Previous threads made by talented gunslingers:
Since Revolver seems to have poofed, I'll try fielding some more questions since the discussion in that other thread has gotten quite disjointed.
I'm a pretty avid forum-browser myself, and since I've committed to this thread, I'll follow through. I'm on PST time zone (up extremely late this morning for some reason, maybe insomnia?) so if you ask at weird hours of my night, I might not be readily available to answer. Otherwise I'll be checking the thread every half hour or so I'm at the computer (which is a lot...I do too much data analysis >.>).
But enough about that. Why am I qualified to answer your questions?
Well, I'm probably the best example of "the gear does not make the player" there is out there.
I'm a complete gunslinger, and I've never picked up a sword higher than 2*.
Currently (due to a lucky streak in Hinigashi's trivia contest *Shameless Plug*, I <3 you Hini) I am wielding:
Sunset Stetson
Sunset Duster
Wise Owlite Shield
Before the lucky break, I was wielding all 4* weapons of the same equipment. None of my equipment has any UVs. I have duoed with a friend (Also in 4* gear) down to the core quite a few times (without energy rezzing!), and have successfully taken first time T3'ers down there as well.
In my most recent full run from Emberlight to the Core Terminal, I earned the Gold Survivor achievement, and I've also got Silver and Bronze as well (although those aren't quite so qualifying). No, I didn't chicken out and take easy gates, I pretty much always went to the last stage of arenas if they were available, did challenge rooms, etc.
I've successfully soloed the Snarbolax and the Roarmulus Twins, killed the Jelly King in less than 30 seconds, and just tonight had my first time in Firestorm Citadel (Successfull Vanaduke Kill!). It was one experienced player taking me and another first-timer along though, although I have to say that I wasn't a water-boy and did quite abit of damage to Vana in each of his phases. I kind of object to all the glitches that the guy did, although I understand they make the place much more manageable (on the grounds that when the devs do fix the bugs all the people used to gliching are gonna be screwed). Either way, we had to energy rez once or twice (because I had no idea that throwing water at Vanaduke's extinguished mask made it damage teammates O_o, totally my fault) just at Vanaduke himself, and nowhere else.
I'm by no means a master gunslinger, but I hope to provide a point of view on your questions that Revolver and FossaFox might not have covered. Ask away!
Current loadout is:
Gunslinger Hat/Sash
Owlite Shield
Kilowatt Pulsar
Normally a Shadowtech Alchemer mk. II, but currently a Needle Shot because it's so fun to use.
Which do you think I should work on upgrading first:
Also, should I work on getting a Catalyzer, too? (to upgrade it into the toxic)
I'm a decent amount of the way there already, though I was originally planning on just buying something and then selling it on the AH.