What is everybody complaining about: Silver keys price, accessories, and shadow keys, mainly the gambling nature of these.
Qutting, raging, and generally causing a mess.
But you MUST get that stuff? No. It's optional and only for rich butts.
As an example, let's say there was a rather expensive lottery, aimed for rich people, in which you could win fancy stuff, paintings or whatever. So now EVERYBODY would start rioting and committing suicide because of this? Lol. That's silly. Can't afford it, don't do it.
Shadow keys... let's say that in the lottery there was also a chance at obtaining a fancy, exclusive vacation that everybody talks about. Can't buy the vacation? RAAAAAAAAAGE suicide.
Now isn't that silly?
Well I think other analogies could be made. For example, what if you went to an arcade in town and one section of the arcade wouldn't let you through unless you played and won at their slot machine? The fact is there is gameplay and game content being barred by a gambling aspect.
I really don't think it helps to antagonize other players for complaining. I think we can be a bit more mature than that.