he had OVAR 2 YEARS of stories to tell.
You guys need to calm down with all the bumping, this board doesn't even move that fast and by the time you get a new chapter up it'll bump itself. Anyway there's a problem in that all the characters are just so flat, there's literally nothing to them. Everyone is just saying things that anyone in the story could substitute in saying. You need to give the characters distinct personalities, I noticed there was actually a bit more flavor in characters when there were less of them. Now the group is huge and every next person is the same as the last.
imo, its a good story apart from the fact that the flame crystal was REALLY LAME.
and your signature.
The only thing in my post that could be looked at as an insult is the bumping which is a bit irritating. Other than that its criticism to help improve the story. Its just different than seeing characters with substance who all have their own defining traits, strengths, and weaknesses. If it helps, think about it more in this way, if you dropped all the dialogue tags and had the characters in a group discussion we'd probably haven't even the slightest clue of who's talking without some help from outside or physical attributes.
yeah, orange sells armour and weapons, and he's been trying to sell his "secret recipe" but he doesent say what it is, so no one buys it (its a recipe for fried snipe) he also tries to dress like the strangers, but he still looks like a regular knight, even though he insists he's just a short stranger.
if you ever decide to introduce me,well you can have his other personality ruining things for everyone else and no one will know he has another side till later XD just a suggestion :P
Seriously, stop. As someone above already posted, this thread will bump itself in one of two ways:
1) You add a chapter.
2) someone comments on how it's awesome/how it sucks.
Stop bumping your own thread with empty posts. If people want to read it, they will. And should I be "that guy" who says what a lot of people are thinking? All caps everywhere is extremely irritating for the more...refined...forum goers. Throwing your topic titles into all caps is not cool. Neither is spamming every single forum post you make anywhere with your "signature" of 'OMG GUIZE REED MAI STORIZ!!1!'
No one can force you to do this, but there are 3 things I strongly suggest you do: 1) stop bumping this thread for the sake of keeping it on the first page, 2) stop using all caps like a ten year old who just discovered a keyboard, and 3) learn to write better.
Some people like to sugarcoat things. I don't. The above may be harsh, but I bet a good number of people are thinking the same things.
"First of all, I've stopped using my signature ad thingamabob, in case h=you haven't noticed."
I haven't because it's everywhere. The only ones I've seen without it so far are 2 or 3 posts in this thread. Good job on that though.
"2nd, whats wrong with making my title all CAPS?"
Glad you asked. For the short version, go to this page and read all the bold text: http://hubpages.com/hub/What-People-Think-When-You-Type-in-All-Caps. For the long version, read that whole page in depth. And finally, not knowing what's wrong with it in the first place makes me think you have little experience with online usage of textual conversations.
"3rd, define refined."
Any mature person who dislikes all of the bold text in that link I gave to you above.
"Lastly, I'll have you know that I'm not ten. I'm 2. JK."
I believe it.
"Thank you for pointing out the obvious."
Clearly it's not that obvious to you. If someone knew they needed to write better, they would not post all over the forums in capital letters demanding that people read their fanfic; someone who thought they've written an absolutely amazing story with few errors would do that.
I don't have an issue with you advertising this thread; putting something as a "signature" about this thread isn't a bad thing. If you do it, though, you need to make it a SINGLE line, maybe two, and don't use caps at all. Something like "And if you enjoy Spiral Knights lore, please feel free to check out [title of fanfic], my extension of the SK story" or anything along those lines. A "please read" in lowercase will more likely net you more readers than a "HEY IT LOOKS LIKE IM DEMANDING ATTENTION ABOUT MY WORK."
Does it matter? You sent an insult too. Anyway what he's trying to point out is that its not really helping anyone to use a signature with a bunch of caps or a bunch of caps period. Essentially he's saying what I said albeit without the sugar coating. Not to mention the fact that YOU'RE the one who said it was obvious so if it IS indeed taken as an insult then its your own fault.
At this point its probably irrelevent but this sentence: "Lastly, I'll have you know that I'm not ten. I'm 2. JK." doesn't really help out your credibility. Its more of a showing of immaturity than anything which would explain the response of "I believe it". That being said, refined can be thought of as a close replacement for the word mature (its stretch but perfectly suitable in this situation IMO) which would only have you be confirming your "attacker's" points.
