Today, many Knights, such as Zephyrel, myself, Fuggles, Isestorm, Countvivi, and many others met in the Haven 1 Garden to debate the rising costs of CE. Although we have acknowledged that the prices of the past, such as the 7-8k period, caused little complaint, Zephyrel decided to raise concerns. This is my own individual opinion, but I also believe that, for the good of the lower-level and Common knight, CE prices should be lowered.
Here are some of our suggestions:
-Boycott CE, thus inducing a price change
-Boycott CE whilst waiting for a change in price, be it positive or negative, and take further action at that time
-Do not buy CE at all
-Buy CE only from guildmates, and/or friends, and/or Haven Dealers
-Buy more CE and sell less CE
-Mass-rush the market with low-priced CE (personally I do not recommend this tactic due to the possibility that all low-priced CE will be snapped up before returning to mainstream pricing, and possibly higher prices)
Our last idea is to give the power to the Knights! This is where your help comes in: We are asking all Knights interested in correcting the high-price CE situation to post their names and thoughts in the link below. Please help us make a difference in SK!
For those interested in signing our petition, here is the link:
Please, let your fellow Knights know about this movement! Help CE prices go down and let Knights everywhere craft and adventure in peace!