Buying Recipes Thread
Hi im looking for a Brute Jelly Shield Recipe. IGN: Blyto
WTB the following recipe:
5* for 1250 CE
- Grey Owlite Shield.
IGN : Keepac - Please do not hesitate to leave me mail if I'm offline.
would like to have a needleshot, would be willing to buy the actual gun online from player or willing to help out with crafting, please bear in mind that I do not posses an autogun,
make me an offer please, my name is Capsulejoe online
peace and love
WTB Omega shell and Volcanic demo helm recipes.
IGN: Vortex
WTS Recipes
Gunslinger hat - 6.5k
ign: Maddi
IGN : Bluenomancer
[Volcanic Pepperbox] for 50k cr
Buying Sentenza Recipe - 50k CR
IGN: Slope
Selling Faust Recipe 17.5k cr
IGN Sorryfawker
I have the autogun recipe and can make an autogun for you. I don't have the needle shot recipe though.
My IGN is Konkrete.

Basil stopped being an imbecile.
Buying a Dread Skelly Mask recipe. 50k.
IGN: Hamdoughnuts
Hey guys here are some of the things i really need: VERY URGENT!!
1) Combuster Recipe 5*( i already have the MATS)
2) Wyvern scale Helm Recipe 4*( i also have the MATS for this)
Please contact me, using mail to let me know your interested in selling me these two things
IGN: Zeist
Willing pay:
Combuster Recipe: 45,000 crowns and 250 CE
Wyvern Helm Recipe: 15,000 crowns and 150 CE
Looking for the Volcanic Plate Helm recipe. Paying 49k cr, but can discuss other offers.
Send me some in game mail and I will respond accordingly.
IGN: Atramedes
I didn't see that little reply button...
Okay, um yeah, my message that i embarrasingly can't delete is up there. Like I said, I have the recipe and can make an Autogun for you. I can't make a Needleshot though.
IGN: Konkrete
willing to pay 300ce or 19000cr for it
IGN: Helmnut time on EST knight after 6PM or at noonish
Im buying a kamarin recipe. Any offers?
Kamarin recipe [8k]
Swift Flourish recipe [8k]
Divine Avenger recipe [48k]
IGN: Chuckek
WTB Fused Demo Suit Recipe - 8.5k
IGN: Shine
Thank you!

No longer buying! I got a free Basil invite to the recipe I wanted. Thanks, Freeforall.
I'm looking for a Blizzbrand recipe. I'll do max 18k cr OR I trade a blazebrand recipe for it (if no trade, I sell it for the same prise (18k))
IGN : Warhedd
I want like to buy a Horned Owlite Shield Recipe! will accept best offer. In game name is shadowknight
If you have the elemental hood recipe, I want to buy it.
IGN Tinyblue
Fused Demo Suit (8.5k) SOLD
Toxic Vaporizer MK II (8k) SOLD
IGN: Viiofix
totally need it. I'll fork out 8k. hit me up in game i'm on now
Want To Sell Recipes >
Ash Tail Cap
Buying the following recipes : Magnus 6.5k |Mega Magnus 16.5k |Callahan 50k
WTB divine mantle recipe
IGN Kalarix
Look for recipe volcanic Salamander suit
Buying needleshot RECIPE. 6.5k at most
IGN: miryxian
Buying the following 3* recipes for ~6k CR:
[ ] Elemental Hood
[x] Elemental Cloak
[ ] Gunslinger Sash
[ ] Iceburst Brandish
[ ] Nightblade (Brandish)
[ ] Cryotech Alchemer Mark II
IGN: Scio
Skolver Cap
Skolver Coat
50k each
IGN: Bluenomancer
Selling the following Recipes :
4* (17.5k / 425 CE)
- Ash Tail Cap
- Silversix
3* (6.5k crown / 160 CE)
- Drake Scale Helm
- Drake Scale Mail
2* (1.5k crown)
- Voltech Alchemer
IGN : Salocin
Dread Venom Striker
IGN: Urfling
I'm looking for:
Vog Cub Cap
Vog Cub Coat
I'll pay 47k crowns each. Knight's name is Cliford.
Grand Flourish - 16.5k
Dusker Cap - 6.5k
Silversix - 16.5k
have all of these as of 5pm est may 5th