Right now i'm really active but I only play with mist. Is it viable to buy ce with the little crowns that I have and grind? Is it possible to make more than 6k on a normal run (maybe looping jk runs)? Would it be a good money making scheme to buy ce and grind? Right now I'm waiting for a gate that has strings of graveyards/arenas. Would looping these be profitable?
Need some input

So what you're saying is that after you're done with your ce run, you'll just be back at square one, with practically the same amount you spent? I want to gain some good profit if I do this.
I hear some people say that jk run is profitable. Is it? I have been doing it for a while but I havent really thought of remembering or recording what I gained.

No, you run on Mist, buy the 100 CE, wait til the next day, do it again.
This is how you accumulate CE as a free player until T3 where you can acquire the most currency.

... what's the point of just accumulating ce?

It allows you to craft to Tier 3 without buying CE.

So why do i have to buy the ce right after i run on the mist? Why not just buy ce when i need it?

Because Mist costs you nothing.
So if you do a run on 100 Mist then buy 100 CE, tomorrow you will have 200 Energy, in the form of 100 Mist and 100 CE.
Then you can continue doing that until you have what you need to get into Tier 3 and start making real money.

lol i think you missed the whole point. You can buy ce any time you need to craft something, I know that, everybody does. But it's pointless to store your currency in ce because you can buy ce any time you want to. Crowns is a more important currency because it's used for alot more things. That also means you need it more. If you dont have crowns then you'll have to sell your ce, which means the market will take a portion of the cr you gain. It's just pointelss to buy ce after runs lol. And really it's way off of what I'm asking.

Crowns is a more important currency
Pffftahahaha. Stopped reading here.

Obviously ce is important but you'll only be using it to craft and to buy upgrades which are rare(er). I imagine people do use it to extend their runs but yes it's useless if you're storing it. What if you see a cheap item you want to buy on the ah, you'll be running back to the market and paying trade fees every time you need cr. Also more private trades go on in cr than ce.
Except that's wrong. Well, most of them are; I don't trade Crystal Energy for Crowns so I cannot speak objectively for that. As for everything else, I haven't the faintest idea what made you think that, especially that private trades using Crowns over Crystal Energy. Crystal Energy is more important simply because it costs something and has monetary value while Crowns do not [as they can be infinitely generated without "cost"].
Side-note: if you plan on purchasing something from someone, and with CE being the primary currency of trade, hoarding it is the only way to afford such things - but that's end-game player logic.
Can anyone PLEASE just help me with the original question?
I already answered your question. You won't be gaining much after purchasing energy - perhaps 7000cr per 100 you spend. So yes, you can grind, but it is a long climb.

That might be true, but that's more of an end game player's mentality. For players still climbing with the steep mist-limited ladder, ce is less important. Yes, ce is important because it has monetary value but for a greater population of the game, crowns are a more common means of trade and that's what I mean by crowns being more important.

T2 & T3 = Profitable enough to earn crowns on mist, buy 100 CE, and be better off.
The question is, does each level yield you more than 600 crowns to cover the 10 CE cost? Most definitely after terminal on T2/T3.
Stratum 3 (pre-terminal tier 2) doesn't have a lot of crowns per each level, but the purpose is the opportunity to make more by buying recipes from basil and re-selling them for a profit. If you leave at terminal, then the run will likely not be profitable to cover CE costs.
Also, if you do not CE res, you will not use up all your mist on a single run. A normal T2 will require 80 CE to run, and a JK run will only need 70 CE, if you leave before the boss. (However, the boss is profitable for the 10CE at the end of the day, the question is whether you can reliably kill it without ressing.) The game has been balanced in an earlier patch so that a JK run yields about as much as other runs, so old threads about JK being the most lucrative are old. All runs of a given level should net you about the same in theory.
The only exception are arenas, especially when they are after the terminal. A gate with more arenas would be ideal for grinding.
The easiest way to figure this out is to start a run, write down how much crowns you have, and then do some quick math at the end to determine if you've made a profit at the current CE prices. If you have, then by all means, buy more CE and do the run again.
I haven't run T1 to see if it is profitable at current CE prices, but why waste your time when T2 will get you more.

>Guy asking for help about how to play the game
>Apparently already knows everything
It's okay, you can graveyard this.

@sypsy Thanks for the input. I'd like some clarification about arenas before the terminal. Are they less profitable? Also I've heard my guildmates(yeah they seem like good endgame players) that T1 arenas are around the same worth as T2 ones, only a little less profitable.
@shoebox I dont know everything and I dont act like I know everything. That's why im asking(uhduh). But what you're saying is not what I asked about lol. You're just rambling about something irrelevant to what I asked and pretty much common knowledge. Also dont flatter yourself i wasnt asking you, i was asking smart people who actually know something I dont. If that sounded offensive it may be because i'm getting a little agitated so stop posting when you feel like it :).

i was asking smart people who actually know something I dont
Everybody loves helping a lying smartass.

