for players who don't want to pay real money for their CE.
The main argument that I didn't like seeing in this thread, however, was "It's not free to play because if you don't use CE, you get less play time than someone who does use CE." Some games you just can't play 24/7. Is your play time limited? Yes. But, what are you doing during that time? ...playing the game for free. I'd rather have a bit less play time than have my playtime being worth, say, half as much as the play time of someone who paid for boosts.
I feel like noting that I'm not really in favor of the current system, but I don't wholly dislike it either. However, as far as I can tell, it can be rightly be advertised as "Free to play" as there is nothing in the game that requires each player to pay money to access it (with the exception of the bonus equips from the starter pack, which do require a purchase or being a receiptant of a purchase through a party pack, while neither of the equips are really game changing).
Your arguments about everything lategame requiring that someone purchase CE hit home to me, but that doesn't make it any less free for the player who simply pays crowns for that CE. It simply means that the game's players and economy depend on people paying the company real money, not just the game itself, as is the case with cash shops. I can't say for certain if it's necessarially a bad thing, though, since this looks like it has worked so far (granted, I came here with the steam release, so I wasn't here for prices of 7k crowns or higher for 100 CE).
I'm done with this. The OP continues to make up quotes in order to summarize what he interpreted from 20 paragraphs of text. OP, if you can't see any issue with doing this, there's no getting beyond that to any "discussion" (which I still don't believe you want, as you constantly define words on your own, then when someone challenges it you say it's merely semantics). You cannot fake quote someone; that puts words into their mouth. And yet you tell OTHER people they are creating hyperbole? How hypocritical.
Sometimes people don't know they are trolls. I believe the OP had an honest and legitimate cause to start this thread, but didn't realize till a page later that he was indeed just trolling.
The game is rightly advertised as "free to play".
I have not spent a dime to play, hence it is free.
If no one spent a dime, I would not be able to purchase CE thus not be able to craft higher star items... but that's it! I can still play for free with my lower star items! The developers put in incentives for people to spend money and because some people spend money I can buy CE with CR and craft higher level items and that's nice but it is also OPTIONAL. I do not need to craft higher star items and I do not need to access lower tiers in order for the game to rightly call it self "free to play".
I can play for free. That's all it takes.
On a related note, am I the only one to notice the similar business model to Farmville?
I made it to 3/4 star gear without paying anything. It's slower, but I am always making progress. At no point did I ever run out of energy since I was able to make more money thru playing and from the items I auctioned than the energy cost me to keep playing. There isn't anything in the game that can't be accessed thru a little hard work.
It's a very interesting business model. As people buy CE with real money they lower the demand and increase the supply for CE on the CE market. This lets the people who pay nothing keep going which in turn helps keep the in game economy moving. The only way the system would fail for the non payers is if not enough people bought CE, which unless the game dies, doesn't seem too likely. It's a self correcting system. As fewer people buy CE with real money, the market price increases, which nudges people to drop a few dollars here and there which then drops the CE market prices back down. With CE currently trading at 4K~ the non payers are in a good position. You can turn 100 energy into 10K+ in a solo T2 run. It might be a little problematic for people just starting out or who aren't good at surviving and managing their finances but you can overcome that easily enough.
Overall I like it. It's a fun game and they seem to be intent on supporting and expanding it. I'll prolly drop 10-20$ on it soon more as a tip than for the advancement. That's the thing I really like about it, YOU don't HAVE to pay anything, but so long as enough people do the system works. It's a weird fusion of using capitalism and socialism together to make the game fun, free, and profitable. You could write a paper on the implications of this business model.
You aren't the only one. This forum has discussed many times how SK shares a model similar to OOO's history of facebook games (Puzzle Pirates) and facebook games in general, rather than most MMOs.
The game is sure free to me, can log on and play till I have run out of mist and log back on the next day and play some more. That says free right there.
And is supported on micro-transactions to support the DEVELOPERS WHO MADE THE GAME, SO YOU KNOW, THEY CAN MAKE MONEY $$$$$.
You can play, and when you run out of me, stop playing and do something else.
It is another casual, pretty generic mmo rpg (though stands out against the others).
All games labelled F2P are supported on micro-transactions.
Instead of pay to win, its just pay to play as long as you like.
Even then though, if you have patience and something better to do with your time when wait for me points to recharge on an obscure mmorpg, you can make it to the top without spending a dime.
I don't particularly lean either way in the argument, but I'm just curious about this:
As mentioned before, SK gives you a limited amount of energy, and then you can purchase more energy with in-game currency gained from playing.
It's "free to play".
Eve Online uses a smilar model, but is classified as pay-to-play. Is the initial purchase the only thing that separates them? If Eve Online was a free download, had the same subscription model as it does now, but let you buy gametime in-game after 2 weeks free playing, wouldn't it still be called pay-to-play?
Guild wars lets you play forever at no cost, as long as you purchase the game. What category does this fall under?
Lastly, something like Ragnarok Online is free to play and lets you access almost everything in the world. Paying players gain increased exp, some hats/equips (that can be matched or exceeded), teleports and safer upgrading, but there is no need for anyone on the free servers to pay at all. Wouldn't this be more free-to-play compared to SK?
