Buying Recipes Thread
As above ~
Offer please :)
IGN: Teslacoil
WTB Brute Jelly Helm, Mail, and Shield recipes
IGN: Rance
7k each
WTB Chroma Helm (3*) Recipe
Can pay with either CE or crowns.
IGN: shiokenstar
Will pay 48k crowns for it
IGN: Acrustyrustyrobot
Vile Striker recipe
can pay in crowns or energy....
name: Rejected-Donut
WTB Wyvern Scale Shield//Mega Magnus// Miracle Cloak// Miracle Hood Recipes
IGN: Teslacoil
Found :)
IGN evilsquirrel
W T B Shivermist Buster Recipe [50k]
IGN : silmeria
Both purchased :)
Want to Buy
Heater Shield, Made or Recipe!
Discuss cost if someone even has it.
Hey. Looking to buy a Fused Demo Suit recipe. IGN is Unclejeff.
I've already bought these items. Thanks!
Names: Tinyblue and Somer
Cutter or Magic hood recipe wanted!
Will pay 3k max
Thanks! =)
Looking for Graviton Bomb recipe; I'll pay in crowns or CE or mix.
IGN: Green-Lantern
ash tail cap will pay 17k crowns
IGN tone
hit me up
Character Name: Xelcir
Request filled. Thanks.
Knight: Syletha (or Kerse)
Rock Jelly Helm - 17.5k crowns
WTB Cold Iron Vanquisher recipe for 55k.
IGN is Ysonris.
Ash Tail Coat 19k
Faust 17k
Hunting Blade 19k
IGN is Crapxd /w me ingame
I also have the Miracle hood recipe i would assume you to need as well.
IGN: ZeroWill
WTB Vog cub coat recipe
IGN: Trisfald
edit: found it now
WTB Volt Driver recipe, if you see one please pick it up.
IGN: Vortex.
Edit: Bought!
buying avenger recipe. PST in game for price and such.
IGN Batal
looking for a striker recipe
Edit: found one
Voltech Alchemer MkII recipe x 2
IGN Joey Jones
- Rock Jelly Mail Recipe - BOUGHT
- Rock Jelly Helm Recipe - BOUGHT
IGN: Nakedible
Thanks all! I'm all 4* now.
WTB Brute Jelly Helm Recipe for 6.5k
IGN Rance
WTB Shivermist Buster Recipe for 55K
Message: Pafu
Recipes I want to buy
Wise Owlite Shield (around 15800crowns)
Ash Tail Coat (around 15800crowns)
dusker coat recipe (around 7500 crowns)
Sohrab wants to buy Heavy Demo recipes for 17.5k.
WTB Wise Owlite Shield Recipe
Paying 18k.
IGN: Immortalius
Selling Striker Recipes Looking for 8k each
whisper me ingame
IGN: Crapxd
I'm looking for both the chest and helm Volcanic Salamander recipes
IGN Kalarix
...will pay 48k
Got the suit, thanks Illyria!
Found the helm
WTB Gran Faust Recipe
IGN: Cruil