They are better than other pre-terminal levels, but I am not sure how they compare to normal post-terminal levels.
Generally it's moot since the focus is just to do as many post-terminal levels for profit. If you start from the beginning of the tier, then take any advantage you can by doing arenas, but it's not like you have an option to skip a depth once you start. If you can skip to terminal by joining a party at random, or joining a guildmate or friend, then you are better off doing that.
T1 arenas are still good, but again, not as good as T2 arenas. If you're talking about looping, I won't be discussing that as it is not in compliance with the terms of service to which you've agreed.

@shoebox lol now you just dont make sense... wait, since when have you made sense? Is lying smartass supposed to be your best insult? lol Well to you I may seem smart, and apparently the offends you? And lying? :O! so offensive!(?) I dont even know why you chose lying lol when did I lie? Wait, on the other hand i'll take that as a complement since it wouldnt make sense either way. So thanks ^^.
Seriously I'm getting sick of this stupidity, please, since you dont make sense anyway, shut up. I dont like getting pulled into arguing with an idiot so Im going to stop talking to you, I suggest you do the same.

"Did I really confuse him that much?"
Lol. For a second there, I thought that was to me.
edit: Oh, you went and added the @[name] ---> Comment no longer relevant.

@sypsy Looping is against the rules??? why??????? And what falls into looping?

Your question is if doing something that is 'common knowledge' is profitable.
You then ask questions you apparently already know the answer to, then proceed to spout [bulltaco].
Clearly, you're an attention [craving Cheeto-eater].

See here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/23890
and here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/25714

T1 arenas are only marginally worse than T2 arenas. T2 arenas tend to make up for the greater challenge and marginally better profit with better materials, but that would only tend to matter if you get Gremlin Gizmos, Unstable Cores or Bushy Tails. (Or Ghost Bells, but 4* stuff is very rare in T2.)

OP, being new to this thread, I think you came off as the first to get hostile. Granted, Replicant mocked you, but for the first 7 posts, do you see them trying to help you? Then you started arguing about how crowns are more important than CE.
Since you're new, and you came in asking questions and looking for answers, just take them for now. CE is better to hang onto than crowns. Looping is bannable (in the sense of going solo and revinviting, etc). Replaying an entire tier is not bannable, so do that all you want. It's marginally profitable.
If you want to make some real profit early on, craft 2-3* gear on your off days using as much mist as possible. You can sell these for profit and if you get a UV, that's more profit, and potentially tons of profit (thousands of CE). If you don't have any off days, get an alt. OOO likes to dance around the topic of using an alt to craft, but it's not bannable or half the players here would be banned. If you're wary though, find a friend who doesn't play every day and get him to craft using his mist. It'll get you thousands of crowns per day. Surely asking a friend to craft is not bannable. You could also sell recipes, but those are small profit margins in the 1-3* range. Used to be profitable.

CE is the more important currency.
Crowns are used for buying recipes (max of 25k ea), going to Tier 2 and 3 (200 and 500 respectively), entering PvP (200), AH (if you're not looking for anything really really good), and crafting (max of 5k a go).
CE is used for elevators, revives (if alone or the party wipes), bribing the frog prince, unbinding (max of 2k CE), crafting (800 max), weapon and trinket slots (250 and 150 respectively), and Silver Keys (750). It is also the currency of choice of you're getting high end items or rare costume items.
The most common use for CE is elevators, crafting, and unbinding... although I see Silver Keys quickly making itself onto that list also.
The reason you want to get CE after a run instead of hoarding the crowns is generally because CE slowly inflates in price. Depending on what is released, with patches it has been known to jump 2k in a little over a week (as those of us around when it hit 7k remember). It can also suddenly drop in price, but this is far, far less common. The only time I remember seeing it drastically drop is when Steam was added and the UV merchant.

Oh then looping isnt what im talking about if that's what it is. When I replied to replicant the second time, i forgot he was the first guy that answered so yeah, i got hostile to him, that didnt seem like healthy mocking to me, at least explain it. I'm not actually new, I'm on three stars, slowly climbing to four with a faust and an ash tail coat so i've played for a while. Why is it better to hang on to ce than crowns? I'm where I am and I dont find ce to be the main currency. And isnt there mist sharing even if you're using different accounts, as long as you're using the same pc?
i agree to u, i dont buy CE either when i have leftover crowns, it simply doesnt make sense to buy CE if u dont need or want it
pls edit the swearings out of ur posts guys..thanks!

Yes, ce can inflate but it also (forgive me if this isnt a term) deflates. I seriously doubt you're gonna get it on its lows if you're gonna instantly buy it after each run. So yeah, you can have that sore feeling on your butt if the ce prices go up and you didnt buy any before, but it's the same if you bought 7k ce then the prices go down to 6k the day after, which is actually worse. Plus, since the releases are announced, you could be the wiser if you buy ce before power surge weekends or other releases that inflate ce prices and sell ce before crown sinks come up. That is if you decide to horde ce.
swearings edited. Now im going to dip my head in a bowl of coolaid cos i feel like a vain on the back of my head is throbbing.