In the end, I believe new players have the intelligence to decide for themselves if the game is truly free-to-play and whether to continue playing it after they learn the mechanics of the energy system. Advertising it as free-to-play makes more sense to me at this point.
Personally, think it works like this:
-Free-to-play: Don't need initial payment to see fancy characters and smash buttons to kill random enemies.
-Pay-to-play: Do need initial payment to see fancy characters and smash buttons to kill random enemies.
And then, there are a bunch of subcategories, like pay-to-win (mostly all oriental free-to-play MMORPGs), pay-to-be-god (premium accounts can do anything, go to awesome places, have acess to some cool services...), pay-to-hat (Hat Fortress 2; Gaia Online and clones; I guess LoL and HoN too), pay-to-play-more-per-day (SK; a bunch Facebook games, and some MochiGames too), pay-to-continue-playing (demos; some random MMOs that limits the in-game level for free players), donate-to-keep-game-alive (mostly indies MMOs like Seyken; private/pirate servers from other games)...
Demo from Random Game X is Free-to-Play, but Pay-to-Continue-Playing;
Ragnarok Online is a Free-to-play, but Pay-to-Win;
Guild Wars is Pay-to-Play only, I guess (never played it);
Team Fortress 2 was a Pay-to-Play (now is Free-to-Play), but Pay-to-Hat;
Spiral Knights is a Free-to-Play, but Pay-to-Play-More-per-Day.
So, yes, SK is free to play.
EDIT: changed some details.
I just wanted to throw this out there,
back in high school there was an economics teacher who argued that nothing is ever free. If something was given to you for "free", the cost of it was taken from someone else. Free samples at Costco? The company paid for them. Free sandwiches at some event? Someone had to pay for them. Free TV you won in a raffle? Someone paid for it. Free education, free wifi, free etc etc etc, any sort of commodity is given and taken from party to party can never be free.
OP's argument falls under the same idea, considering that someone else DID have to buy the CE real which is in turn it to another player who didn't buy it with real world currency.
However, I would like to point out that with this set of reasoning, even a game which costs absolutely no monetary value to the player still isn't free, because the developers, publishers, and all other branches of game's company shell out time and money to produce said game for the players. In conclusion, there will never be a game that will be absolutely FREE, by an sort of strict definition of the word free.
In my honest opinion, the phrase "free to play" is the correct description of SK since the players are not obligated to purchase any CE through real world currency. As a player you do not have to pay to enjoy this game, you pay to get ahead of everyone else, to spend less time grinding, less time saving CR, and less time selling stuff at the AH. It's marketed that you alone can play for free without any monetary payment by you.
Plus it's a heck of a lot easier to say "free to play" than to say "free to play unless you want play some more or if you buy some CE from some other dude or just pay it with real cash yourself."
So really, why are we arguing over whether or not the word free is followed by a strict definition, all game markets use similar phrases in their products, why should we have an entire discussion since we very well know the connotation of "free to play."
OptimusPunk won this thread. Lock it up.
Ok ima end this intruiging argument with all respects to all of you guys....
No mother!@#$ing F2P can run without some f!@# source of money you stupid reta!@#$
This game is free to play. You don't need to spend a single cent on this game to access endgame content.
There are already several threads demonstrating this:
Reaching T2 and T3 without buying CE with money
Playtime per 100 energy
The game is called free to play, not free to upgrade all of your weapons fully.
I've upgraded all of my equips to tier 4 without spending a real dime on CE.
I'm working on tier 5.
"The game is called free to play, not free to upgrade all of your weapons fully."
Uh I made plenty of 5 star weapons without spending anything. You can play this game completely free if you choose.
This game can be summarized by this simple statement that has been stated on other boards in some form or another.
"Free to play, pay to play longer."
The OP is correct, but inane. The point is that the game is not really free to play because someone has to pay in order for anyone to craft gear that requires more than 100ce. This is certainly true, but so what?
Every micro-currency-model free-to-play game is counting on someone paying: the point is to make money. Any such game for which no-one ever paid anything would disappear.
So, yes--someone has to be paying OOO for anyone to get to 4* gear. So what? Someone has to be paying OOO for them to continue to provide the game at all.
The game is free to play in any sense of the word that matters. The OP's objection is basically just nonsense.
This game is free to play. You can play it for free. You say that if no one paid for this game, or if no one sold crystal energy, then we couldn't get passed 2* gear for free. So what? 'Free to play' does not, under ANY business model EVER guarantee you access to all of the content in the game. Why would it? There would be no point in buying it unless you felt like being particularly nice to the developers (and let's face it, while there may be some people like that out there, there aren't many. I know I certainly am not one of them.).
Basically, regardless of how much content is available for free in a game, as long as it is greater than 0%, the game is technically free to play, and can be advertised as such completely legitimately.
Actually, the game is technically free to advance as well. Yes, you have to pour large amounts of crowns into the eeeeeevil Crystal Energy economy that a good chunk of the playerbase loves to complain about, and that usually takes an annoyingly long time. But here's the important thing: YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY A CENT OF REAL WORLD MONEY TO GET CE.