They're the same comments, the difference is how you act toward them. I don't know why you seem like you're always looking for a fight. I never gave positive or negative comments, I never took one side or the other and I'll never start. I'll always be an unbiased party who points things out. Again, YOU asked a question, I answered to help clear out your understanding. I could say you're insulting me right now but I'm not. I'm also failing to see why giving advice to help you out is at all bad. I'll point out that you said it was obvious you're writing isn't good so I gave suggestions on that, you thought they were insults. I explained the reasoning behind people being irritated by constant and pointless bumping and an uneeded signature, you thought those were insults too. I really don't know how to explain things in any other way.
EDIT: The deed was done so you're going to have to deal.
read and read all you want
Yeah that was my best guess to the matter but I'm not going to run around playing psychologist on a forum. No apology needed it happens, and like I said I don't fight so its a lot easier with me since there's no big conflict to clean up afterward. Anyway look at it this way, you just got free bumpage.
So now THE FLAMES BEGIN in a different way.
Are you all seriously going to keep fighting?
I log on and see there are 12 new posts so I get
all excited to read a new chapter or some comments.
But nnnnnooooooooo. I log on to see people fighting.
Please just end it and let's get back to the story.
Thank you.
The one and only, Guardianknight.
Except there's no fighting so not only are you spamming but provoking further fighting because you aren't paying attention to read any of the comments you claim you were excited to see. There was never a fight to start and the entire situation has been done with 12 hours before you even posted.
I apologize for reading the comments wrong. I wasn't really being serious
and had no intention of provoking further fighting.
Again, I apologize for it and as I said in my previous post...let's get back
to the story.
The sorry and apologizing, Guardianknight.
Gimme more! And make my avenger break so I make my light bow. :D JK you don't have to but lol I'd be nice.
P.S. we should do this on a new thread so this one isn't half full of arguments. lol
Are there going to be any spots open soon? I wanna be in both lolz........ am I allowed?
necro, make the new chapter or i will get my leviathon blade and stab you!! :3
dude when is the next chapter out!! >:(
grittle is going to have an azure bomberman mask soon
zack. DUH. btw, you havent really introduced him yet in the previous chapters. nice change. i hope im next.
Where am I?
Haha it's pretty good.
I'm still waiting for Ryhim to pop in and save the day but it's your
story so take your time with it :)
By the way, I got a vog cap so I'll edit my application post.
The one and only, Guardianknight.
I recently obtained a Crest of Almire. Changed my character info.
grittle now has a onyx bombhead as a costume helmet
Hey, great to see that my character had a chapter from his point of view! Great job so far.
Just to let you know, I now have a Vile Striker and a Voltech Alchemer mk II. I'll put that in my info.
I think your out of spots but can I have one when one is available?
Name:Soul Reaper
Armor:brute Jelly Helm,owlitte shield,dusker coat.Cold Iron Carver.
Back story:A very shady knight that was stuck in the clockworks many times.
Like:Likes to be aggressive.Always love to go slaughter things in clockworks.
Dislike:alpha wolves,shock themes,Jelly King.
I don't care what role you make me as.good or bad I don't care.
Color of armor: red
Equipment: Ash tail set,Wild hunting blade,Silent night blade,Callahan,Heavy plate shield
Personality: silent type,only talks when necessary
Gender: male
Likes: playing on the harmonica
Dislikes: all foes
IGN: Fallconn,Falcon, either way I don't care
Other: sometimes resorts to flaming fisticuffs
PS: This is how you could introduce me into the story :D
I come screeching through the air in my escape pod and crash through the head of a roar mulus twin.
Well, there's my character entry. Hope this is helpful to you!
Seriously. Are you not writing anymore? There hasnt been a chapter in a while!
Like atg8 said, did you stop writing? i miss a good story to read before playing :P
Quite obvious, it's snarby. 1st lord, (1st boss.) Beast kingdom, Fangs. Snarby's coming to the story eh? Sounds cool.
I don't read them.
And as for flaming...
IN other words, TL;DR.
Double post.