Accounts that have purchased CE accrue mist separately from all other accounts.
Two free accounts on the same computer will share the same mist pool.
Hanging onto crowns depends on what you expect to use. If you use the AH a lot, then hold onto your crowns. If you expect to craft, then convert to CE if you think prices are low. If you expect prices to drop, then hold onto your crowns.
To touch on what you asked earlier:
In general, there is little reason to consider doing a T1 with arenas if you have T2 access.
Again, you can record your earnings from one run and compare it to the other. Over time you should be able to make a judgement on which runs and level types are most profitable.
Most people don't care about maximizing profitability and just do what is fun, knowing that they are making a profit as long as they are not wasting CE on ressing when they do a full T2 or T3 run.
Also, the flaming could have been avoided on your part. If you found the answers were not satisfactory for yourself, you should have rephrased it to be more clear. For the record, I also found that your OP implied you already understood the concepts described later in the thread. In fact, I am still not sure what you already knew and what was new for you.

Your question is if doing something that is 'common knowledge' is profitable.
You then ask questions you apparently already know the answer to, then proceed to spout [horsefeathers].
Clearly, you're an attention [loving durian eater].
I like you.

Disagreements are lovely. They are good for us.
Personal attacks and foul language, however, are against the forum guidelines which are linked here, and are also posted at the top of the forum subsections. Please keep it sane, folks.

I grind purely on ME. Mostly because I only spend a couple hours a day playing, and I make sure to do a run which I know will be most profitable to me. I solo, and I choose each level based on what I perceive to be the most crowns, which means I may wait 20 minutes for a level to rotate to my desired one. I go T2, and choose the gate that has the most arenas. If none of them do, I do a JK run (usually skipping the JK level since I don't need anything there now). I try to average a 75-100 crown/CE during my runs...meaning if I spend 70 energy on the run, I'd like to make between 5250 and 7000 crowns for it. The leftover ME will be used on random levels to get a few extra crown so I can wait the 22 hours before I log back in, or if I know I'll have extra time later in the day I'll save it to do another 1/2 run of a tier.
I generally buy a bit of CE when I can, usually only saving crowns if I know there's a particular recipe I'm searching for. I try to focus on one piece of equipment at a time, so I can get it finished then move on to the next one. That way I don't feel like I'm falling way behind in getting my extra stuff upgraded.
You can definitely buy CE and grind (looping a tier, not level, is what you're getting at). I just suggest not doing it until you can solo without death, because the only real effective way to grind is when you choose each level for it's optimum crown output. And to go for the optimum, it takes extra waiting time...so it's a matter of how much time you expect to spend on the game each day.

I do the same as Flash-Bang but I just take whatever order the tier gives me unless I'm specifically shooting for an arena. I still manage to pull ~7K+ crowns per run regardless of the order given.

Ok 1st things 1st. If you think you are good enough search for gates that have 2 or more arenas those give good amount crowns and heat. But if you do Jelly King runs those are good too. I personally do Jelly King cuz I need some tokens but it's a profitable run. I usually get 7,000 crowns and good amount of heat. I start whit 100 mist energy and get for ex: 7,500 crowns from the run and still have ~20 mist energy. I buy 100 crystal energy from the crowns 1,500 crowns remain ( I do this at night ). So tomorrow when I get back from school if have 100 mist energy 1,500 crowns and 100 crystal energy. And do this till I get enough to craft my 5 star item.

yeah keep it sane folks, anyone going crazy here will be eurydiced,
can't you see that doom purple glare of death already staring at you

To answer your question about what the benefit of buying CE after every run is, I don't think there is a benefit to always buy right after. It's better to buy low and sell high still. However, what some folks might mean is to put up some low ball offers on the market, since it's free to do so and cancel whenever you need the crowns back. That way you are putting excess crowns into CE.
As to why CE tends to be preferred, people have made cases for both sides, and I think it comes down to CE actually having a real world currency equivalent. That value is unlikely to change, but crown values get adjusted by the devs often, from stratum drops, to recipe costs (which are in crowns). The value of crowns seems to be more wild than CE, which again, is tied to a real world currency. 100 CE used to be below 3k cr and has been past 7k cr. While you could look at t his as the opposite (where CE has fluctuated and crowns were the base), I think that's backwards. People use CE as the basis for comparison, because you always need a base. It's almost like gold IRL. Gold doesn't really lose value, and is quite steady, so everyone compares to gold. We may use dollars, or pounds, whatever country you live in, but there is still a base currency. CE happens to be that currency in SK. Hold onto what you like, but I think most find more comfort in holding onto the thing that will never ever be too devalued; the one that costs real money to generate.
Is it viable to buy ce on the little cr that I have and grind?
That's kind of the point. On a normal run, you should gain enough crowns to buy another 100 Crystal Energy.